LineMap lineMap = cu.getLineMap();
int indexesIndex = 0;
int from = indexes[indexesIndex];
int to = indexes[indexesIndex + 1];
for (int treeIndex = 0; treeIndex < length; treeIndex++) {
Tree node = treeNodes.get(treeIndex);
Tree.Kind kind = node.getKind();
EditorContext.Operation op = null;
if (kind.equals(Tree.Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION) ||
kind.equals(Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS)) {
int opcode;
do {
do {
opcode = bytecodes[from] & 0xFF;
if (isMethodCall(opcode)) {
from += getInstrSize(opcode, bytecodes, from);
} while (from < to);
if (from < to) {
if ((indexesIndex + 2) < indexes.length) {
indexesIndex += 2;
from = indexes[indexesIndex];
to = indexes[indexesIndex + 1];
} else {
} while (true);
if (from < to) { // We have the method call
if (!ci.getTreeUtilities().isSynthetic(ci.getTrees().getPath(cu, node))) {
int pos = (int) sp.getStartPosition(cu, node);
EditorContext.Position startPosition =
(int) lineMap.getLineNumber(pos),
(int) lineMap.getColumnNumber(pos)
pos = (int) sp.getEndPosition(cu, node);
EditorContext.Position endPosition =
(int) lineMap.getLineNumber(pos),
(int) lineMap.getColumnNumber(pos)
Tree identifier;
String methodName;
String methodClassType;
boolean getStartPosFromMethodLength = false;
if (kind.equals(Tree.Kind.NEW_CLASS)) {
identifier = ((NewClassTree) node).getIdentifier();
methodName = "<init>";
TreePath iPath = TreePath.getPath(cu, identifier);
TypeMirror type = trees.getTypeMirror(iPath);
if (type.getKind() == TypeKind.ERROR) {
// There are errors, give it up.
return null;
assert type.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED;
TypeElement te = (TypeElement) types.asElement(type);
methodClassType = ElementUtilities.getBinaryName(te);
} else {
//identifier = ((MemberSelectTree) ((MethodInvocationTree) node).getMethodSelect()).getIdentifier();
identifier = ((MethodInvocationTree) node).getMethodSelect();
if (identifier.getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER) {
methodName = ((IdentifierTree) identifier).getName().toString();
TreePath iPath = TreePath.getPath(cu, identifier);
TypeElement te = trees.getScope(iPath).getEnclosingClass();
if (te == null) {
// No enclosing class? Some error, give it up.