Attr attrNode = (Attr)attributes.getNamedItemNS("", "base");
if (attrNode != null) {
String uri = attrNode.getNodeValue();
if (uri.length() != 0 ) {// attribute value is always empty string
try {
uri = new URI(uri).toString();
catch ( e) {
// This may be a relative URI.
// Start from the base URI of the parent, or if this node has no parent, the owner node.
NodeImpl parentOrOwner = (parentNode() != null) ? parentNode() : ownerNode;
// Make any parentURI into a URI object to use with the URI(URI, String) constructor.
String parentBaseURI = (parentOrOwner != null) ? parentOrOwner.getBaseURI() : null;
if (parentBaseURI != null) {
try {
uri = new URI(new URI(parentBaseURI), uri).toString();
catch ( ex){
// This should never happen: parent should have checked the URI and returned null if invalid.
return null;
return uri;
// REVISIT: what should happen in this case?
return null;
return uri;
//2.the base URI of the element's parent element within the document or external entity,
//if one exists
String parentElementBaseURI = (this.parentNode() != null) ? this.parentNode().getBaseURI() : null ;
//base URI of parent element is not null
if(parentElementBaseURI != null){
try {
//return valid absolute base URI
return new URI(parentElementBaseURI).toString();
catch ( e){
// REVISIT: what should happen in this case?
return null;
//3. the base URI of the document entity or external entity containing the element
String baseURI = (this.ownerNode != null) ? this.ownerNode.getBaseURI() : null ;
if(baseURI != null){
try {
//return valid absolute base URI
return new URI(baseURI).toString();
catch ( e){
// REVISIT: what should happen in this case?
return null;