void applyFacets(XSFacets facets, short presentFacet, short fixedFacet, short patternType, ValidationContext context)
throws InvalidDatatypeFacetException {
// if the object is immutable, should not apply facets...
if(fIsImmutable) return;
ValidatedInfo tempInfo = new ValidatedInfo();
// clear facets. because we always inherit facets in the constructor
// REVISIT: in fact, we don't need to clear them.
// we can convert 5 string values (4 bounds + 1 enum) to actual values,
// store them somewhere, then do facet checking at once, instead of
// going through the following steps. (lots of checking are redundant:
// for example, ((presentFacet & FACET_XXX) != 0))
fFacetsDefined = 0;
fFixedFacet = 0;
int result = 0 ;
// step 1: parse present facets
short allowedFacet = fDVs[fValidationDV].getAllowedFacets();
// length
if ((presentFacet & FACET_LENGTH) != 0) {
if ((allowedFacet & FACET_LENGTH) == 0) {
reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"length", fTypeName});
} else {
fLength = facets.length;
lengthAnnotation = facets.lengthAnnotation;
fFacetsDefined |= FACET_LENGTH;
if ((fixedFacet & FACET_LENGTH) != 0)
fFixedFacet |= FACET_LENGTH;
// minLength
if ((presentFacet & FACET_MINLENGTH) != 0) {
if ((allowedFacet & FACET_MINLENGTH) == 0) {
reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"minLength", fTypeName});
} else {
fMinLength = facets.minLength;
minLengthAnnotation = facets.minLengthAnnotation;
fFacetsDefined |= FACET_MINLENGTH;
if ((fixedFacet & FACET_MINLENGTH) != 0)
// maxLength
if ((presentFacet & FACET_MAXLENGTH) != 0) {
if ((allowedFacet & FACET_MAXLENGTH) == 0) {
reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"maxLength", fTypeName});
} else {
fMaxLength = facets.maxLength;
maxLengthAnnotation = facets.maxLengthAnnotation;
fFacetsDefined |= FACET_MAXLENGTH;
if ((fixedFacet & FACET_MAXLENGTH) != 0)
// pattern
if ((presentFacet & FACET_PATTERN) != 0) {
if ((allowedFacet & FACET_PATTERN) == 0) {
reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"pattern", fTypeName});
} else {
patternAnnotations = facets.patternAnnotations;
RegularExpression regex = null;
try {
regex = new RegularExpression(facets.pattern, "X");
} catch (ParseException e) {
reportError("InvalidRegex", new Object[]{facets.pattern, e.getLocalizedMessage(), new Integer(e.getLocation())});
if (regex != null) {
fPattern = new Vector();
fPatternStr = new Vector();
fFacetsDefined |= FACET_PATTERN;
if ((fixedFacet & FACET_PATTERN) != 0)
fFixedFacet |= FACET_PATTERN;
// enumeration
if ((presentFacet & FACET_ENUMERATION) != 0) {
if ((allowedFacet & FACET_ENUMERATION) == 0) {
reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"enumeration", fTypeName});
} else {
fEnumeration = new Vector();
Vector enumVals = facets.enumeration;
fEnumerationType = new short[enumVals.size()];
fEnumerationItemType = new ShortList[enumVals.size()];
Vector enumNSDecls = facets.enumNSDecls;
ValidationContextImpl ctx = new ValidationContextImpl(context);
enumerationAnnotations = facets.enumAnnotations;
for (int i = 0; i < enumVals.size(); i++) {
if (enumNSDecls != null)
try {
ValidatedInfo info = this.fBase.validateWithInfo((String)enumVals.elementAt(i), ctx, tempInfo);
// check 4.3.5.c0 must: enumeration values from the value space of base
fEnumerationType[i] = info.actualValueType;
fEnumerationItemType[i] = info.itemValueTypes;
} catch (InvalidDatatypeValueException ide) {