throw new StatusException("Can't create component", e);
// fill recorder with content. It's needed for XIndexReplace
URL dispURL = utils.parseURL((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF(), ".uno:InsertDateField");
PropertyValue prop = new PropertyValue();
prop.Name = "Text";
prop.Value = "XDispatchRecorder.recordDispatch()";
PropertyValue[] dispArgs = new PropertyValue[] {prop};
xDR.recordDispatch(dispURL, dispArgs);
TestEnvironment tEnv = new TestEnvironment( oObj );
// INSTANCEn : _XIndexReplace
log.println("adding INSTANCEn as obj relation to environment");
int THRCNT = 1;
if (Param.get("THRCNT")!= null) {
THRCNT = Integer.parseInt((String) Param.get("THRCNT"));
URL instanceURL = null;
DispatchStatement instance = new DispatchStatement();
PropertyValue dispProp = new PropertyValue();
for (int n = 1; n < (THRCNT + 1); n++) {
log.println("adding INSTANCE" + n +