new Long(666L),
new Short((short)444),
new String("blabla"),
new Integer(10), // Any as object
new Integer(10), // Any as object
new Any(new Type(Integer.class), new Integer(10)), // Any as Any
new Any(new Type(Integer.class), new Integer(10)), // Any as Any
new TestPrimitiveStruct(),
x, //new TestPrimitiveSeqStruct(),
new byte[]{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, // primitive sequence
new int[]{7,6,5,4,3,2,1}, // primitive sequence
new Object[]{new Integer(123), new String("hallo")}, // any sequence
new TestPrimitiveStruct[]{new TestPrimitiveStruct(), new TestPrimitiveStruct()}, // sequence of primitive structs
new TestPrimitiveSeqStruct[]{new TestPrimitiveSeqStruct(), new TestPrimitiveSeqStruct()}, // sequence of primitive structs
new TestNestedStruct(),
new TestNestedSeqStruct(),
new Type(Void.class),
new Type(String.class),
new Type(Object.class),
new Type(Byte.class),
new Type(Integer.class),
new Type(Double.class),
new Type(Float.class),
new Type(Character.class),
new Type(Short.class),
new Type(Boolean.class),
new Type(void.class),
new Type(byte.class),
new Type(int.class),
new Type(double.class),
new Type(float.class),
new Type(char.class),
new Type(short.class),
new Type(boolean.class),
new Type(Class.forName("[Ljava.lang.String;")),
new Type(Class.forName("[Ljava.lang.Object;")),
new Type(Class.forName("[B")),
new Type(Class.forName("[Z")),
new Type("boolean"),
new Type("byte"),
new Type("char"),
new Type("short"),
new Type("long"),
new Type("hyper"),
new Type("float"),
new Type("double"),
new Type("string"),
new Type("void"),
new Type("any"),
new Type(
"", TypeClass.ENUM),
new Type("[]boolean", TypeClass.SEQUENCE),
new Type("[][]byte", TypeClass.SEQUENCE),
new Type("[][][]char", TypeClass.SEQUENCE),
new Type("[][][][]short", TypeClass.SEQUENCE),
new Type("[][][][][]any", TypeClass.SEQUENCE),
new Type("", TypeClass.INTERFACE),
new Type("[]", TypeClass.SEQUENCE),
new TestInterfaceStruct(testObject, null)