
Examples of

            attrUse.fAttrDecl = attribute;
            attrUse.fUse = useAtt.shortValue();
            attrUse.fConstraintType = consType;
            if (defaultAtt != null) {
                attrUse.fDefault = new ValidatedInfo();
                attrUse.fDefault.normalizedValue = defaultAtt;
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                tnsAtt = schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace;
        // get 'value constraint'
        // for local named attribute, value constraint is absent
        ValidatedInfo attDefault = null;
        short constraintType = XSConstants.VC_NONE;
        if (isGlobal) {
            if (fixedAtt != null) {
                attDefault = new ValidatedInfo();
                attDefault.normalizedValue = fixedAtt;
                constraintType = XSConstants.VC_FIXED;
            } else if (defaultAtt != null) {
                attDefault = new ValidatedInfo();
                attDefault.normalizedValue = defaultAtt;
                constraintType = XSConstants.VC_DEFAULT;
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                                                errorArgs = new Object[]{typeName, attrDecl.fName,
                                                return errorArgs;
                    } else {
                        // check the values are the same.
                        ValidatedInfo baseFixedValue=(baseAttrUse.fDefault!=null ?
                                                      baseAttrUse.fDefault: baseAttrDecl.fDefault);
                        ValidatedInfo thisFixedValue=(attrUse.fDefault!=null ?
                                                      attrUse.fDefault: attrDecl.fDefault);
                        if (!baseFixedValue.actualValue.equals(thisFixedValue.actualValue)) {
                                                        errorArgs = new Object[]{typeName, attrDecl.fName, thisFixedValue.stringValue(),
                                                                                                         baseFixedValue.stringValue(), "derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.3.b"};
                                                        return errorArgs;

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    void applyFacets(XSFacets facets, short presentFacet, short fixedFacet, short patternType, ValidationContext context)
    throws InvalidDatatypeFacetException {

        // if the object is immutable, should not apply facets...
        if(fIsImmutable) return;
        ValidatedInfo tempInfo = new ValidatedInfo();

        // clear facets. because we always inherit facets in the constructor
        // REVISIT: in fact, we don't need to clear them.
        // we can convert 5 string values (4 bounds + 1 enum) to actual values,
        // store them somewhere, then do facet checking at once, instead of
        // going through the following steps. (lots of checking are redundant:
        // for example, ((presentFacet & FACET_XXX) != 0))

        fFacetsDefined = 0;
        fFixedFacet = 0;

        int result = 0 ;

        // step 1: parse present facets
        short allowedFacet = fDVs[fValidationDV].getAllowedFacets();

        // length
        if ((presentFacet & FACET_LENGTH) != 0) {
            if ((allowedFacet & FACET_LENGTH) == 0) {
                reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"length", fTypeName});
            } else {
                fLength = facets.length;
                lengthAnnotation = facets.lengthAnnotation;
                fFacetsDefined |= FACET_LENGTH;
                if ((fixedFacet & FACET_LENGTH) != 0)
                    fFixedFacet |= FACET_LENGTH;
        // minLength
        if ((presentFacet & FACET_MINLENGTH) != 0) {
            if ((allowedFacet & FACET_MINLENGTH) == 0) {
                reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"minLength", fTypeName});
            } else {
                fMinLength = facets.minLength;
                minLengthAnnotation = facets.minLengthAnnotation;
                fFacetsDefined |= FACET_MINLENGTH;
                if ((fixedFacet & FACET_MINLENGTH) != 0)
                    fFixedFacet |= FACET_MINLENGTH;
        // maxLength
        if ((presentFacet & FACET_MAXLENGTH) != 0) {
            if ((allowedFacet & FACET_MAXLENGTH) == 0) {
                reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"maxLength", fTypeName});
            } else {
                fMaxLength = facets.maxLength;
                maxLengthAnnotation = facets.maxLengthAnnotation;
                fFacetsDefined |= FACET_MAXLENGTH;
                if ((fixedFacet & FACET_MAXLENGTH) != 0)
                    fFixedFacet |= FACET_MAXLENGTH;
        // pattern
        if ((presentFacet & FACET_PATTERN) != 0) {
            if ((allowedFacet & FACET_PATTERN) == 0) {
                reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"pattern", fTypeName});
            } else {
                patternAnnotations = facets.patternAnnotations;
                RegularExpression regex = null;
                try {
                    regex = new RegularExpression(facets.pattern, "X", context.getLocale());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    reportError("InvalidRegex", new Object[]{facets.pattern, e.getLocalizedMessage()});
                if (regex != null) {
                    fPattern = new Vector();
                    fPatternStr = new Vector();
                    fFacetsDefined |= FACET_PATTERN;
                    if ((fixedFacet & FACET_PATTERN) != 0)
                        fFixedFacet |= FACET_PATTERN;

        // whiteSpace
        if ((presentFacet & FACET_WHITESPACE) != 0) {
            if ((allowedFacet & FACET_WHITESPACE) == 0) {
                reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"whiteSpace", fTypeName});
            } else {
                fWhiteSpace = facets.whiteSpace;
                whiteSpaceAnnotation = facets.whiteSpaceAnnotation;
                fFacetsDefined |= FACET_WHITESPACE;
                if ((fixedFacet & FACET_WHITESPACE) != 0)
                    fFixedFacet |= FACET_WHITESPACE;
        // enumeration
        if ((presentFacet & FACET_ENUMERATION) != 0) {
            if ((allowedFacet & FACET_ENUMERATION) == 0) {
                reportError("cos-applicable-facets", new Object[]{"enumeration", fTypeName});
            } else {
                fEnumeration = new Vector();
                Vector enumVals = facets.enumeration;
                fEnumerationType = new short[enumVals.size()];
                fEnumerationItemType = new ShortList[enumVals.size()];
                Vector enumNSDecls = facets.enumNSDecls;
                ValidationContextImpl ctx = new ValidationContextImpl(context);
                enumerationAnnotations = facets.enumAnnotations;
                for (int i = 0; i < enumVals.size(); i++) {
                    if (enumNSDecls != null)
                    try {
                        ValidatedInfo info = getActualEnumValue((String)enumVals.elementAt(i), ctx, tempInfo);
                        // check 4.3.5.c0 must: enumeration values from the value space of base
                        fEnumerationType[i] = info.actualValueType;
                        fEnumerationItemType[i] = info.itemValueTypes;
                    } catch (InvalidDatatypeValueException ide) {
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        if (context == null)
            context = fEmptyContext;

        if (validatedInfo == null)
            validatedInfo = new ValidatedInfo();
            validatedInfo.memberType = null;

        // first normalize string value, and convert it to actual value
        boolean needNormalize = context==null||context.needToNormalize();
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        if (context == null)
            context = fEmptyContext;

        if (validatedInfo == null)
            validatedInfo = new ValidatedInfo();
            validatedInfo.memberType = null;

        // first normalize string value, and convert it to actual value
        boolean needNormalize = context==null||context.needToNormalize();
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        if (context == null)
            context = fEmptyContext;

        if (validatedInfo == null)
            validatedInfo = new ValidatedInfo();
            validatedInfo.memberType = null;

        // first normalize string value, and convert it to actual value
        boolean needNormalize = context==null||context.needToNormalize();
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        XSObjectList attrUses = attrGrp.getAttributeUses();
        int useCount = attrUses.getLength();
        XSAttributeUseImpl currUse;
        XSAttributeDecl currDecl;
        short constType;
        ValidatedInfo defaultValue;
        boolean isSpecified;
        QName attName;
        // for each attribute use
        for (int i = 0; i < useCount; i++) {

            currUse = (XSAttributeUseImpl) attrUses.item(i);
            currDecl = currUse.fAttrDecl;
            // get value constraint
            constType = currUse.fConstraintType;
            defaultValue = currUse.fDefault;
            if (constType == XSConstants.VC_NONE) {
                constType = currDecl.getConstraintType();
                defaultValue = currDecl.fDefault;
            // whether this attribute is specified
            isSpecified = attributes.getValue(currDecl.fTargetNamespace, currDecl.fName) != null;

            // Element Locally Valid (Complex Type)
            // 4 The {attribute declaration} of each attribute use in the {attribute uses} whose
            // {required} is true matches one of the attribute information items in the element
            // information item's [attributes] as per clause 3.1 above.
            if (currUse.fUse == SchemaSymbols.USE_REQUIRED) {
                if (!isSpecified)
                        new Object[] { element.rawname, currDecl.fName });
            // if the attribute is not specified, then apply the value constraint
            if (!isSpecified && constType != XSConstants.VC_NONE) {
                attName =
                    new QName(null, currDecl.fName, currDecl.fName, currDecl.fTargetNamespace);
                String normalized = (defaultValue != null) ? defaultValue.stringValue() : "";
                int attrIndex = attributes.addAttribute(attName, "CDATA", normalized);
                if (attributes instanceof XMLAttributesImpl) {
                    XMLAttributesImpl attrs = (XMLAttributesImpl) attributes;
                    boolean schemaId =
                        defaultValue != null
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        XSObjectList attrUses = attrGrp.getAttributeUses();
        int useCount = attrUses.getLength();
        XSAttributeUseImpl currUse;
        XSAttributeDecl currDecl;
        short constType;
        ValidatedInfo defaultValue;
        boolean isSpecified;
        QName attName;
        // for each attribute use
        for (int i = 0; i < useCount; i++) {

            currUse = (XSAttributeUseImpl) attrUses.item(i);
            currDecl = currUse.fAttrDecl;
            // get value constraint
            constType = currUse.fConstraintType;
            defaultValue = currUse.fDefault;
            if (constType == XSConstants.VC_NONE) {
                constType = currDecl.getConstraintType();
                defaultValue = currDecl.fDefault;
            // whether this attribute is specified
            isSpecified = attributes.getValue(currDecl.fTargetNamespace, currDecl.fName) != null;

            // Element Locally Valid (Complex Type)
            // 4 The {attribute declaration} of each attribute use in the {attribute uses} whose
            // {required} is true matches one of the attribute information items in the element
            // information item's [attributes] as per clause 3.1 above.
            if (currUse.fUse == SchemaSymbols.USE_REQUIRED) {
                if (!isSpecified)
                        new Object[] { element.rawname, currDecl.fName });
            // if the attribute is not specified, then apply the value constraint
            if (!isSpecified && constType != XSConstants.VC_NONE) {
                attName =
                    new QName(null, currDecl.fName, currDecl.fName, currDecl.fTargetNamespace);
                String normalized = (defaultValue != null) ? defaultValue.stringValue() : "";
                int attrIndex = attributes.addAttribute(attName, "CDATA", normalized);
                if (attributes instanceof XMLAttributesImpl) {
                    XMLAttributesImpl attrs = (XMLAttributesImpl) attributes;
                    boolean schemaId =
                        defaultValue != null
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            attrUse.fAttrDecl = attribute;
            attrUse.fUse = useAtt.shortValue();
            attrUse.fConstraintType = consType;
            if (defaultAtt != null) {
                attrUse.fDefault = new ValidatedInfo();
                attrUse.fDefault.normalizedValue = defaultAtt;
            // Get the annotation associated witht the local attr decl
            if (attrDecl.getAttributeNode(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF) == null) {
                attrUse.fAnnotations = attribute.getAnnotations();
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