XLoadable.class, oTextDocument );
m_aTestHelper.Message ( "New document initialized." );
//store the instance to the temporary file URL
XStorable xStorable = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
XStorable.class, oTextDocument );
String sURL = AnyConverter.toString ( xTempFile.getUri () );
PropertyValue aProps[] = new PropertyValue[2];
aProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
aProps[0].Name = "DocumentTitle";
aProps[0].Value = sDocTitle[i];
aProps[1] = new PropertyValue();
aProps[1].Name = "FilterName";
aProps[1].Value = sFilterName[i];
m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Set title: " +
sDocTitle[i] );
xStorable.storeToURL ( sURL, aProps );
m_aTestHelper.Message ( "Document stored." );
//create StandaloneDocumentInfo object and load it from the file
Object oStandaloneDocInfo = m_xMSF.createInstance (
"com.sun.star.document.StandaloneDocumentInfo" );