// load the old document, and verify there is *no* table therein
impl_switchToDocument( oldDocumentURL );
assure( "could not connect to " + m_database.getDocumentURL(), m_documentUI.isConnected() );
XTablesSupplier suppTables = (XTablesSupplier)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XTablesSupplier.class,
m_documentUI.getActiveConnection() );
XNameAccess tables = suppTables.getTables();
assure( "the table was created in the wrong database", !tables.hasByName( "abc" ) );
// load the new document, and verify there *is* a table therein
impl_switchToDocument( newDocumentURL );
assure( "could not connect to " + m_database.getDocumentURL(), m_documentUI.isConnected() );
suppTables = (XTablesSupplier)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XTablesSupplier.class,
m_documentUI.getActiveConnection() );
tables = suppTables.getTables();
assure( "the newly created table has not been written", tables.hasByName( "abc" ) );