
Examples of

    public Object getActualValue(String content, ValidationContext context) throws InvalidDatatypeValueException{
            return parse(content, DURATION_TYPE);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "duration"});
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    public Object getActualValue(String content, ValidationContext context) throws InvalidDatatypeValueException {
        byte[] decoded = Base64.decode(content);
        if (decoded == null)
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "base64Binary"});

        return new XBase64(decoded);
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    //convert a String to Float form, we have to take care of cases specified in spec like INF, -INF and NaN
    public Object getActualValue(String content, ValidationContext context) throws InvalidDatatypeValueException {
            return new XFloat(content);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex){
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "float"});
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    public Object getActualValue(String content, ValidationContext context) throws InvalidDatatypeValueException{
            return parse(content);
        } catch(Exception ex){
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "time"});
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        throws InvalidDatatypeValueException {
        try {
            return parse(content, DurationDV.YEARMONTHDURATION_TYPE);
        catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "yearMonthDuration"});
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            localpart = content;

        // both prefix (if any) a nd localpart must be valid NCName
        if (prefix.length() > 0 && !XMLChar.isValidNCName(prefix))
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "QName"});

            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "QName"});

        // resove prefix to a uri, report an error if failed
        String uri = context.getURI(prefix);
        if (prefix.length() > 0 && uri == null)
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("UndeclaredPrefix", new Object[]{content, prefix});

        return new XQName(prefix, context.getSymbol(localpart), context.getSymbol(content), uri);

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                // According to Java 1.1: URLs may also be specified with a
                // String and the URL object that it is related to.
                new URI(BASE_URI, encoded );
        } catch (URI.MalformedURIException ex) {
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "anyURI"});

        // REVISIT: do we need to return the new URI object?
        return content;
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                retValue = Boolean.FALSE;
            } else if (value.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TRUE) ||
                       value.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TRUE_1)) {
                retValue = Boolean.TRUE;
            } else {
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{value, "boolean"});
        case DT_NONNEGINT:
            try {
                if (value.length() > 0 && value.charAt(0) == '+')
                    value = value.substring(1);
                retValue = fXIntPool.getXInt(Integer.parseInt(value));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{value, "nonNegativeInteger"});
            if (((XInt)retValue).intValue() < 0)
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{value, "nonNegativeInteger"});
        case DT_POSINT:
            try {
                if (value.length() > 0 && value.charAt(0) == '+')
                    value = value.substring(1);
                retValue = fXIntPool.getXInt(Integer.parseInt(value));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{value, "positiveInteger"});
            if (((XInt)retValue).intValue() <= 0)
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{value, "positiveInteger"});
        case DT_BLOCK:
            // block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))
            choice = 0;
            if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_POUNDALL)) {
                choice = XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION|XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION|
            else {
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(value, " \n\t\r");
                while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = t.nextToken ();

                    if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION;
                    else if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION;
                    else if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_SUBSTITUTION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION;
                    else {
                        throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.3", new Object[]{value, "(#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))"});
            retValue = fXIntPool.getXInt(choice);
        case DT_BLOCK1:
        case DT_FINAL:
            // block = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
            // final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
            choice = 0;
            if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_POUNDALL)) {
                //choice = SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION|SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION;
                // REVISIT: if #all, then make the result the combination of
                //          everything: substitution/externsion/restriction/list/union.
                //          would this be a problem?
                // the reason doing so is that when final/blockFinal on <schema>
                // is #all, it's not always the same as the conbination of those
                // values allowed by final/blockFinal.
                // for example, finalDefault="#all" is not always the same as
                // finalDefault="extension restriction".
                // if finalDefault="#all", final on any simple type would be
                // "extension restriction list union".
                choice = XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION|XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION|
            else {
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(value, " \n\t\r");
                while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = t.nextToken ();

                    if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION;
                    else if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION;
                    else {
                        throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.3", new Object[]{value, "(#all | List of (extension | restriction))"});
            retValue = fXIntPool.getXInt(choice);
        case DT_FINAL1:
            // final = (#all | List of (list | union | restriction))
            choice = 0;
            if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_POUNDALL)) {
                //choice = SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION|SchemaSymbols.LIST|
                //         SchemaSymbols.UNION;
                // REVISIT: if #all, then make the result the combination of
                //          everything: substitution/externsion/restriction/list/union.
                //          would this be a problem?
                // same reason as above DT_BLOCK1/DT_FINAL
                choice = XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION|XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION|
            else {
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(value, " \n\t\r");
                while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = t.nextToken ();

                    if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_LIST)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_LIST;
                    else if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_UNION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_UNION;
                    else if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION;
                    else {
                        throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.3", new Object[]{value, "(#all | List of (list | union | restriction))"});
            retValue = fXIntPool.getXInt(choice);
        case DT_FINAL2:
            // finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))
            choice = 0;
            if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_POUNDALL)) {
                //choice = SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION|SchemaSymbols.LIST|
                //         SchemaSymbols.UNION;
                // REVISIT: if #all, then make the result the combination of
                //          everything: substitution/externsion/restriction/list/union.
                //          would this be a problem?
                // same reason as above DT_BLOCK1/DT_FINAL
                choice = XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION|XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION|
            else {
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(value, " \n\t\r");
                while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = t.nextToken ();

                    if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_EXTENSION;
                    else if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION;
                    else if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_LIST)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_LIST;
                    else if (token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_UNION)) {
                        choice |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_UNION;
                    else {
                        throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.3", new Object[]{value, "(#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))"});
            retValue = fXIntPool.getXInt(choice);
        case DT_FORM:
            // form = (qualified | unqualified)
            if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_QUALIFIED))
                retValue = INT_QUALIFIED;
            else if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_UNQUALIFIED))
                retValue = INT_UNQUALIFIED;
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-enumeration-valid",
                                                        new Object[]{value, "(qualified | unqualified)"});
        case DT_MAXOCCURS:
            // maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)
            if (value.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_UNBOUNDED)) {
                retValue = INT_UNBOUNDED;
            } else {
                try {
                    retValue = validate(attrValues, attr, value, DT_NONNEGINT, schemaDoc);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.3", new Object[]{value, "(nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)"});
        case DT_MAXOCCURS1:
            // maxOccurs = 1
            if (value.equals("1"))
                retValue = fXIntPool.getXInt(1);
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-enumeration-valid",
                                                        new Object[]{value, "(1)"});
        case DT_MEMBERTYPES:
            // memberTypes = List of QName
            memberType = new Vector();
            try {
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(value, " \n\t\r");
                while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = t.nextToken ();
                    QName qname = (QName)fExtraDVs[DT_QNAME].validate(token, schemaDoc.fValidationContext, null);
                    // kludge to handle chameleon includes/redefines...
                    if(qname.prefix == XMLSymbols.EMPTY_STRING && qname.uri == null && schemaDoc.fIsChameleonSchema)
                        qname.uri = schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace;
                retValue = memberType;
            catch (InvalidDatatypeValueException ide) {
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.2", new Object[]{value, "(List of QName)"});
        case DT_MINOCCURS1:
            // minOccurs = (0 | 1)
            if (value.equals("0"))
                retValue = fXIntPool.getXInt(0);
            else if (value.equals("1"))
                retValue = fXIntPool.getXInt(1);
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-enumeration-valid",
                                                        new Object[]{value, "(0 | 1)"});
        case DT_NAMESPACE:
            // namespace = ((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) )
            if (value.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TWOPOUNDANY)) {
                // ##any
                retValue = INT_ANY_ANY;
            } else if (value.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TWOPOUNDOTHER)) {
                // ##other
                retValue = INT_ANY_NOT;
                String[] list = new String[2];
                list[0] = schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace;
                list[1] = null;
                attrValues[ATTIDX_NAMESPACE_LIST] = list;
            } else {
                // list
                retValue = INT_ANY_LIST;


                // tokenize
                StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(value, " \n\t\r");
                String token;
                String tempNamespace;
                try {
                    while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
                        token = tokens.nextToken();
                        if (token.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TWOPOUNDLOCAL)) {
                            tempNamespace = null;
                        } else if (token.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TWOPOUNDTARGETNS)) {
                            tempNamespace = schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace;
                        } else {
                            // we have found namespace URI here
                            // need to add it to the symbol table
                            fExtraDVs[DT_ANYURI].validate(token, schemaDoc.fValidationContext, null);
                            tempNamespace = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(token);

                        //check for duplicate namespaces in the list
                        if (!fNamespaceList.contains(tempNamespace)) {
                } catch (InvalidDatatypeValueException ide) {
                    throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.3", new Object[]{value, "((##any | ##other) | List of (anyURI | (##targetNamespace | ##local)) )"});

                // convert the vector to an array
                int num = fNamespaceList.size();
                String[] list = new String[num];
                attrValues[ATTIDX_NAMESPACE_LIST] = list;
            // processContents = (lax | skip | strict)
            if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_STRICT))
                retValue = INT_ANY_STRICT;
            else if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_LAX))
                retValue = INT_ANY_LAX;
            else if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_SKIP))
                retValue = INT_ANY_SKIP;
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-enumeration-valid",
                                                        new Object[]{value, "(lax | skip | strict)"});
        case DT_USE:
            // use = (optional | prohibited | required)
            if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_OPTIONAL))
                retValue = INT_USE_OPTIONAL;
            else if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_REQUIRED))
                retValue = INT_USE_REQUIRED;
            else if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_PROHIBITED))
                retValue = INT_USE_PROHIBITED;
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-enumeration-valid",
                                                        new Object[]{value, "(optional | prohibited | required)"});
        case DT_WHITESPACE:
            // value = preserve | replace | collapse
            if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_PRESERVE))
                retValue = INT_WS_PRESERVE;
            else if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_REPLACE))
                retValue = INT_WS_REPLACE;
            else if (value.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_COLLAPSE))
                retValue = INT_WS_COLLAPSE;
                throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-enumeration-valid",
                                                        new Object[]{value, "(preserve | replace | collapse)"});

        return retValue;
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    //convert a String to Double form, we have to take care of cases specified in spec like INF, -INF and NaN
    public Object getActualValue(String content, ValidationContext context) throws InvalidDatatypeValueException {
            return new XDouble(content);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex){
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "double"});
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    public Object getActualValue(String content, ValidationContext context) throws InvalidDatatypeValueException {
            return parse(content);
        } catch(Exception ex){
            throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "date"});
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