
Examples of

                                    params.put("UNO_TYPES", unoTypes);
                                    params.put("UNO_SERVICES", unoServices);
                                    XComponentContext context = Bootstrap.
                                            null, params);
                                    XMultiComponentFactory factory
                                        = context.getServiceManager();
                                    XImplementationLoader loader
                                        = (XImplementationLoader)
                                                + "SharedLibrary",
                                    XSingleComponentFactory factory2
                                        = (XSingleComponentFactory)
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       private XToolkit queryAWTToolkit()
      // Create a UNO toolkit.
      XMultiComponentFactory  compfactory;
      XComponentContext xContext = mConnection.getComponentContext();
      if ( xContext != null )
        compfactory     = mConnection.getComponentContext().getServiceManager();
        XMultiServiceFactory    factory;
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      // create default local component context
      XComponentContext xLocalContext =
      // initial serviceManager
      XMultiComponentFactory xLocalServiceManager = xLocalContext.getServiceManager();
      // try to connect to soffice
      Object aInitialObject = null;
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        Object rootObject = null;
        XBridgeFactory xBridgeFactory= null;
        XMultiComponentFactory xLocalServiceManager = xLocalContext.getServiceManager();
        try {
            xBridgeFactory = (XBridgeFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                        "", xLocalContext));
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new;
        synchronized(this) {
            if(mBridge == null) {
                Object connector= null;
                try {
                    connector = xLocalServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
                            "", xLocalContext);
                } catch ( e) {
                    throw new;
                XConnector connector_xConnector = (XConnector)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XConnector.class, connector);
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       null );
            /* Gets the service manager instance to be used (or null). This method has
               been added for convenience, because the service manager is a often used
               object. */
            XMultiComponentFactory xmulticomponentfactory =
            /* Creates an instance of the component UnoUrlResolver which
               supports the services specified by the factory. */
            Object objectUrlResolver =
                    "", xcomponentcontext );
            // Create a new url resolver
            XUnoUrlResolver xurlresolver = ( XUnoUrlResolver )
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XUnoUrlResolver.class,
                                           objectUrlResolver );
            // Resolves an object that is specified as follow:
            // uno:<connection description>;<protocol description>;<initial object name>
            Object objectInitial = xurlresolver.resolve(
                "uno:socket,host=" + stringHost + ",port=" + stringPort +
                ";urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager" );
            // Create a service manager from the initial object
            xmulticomponentfactory = ( XMultiComponentFactory )
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XMultiComponentFactory.class, objectInitial );
            // Query for the XPropertySet interface.
            XPropertySet xpropertysetMultiComponentFactory = ( XPropertySet )
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xmulticomponentfactory );
            // Get the default context from the office server.
            Object objectDefaultContext =
                xpropertysetMultiComponentFactory.getPropertyValue( "DefaultContext" );
            // Query for the interface XComponentContext.
            xcomponentcontext = ( XComponentContext ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XComponentContext.class, objectDefaultContext );
            /* A desktop environment contains tasks with one or more
               frames in which components can be loaded. Desktop is the
               environment for components which can instanciate within
               frames. */
            XComponentLoader xcomponentloader = ( XComponentLoader )
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XComponentLoader.class,
                                               "", xcomponentcontext ) );
            // Preparing properties for loading the document
            PropertyValue propertyvalue[] = new PropertyValue[ 1 ];
            // Setting the flag for hidding the open document
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        // Get component context
        final XComponentContext xcomponentcontext =

        // initial serviceManager
        final XMultiComponentFactory xLocalServiceManager = xcomponentcontext.getServiceManager();

        // create a connector, so that it can contact the office
//        XUnoUrlResolver urlResolver = UnoUrlResolver.create(xcomponentcontext);
        final Object xUrlResolver = xLocalServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
            "", xcomponentcontext);
        final XUnoUrlResolver urlResolver = (XUnoUrlResolver) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XUnoUrlResolver.class, xUrlResolver);

        final Object rInitialObject = urlResolver.resolve(connectStr);
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    /** method for creating a dialog at runtime
    private XDialog createDialog() throws {

        // get the service manager from the component context
        XMultiComponentFactory xMultiComponentFactory = _xComponentContext.getServiceManager();
        // create the dialog model and set the properties
        Object dialogModel = xMultiComponentFactory.createInstanceWithContext(
            "", _xComponentContext );
        XPropertySet xPSetDialog = ( XPropertySet )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPropertySet.class, dialogModel );     
        xPSetDialog.setPropertyValue( "PositionX", new Integer( dialogX) );
        xPSetDialog.setPropertyValue( "PositionY", new Integer( dialogY));
        xPSetDialog.setPropertyValue( "Width", new Integer( dialogW+cbIncrW ));
        xPSetDialog.setPropertyValue( "Height", new Integer( dialogH+cbIncrH ));
        xPSetDialog.setPropertyValue( "Title", _title );

        // get the service manager from the dialog model
        XMultiServiceFactory xMultiServiceFactory = ( XMultiServiceFactory )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XMultiServiceFactory.class, dialogModel );
        // create the Run Macro button model and set the properties
        Object runButtonModel = xMultiServiceFactory.createInstance(
            "" );
        XPropertySet xPSetButton = ( XPropertySet )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPropertySet.class, runButtonModel );
        LogUtils.DEBUG("run: x="+(((dialogW+cbIncrW)/2)-runButtonW -1) );
        LogUtils.DEBUG("run: y="+(dialogH+cbIncrH-runButtonH-1));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "PositionX", new Integer( (((dialogW+cbIncrW)/2)-runButtonW -1) ));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "PositionY", new Integer( dialogH+cbIncrH-runButtonH-1));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "Width", new Integer( runButtonW ));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "Height", new Integer( runButtonH ));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "Name", _runButtonName );
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "TabIndex", new Short( (short)1 ) );
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "Label", _runMacro );
        // create the Dont Run Macro button model and set the properties
        Object doNotRunButtonModel = xMultiServiceFactory.createInstance(
            "" );
        xPSetButton = ( XPropertySet )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XPropertySet.class, doNotRunButtonModel );
        LogUtils.DEBUG("dontrun: x="+(((dialogW+cbIncrW)/2)-1) );
        LogUtils.DEBUG("dontrun: y="+(dialogH+cbIncrH-doNotRunButtonH-1 ));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "PositionX", new Integer(  (((dialogW+cbIncrW)/2) + 1) ));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "PositionY", new Integer(  (dialogH+cbIncrH-doNotRunButtonH-1 ) ));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "Width", new Integer( doNotRunButtonW ));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "Height", new Integer( doNotRunButtonH ));
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "Name", _doNotRunButtonName );
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "TabIndex", new Short( (short)0 ) );
        xPSetButton.setPropertyValue( "Label", _doNotRunMacro );
        // insert the control models into the dialog model
        XNameContainer xNameCont = ( XNameContainer )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XNameContainer.class, dialogModel );
        xNameCont.insertByName( _runButtonName, runButtonModel );
        xNameCont.insertByName( _doNotRunButtonName, doNotRunButtonModel );

        if ( checkBoxDialog )
            LogUtils.DEBUG("creating label & checkbox");
            // create the label model and set the properties
            Object label2Model = xMultiServiceFactory.createInstance(
                "" );
            XPropertySet xPSetLabel = ( XPropertySet )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, label2Model );
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "PositionX", new Integer( label2X ));
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "PositionY", new Integer( label2Y ));
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "Width", new Integer( label2W ));
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "Height", new Integer( label2H ));
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "Name", _label2Name );
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "TabIndex", new Short( (short)1 ) );
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "Label", _label2String );

            // create the label model and set the properties
            Object label3Model = xMultiServiceFactory.createInstance(
                "" );
            XPropertySet xPSetLabel3 = ( XPropertySet )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, label3Model );
            xPSetLabel3.setPropertyValue( "PositionX", new Integer( label3X ));
            xPSetLabel3.setPropertyValue( "PositionY", new Integer( label3Y ));
            xPSetLabel3.setPropertyValue( "Width", new Integer( label3W ));
            xPSetLabel3.setPropertyValue( "Height", new Integer( label3H ));
            xPSetLabel3.setPropertyValue( "Name", _label3Name );
            xPSetLabel3.setPropertyValue( "TabIndex", new Short( (short)1 ) );
            xPSetLabel3.setPropertyValue( "Label", _label3String );

            // create the label model and set the properties
            Object label4Model = xMultiServiceFactory.createInstance(
                "" );
            XPropertySet xPSetLabel4 = ( XPropertySet )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, label4Model );
            xPSetLabel4.setPropertyValue( "PositionX", new Integer( label4X ));
            xPSetLabel4.setPropertyValue( "PositionY", new Integer( label4Y ));
            xPSetLabel4.setPropertyValue( "Width", new Integer( label4W ));
            xPSetLabel4.setPropertyValue( "Height", new Integer( label4H ));
            xPSetLabel4.setPropertyValue( "Name", _label4Name );
            xPSetLabel4.setPropertyValue( "TabIndex", new Short( (short)1 ) );
            xPSetLabel4.setPropertyValue( "Label", _label4String );

            // create the checkbox model and set the properties
            Object checkBoxModel = xMultiServiceFactory.createInstance(
                "" );
            XPropertySet xPSetCheckBox = ( XPropertySet )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, checkBoxModel );
            xPSetCheckBox.setPropertyValue( "PositionX", new Integer( checkBoxX ));
            xPSetCheckBox.setPropertyValue( "PositionY", new Integer( checkBoxY ));
            xPSetCheckBox.setPropertyValue( "Width", new Integer( checkBoxW ));
            xPSetCheckBox.setPropertyValue( "Height", new Integer( checkBoxH ));
            xPSetCheckBox.setPropertyValue( "State", new Short((short)0) );
            xPSetCheckBox.setPropertyValue( "Name", _checkBoxName );
            xPSetCheckBox.setPropertyValue( "TabIndex", new Short( (short)1 ) );
            xPSetCheckBox.setPropertyValue( "Label", new String(_checkBoxString +checkBoxPath) );

            // insert the control models into the dialog model
            xNameCont.insertByName( _label2Name, label2Model );
            xNameCont.insertByName( _label3Name, label3Model );
            xNameCont.insertByName( _label4Name, label4Model );
            xNameCont.insertByName( _checkBoxName, checkBoxModel );

            if ( extraPathLine == true )
            // create the label model and set the properties
            Object label5Model = xMultiServiceFactory.createInstance(
                "" );
            XPropertySet xPSetLabel5 = ( XPropertySet )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, label5Model );
            xPSetLabel5.setPropertyValue( "PositionX", new Integer( label5X ));
            xPSetLabel5.setPropertyValue( "PositionY", new Integer( label5Y ));
            xPSetLabel5.setPropertyValue( "Width", new Integer( label5W ));
            xPSetLabel5.setPropertyValue( "Height", new Integer( label5H ));
            xPSetLabel5.setPropertyValue( "Name", _label5Name );
            xPSetLabel5.setPropertyValue( "TabIndex", new Short( (short)1 ) );
            xPSetLabel5.setPropertyValue( "Label", checkBoxPath2 );
            xNameCont.insertByName( _label5Name, label5Model );
            // create the label model and set the properties
            Object labelModel = xMultiServiceFactory.createInstance(
                "" );
            XPropertySet xPSetLabel = ( XPropertySet )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XPropertySet.class, labelModel );
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "PositionX", new Integer( label1X ));
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "PositionY", new Integer( label1Y ));
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "Width", new Integer( label1W ));
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "Height", new Integer( label1H ));
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "Name", _label1Name );
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "TabIndex", new Short( (short)1 ) );
            xPSetLabel.setPropertyValue( "Label", _label1String );

            // insert the control models into the dialog model
            xNameCont.insertByName( _label1Name, labelModel );
        // create the dialog control and set the model
        Object dialog = xMultiComponentFactory.createInstanceWithContext(
            "", _xComponentContext );
        XControl xControl = ( XControl )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XControl.class, dialog );
        XControlModel xControlModel = ( XControlModel )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XControlModel.class, dialogModel );     
        xControl.setModel( xControlModel );
        // add an action listener to the button control
        XControlContainer xControlCont = ( XControlContainer )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XControlContainer.class, dialog );     

        // Add to yes button
        Object objectButton = xControlCont.getControl( _runButtonName );
        XButton xButton = ( XButton )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XButton.class, objectButton );
        xButton.addActionListener( new ActionListenerImpl( xControlCont, _runButtonName ) );

        // add to no button
        objectButton = xControlCont.getControl( _doNotRunButtonName );
        xButton = ( XButton )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XButton.class, objectButton );
        xButton.addActionListener( new ActionListenerImpl( xControlCont, _doNotRunButtonName ) );
        if ( checkBoxDialog )
            // add to checkbox
            Object objectCheckBox = xControlCont.getControl( _checkBoxName );
            XCheckBox xCheckBox = ( XCheckBox )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XCheckBox.class, objectCheckBox );
            xCheckBox.addItemListener((XItemListener) new ItemListenerImpl( xControlCont ) );
        // create a peer
        Object toolkit = xMultiComponentFactory.createInstanceWithContext(
            "", _xComponentContext );     
        XToolkit xToolkit = ( XToolkit )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XToolkit.class, toolkit );
        XWindow xWindow = ( XWindow )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XWindow.class, xControl );
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            catch(Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Could not get XComponentContext. Maybe you must add program folder to LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
                return null;
            XMultiComponentFactory xMCF = xContext.getServiceManager();
            xMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                                XMultiServiceFactory.class, xMCF);
        return xMSF;
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    public static XMultiServiceFactory connect(String connectStr) throws,, Exception {
        XComponentContext xcomponentcontext = null;
        XMultiComponentFactory xMultiComponentFactory = getMultiComponentFactory();
        // create a connector, so that it can contact the office
        Object xUrlResolver = xMultiComponentFactory.createInstanceWithContext("", xcomponentcontext);
        XUnoUrlResolver urlResolver = (XUnoUrlResolver) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XUnoUrlResolver.class, xUrlResolver);
        Object rInitialObject = urlResolver.resolve(connectStr);
        XNamingService rName = (XNamingService) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamingService.class, rInitialObject);
        XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = null;
        if (rName != null) {
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    synchronized protected static XPasswordContainer GetPasswordContainer( XComponentContext xContext )
        if ( m_xPasswordContainer == null && xContext != null )
            XMultiComponentFactory xFactory = xContext.getServiceManager();
            if ( xFactory != null )
                m_xPasswordContainer = (XPasswordContainer)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                                        xFactory.createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext ) );

        if ( m_xPasswordContainer == null )
            throw new;
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