ShapeHelper.addPortion( xTextObj, aNameArray[ i ], true );
/* create two custom shows, one will play slide 6 to 10 and is named "ShortVersion"
the other one will play slide 2 til 10 and is named "LongVersion" */
XCustomPresentationSupplier xCustPresSupplier = (XCustomPresentationSupplier)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XCustomPresentationSupplier.class, xDrawDoc );
/* the following container is a container for further container
which concludes the list of pages that are to play within a custom show */
XNameContainer xNameContainer = xCustPresSupplier.getCustomPresentations();
XSingleServiceFactory xFactory = (XSingleServiceFactory)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XSingleServiceFactory.class, xNameContainer );
Object xObj;
XIndexContainer xContainer;