
Examples of

                cl = ClassLoaderFactory.getURLClassLoader( metaData );
                sourceUrl = metaData.getSourceURL();
            catch ( mfu )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    mfu.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.MALFORMED_URL );
            catch ( nsc )
                // Framework error
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    nsc.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
            Context ctxt = null;

                String editorURL = sourceUrl.toString();
                Object result = null;
                String source = null;
                ScriptEditorForJavaScript editor =
                        metaData.getSourceURL() );

                if (editor != null)
                    editorURL = editor.getURL();
                    result = editor.execute();
                    if ( result != null  &&
                         result.getClass().getName().equals( "org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined" ) )
                        // Always return a string
                        // TODO revisit
                        return Context.toString( result );

                if (editor != null && editor.isModified() == true)
                    LogUtils.DEBUG("GOT A MODIFIED SOURCE");
                    source = editor.getText();
                    source =  metaData.getSource();


                if ( source == null || source.length() == 0 ) {
                    throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                        "Failed to read source data for script", null,
                        metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                        ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );

                /* Set the context ClassLoader on the current thread to
                   be our custom ClassLoader. This is the suggested method
                   for setting up a ClassLoader to be used by the Rhino
                if (cl != null) {

                // Initialize a Rhino Context object
                ctxt = Context.enter();

                /* The ImporterTopLevel ensures that importClass and
                   importPackage statements work in Javascript scripts
                   Make the XScriptContext available as a global variable
                   to the script
                ImporterTopLevel scope = new ImporterTopLevel(ctxt);

                Scriptable jsCtxt = Context.toObject(
                       m_xModel, m_xInvocContext, m_xContext,
                       m_xMultiComponentFactory), scope);
                scope.put("XSCRIPTCONTEXT", scope, jsCtxt);

                Scriptable jsArgs = Context.toObject(params, scope);
                scope.put("ARGUMENTS", scope, jsArgs);

                result = ctxt.evaluateString(scope,
                        source, "<stdin>", 1, null);
                result = ctxt.toString(result);
        return result;
            catch (JavaScriptException jse) {
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "Caught JavaScriptException exception for JavaScript type = " + jse.getClass() );
                String message = jse.getMessage();
                //int lineNo = jse.getLineNumber();
                Object wrap = jse.getValue();
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t message  " + message );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t wrapped type " + wrap.getClass() );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t wrapped toString  " + wrap.toString() );
                ScriptExceptionRaisedException se = new
                    ScriptExceptionRaisedException( message );
                se.lineNum = -1;
                se.language = "JavaScript";
                se.scriptName = metaData.getLanguageName();
                se.exceptionType = wrap.getClass().getName();
                se.language = metaData.getLanguage();
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "ExceptionRaised exception  "  );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t message  " + se.getMessage() );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t lineNum  " + se.lineNum );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t language  " + se.language );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t scriptName  " + se.scriptName );
                raiseEditor( se.lineNum );
                throw new InvocationTargetException( "JavaScript uncaught exception" + metaData.getLanguageName(), null, se );
            catch (Exception ex) {
                LogUtils.DEBUG("Caught Exception " + ex );
                LogUtils.DEBUG("rethrowing as ScriptFramework error"  );
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    ex.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
            finally {
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                ScriptImpl script = new ScriptImpl( m_xContext, scriptData, m_xModel, m_xInvocContext );
                return script;
            catch ( re )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException( "Failed to create script object: " + re.getMessage(),
                    null, scriptData.getLanguageName(), language, ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
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                script = new ScriptImpl( m_xContext, m_resolutionPolicy, scriptData, m_xModel, m_xInvocContext );
                return script;
            catch ( re )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException( "Failed to create script object: " + re.getMessage(),
                    null, scriptData.getLanguageName(), language, ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );

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                sourceUrl = metaData.getSourceURL();
            catch ( mfu )
                // Framework error
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    mfu.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.MALFORMED_URL );
            catch ( NoSuitableClassLoaderException nsc )
                // Framework error
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    nsc.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
            // Set class loader to be used for class files
            // and jar files
            Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter();

            // Set class loader to be used by interpreter
            // to look for classes by source e.g. interpreter
            // will use this classloader to search classpath
            // for source file ( ) on import or reference
            try {
                    ScriptContext.createContext(m_xModel, m_xInvocContext,
                        m_xContext, m_xMultiComponentFactory));

                interpreter.set("ARGUMENTS", aParams);
            catch (bsh.EvalError e) {
                // Framework error setting up context
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    e.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );

            try {
                String source = null;
                Object result = null;

                ScriptEditorForBeanShell editor =
                       sourceUrl );

                if ( editor != null )
                    result = editor.execute();

                    if (result == null)
                        return new Any(new Type(), null);
                    return result;

                source = metaData.getSource();

                if ( source == null || source.length() == 0 )
                  throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                        "Failed to read script", null,
                      metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                      ScriptFrameworkErrorType.NO_SUCH_SCRIPT );
                result = interpreter.eval( source );

                if (result == null)
                    return new Any(new Type(), null);
                return result;
            catch ( bsh.ParseException pe )
                throw new InvocationTargetException( "Beanshell failed to parse " + metaData.getLanguageName(), null, processBshException( pe, metaData.getLanguageName() ) );
            catch ( bsh.TargetError te )
                throw new InvocationTargetException( "Beanshell uncaught exception for " + metaData.getLanguageName(), null, processBshException( te, metaData.getLanguageName() ) );
            catch ( bsh.EvalError ex )
                throw new InvocationTargetException( "Beanshell error for " + metaData.getLanguageName(), null, processBshException( ex, metaData.getLanguageName() ) );
            catch ( Exception e )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    "Failed to read script", null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
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                LogUtils.DEBUG( "Classloader finished..." );
            catch (MalformedURLException mfe )
                // Framework error
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    mfe.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.MALFORMED_URL );               
            catch (NoSuitableClassLoaderException ncl )
                // Framework error
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    ncl.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
            catch (ArrayStoreException e )
                // Framework error
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    e.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );

            ArrayList invocationArgList = new ArrayList();
            Object[] invocationArgs = null;

            LogUtils.DEBUG( "Parameter Mapping..." );

            // Setup Context Object
            XScriptContext xSc = ScriptContext.createContext(m_xModel, m_xInvocContext,
                m_xContext, m_xMultiComponentFactory);
            scriptDesc.addArgumentType( XScriptContext.class );
            invocationArgList.add( xSc );

            for ( int i = 0; i < params.length; i++ )
                scriptDesc.addArgumentType( params[ i ].getClass() );
                invocationArgList.add( params[ i ] );

            if ( !invocationArgList.isEmpty() )
                invocationArgs = invocationArgList.toArray();


            LogUtils.DEBUG( "ScriptProxy starting... " );
            ScriptProxy script = null;
                String className = metaData.getLanguageName().substring( 0,
                    metaData.getLanguageName().lastIndexOf( '.' ) );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "About to load Class " + className + " starting... " );

                long start = new java.util.Date().getTime();
                Class c = scriptLoader.loadClass( className );
                long end = new java.util.Date().getTime();

                LogUtils.DEBUG("loadClass took: " + String.valueOf(end - start) +

                    LogUtils.DEBUG( "class loaded ... " );
                    script = m_resolutionPolicy.getProxy( scriptDesc, c );
                    LogUtils.DEBUG( "script resolved ... " );
                catch( NoSuchMethodException e )
                    // Framework error
                    throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                        e.getMessage(), null,
                        metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                        ScriptFrameworkErrorType.NO_SUCH_SCRIPT );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                // Framework error
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    e.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.NO_SUCH_SCRIPT );

            LogUtils.DEBUG( "Starting Invoke on Proxy ..." );
            Object result = null;

                long start = new java.util.Date().getTime();
                result = script.invoke( invocationArgs );
                long end = new java.util.Date().getTime();

                LogUtils.DEBUG("invoke took: " +
                    String.valueOf(end - start) + "milliseconds");
            catch ( java.lang.IllegalArgumentException iae )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    iae.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
            catch ( java.lang.IllegalAccessException ia )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    ia.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
            catch ( java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ite )
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            details = m_container.parseScriptUri( scriptURI );
            ScriptMetaData scriptData = m_container.findScript( details );
            if ( scriptData == null )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException( details.function + " does not exist",
                    null, details.function, language, ScriptFrameworkErrorType.NO_SUCH_SCRIPT );
            return scriptData;
        catch ila )
            // TODO specify the correct error Type
            throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException( ila.getMessage(),
                null, scriptURI, language, ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
        catch ( nse )
            throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException( nse.getMessage(),
                null, details.function, language, ScriptFrameworkErrorType.NO_SUCH_SCRIPT );
        catch ( wta )
            // TODO specify the correct error Type
            Exception wrapped = (Exception)wta.TargetException;
            String message = wta.getMessage();
            if ( wrapped != null )
                message = wrapped.getMessage();
            throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException( message,
                null, details.function, language, ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );

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                ScriptImpl script = new ScriptImpl( m_xContext, scriptData, m_xModel, m_xInvocContext );
                return script;
            catch ( re )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException( "Failed to create script object: " + re.getMessage(),
                    null, scriptData.getLanguageName(), language, ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
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                cl = ClassLoaderFactory.getURLClassLoader( metaData );
                sourceUrl = metaData.getSourceURL();
            catch ( mfu )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    mfu.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.MALFORMED_URL );
            catch ( nsc )
                // Framework error
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    nsc.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
            Context ctxt = null;

                String editorURL = sourceUrl.toString();
                Object result = null;
                String source = null;
                ScriptEditorForJavaScript editor =
                        metaData.getSourceURL() );

                if (editor != null)
                    editorURL = editor.getURL();
                    result = editor.execute();
                    if ( result != null  &&
                         result.getClass().getName().equals( "org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined" ) )
                        // Always return a string
                        // TODO revisit
                        return Context.toString( result );

                if (editor != null && editor.isModified() == true)
                    LogUtils.DEBUG("GOT A MODIFIED SOURCE");
                    source = editor.getText();
                    source =  metaData.getSource();


                if ( source == null || source.length() == 0 ) {
                    throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                        "Failed to read source data for script", null,
                        metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                        ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );

                /* Set the context ClassLoader on the current thread to
                   be our custom ClassLoader. This is the suggested method
                   for setting up a ClassLoader to be used by the Rhino
                if (cl != null) {

                // Initialize a Rhino Context object
                ctxt = Context.enter();

                /* The ImporterTopLevel ensures that importClass and
                   importPackage statements work in Javascript scripts
                   Make the XScriptContext available as a global variable
                   to the script
                ImporterTopLevel scope = new ImporterTopLevel(ctxt);

                Scriptable jsCtxt = Context.toObject(
                       m_xModel, m_xInvocContext, m_xContext,
                       m_xMultiComponentFactory), scope);
                scope.put("XSCRIPTCONTEXT", scope, jsCtxt);

                Scriptable jsArgs = Context.toObject(params, scope);
                scope.put("ARGUMENTS", scope, jsArgs);

                result = ctxt.evaluateString(scope,
                        source, "<stdin>", 1, null);
                result = ctxt.toString(result);
        return result;
            catch (JavaScriptException jse) {
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "Caught JavaScriptException exception for JavaScript type = " + jse.getClass() );
                String message = jse.getMessage();
                int lineNo = jse.lineNumber();
                Object wrap = jse.getValue();
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t message  " + message );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t wrapped type " + wrap.getClass() );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t wrapped toString  " + wrap.toString() );
                ScriptExceptionRaisedException se = new
                    ScriptExceptionRaisedException( message );
                se.lineNum = lineNo;
                se.language = "JavaScript";
                se.scriptName = metaData.getLanguageName();
                se.exceptionType = wrap.getClass().getName();
                se.language = metaData.getLanguage();
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "ExceptionRaised exception  "  );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t message  " + se.getMessage() );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t lineNum  " + se.lineNum );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t language  " + se.language );
                LogUtils.DEBUG( "\t scriptName  " + se.scriptName );
                raiseEditor( se.lineNum );
                throw new InvocationTargetException( "JavaScript uncaught exception" + metaData.getLanguageName(), null, se );
            catch (Exception ex) {
                LogUtils.DEBUG("Caught Exception " + ex );
                LogUtils.DEBUG("rethrowing as ScriptFramework error"  );
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException(
                    ex.getMessage(), null,
                    metaData.getLanguageName(), metaData.getLanguage(),
                    ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
            finally {
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                ScriptImpl script = new ScriptImpl( m_xContext, scriptData, m_xModel );
                return script;
            catch ( re )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException( "Failed to create script object: " + re.getMessage(),
                    null, scriptData.getLanguageName(), language, ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
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                ScriptImpl script = new ScriptImpl( m_xContext, scriptData, m_xModel );
                return script;
            catch ( re )
                throw new ScriptFrameworkErrorException( "Failed to create script object: " + re.getMessage(),
                    null, scriptData.getLanguageName(), language, ScriptFrameworkErrorType.UNKNOWN );
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