// Check if this DOM has already been added to the multiplexer
int mask = multiplexer.getDocumentMask(uri);
if (mask != -1) {
DOM newDom = ((DOMAdapter)multiplexer.getDOMAdapter(uri))
if (newDom instanceof DOMEnhancedForDTM) {
return new SingletonIterator(((DOMEnhancedForDTM)newDom)
// Check if we can get the DOM from a DOMCache
DOMCache cache = translet.getDOMCache();
DOM newdom;
mask = multiplexer.nextMask(); // peek
if (cache != null) {
newdom = cache.retrieveDocument(base, originalUri, translet);
if (newdom == null) {
final Exception e = new FileNotFoundException(originalUri);
throw new TransletException(e);
} else {
// Parse the input document and construct DOM object
// Trust the DTMManager to pick the right parser and
// set up the DOM correctly.
XSLTCDTMManager dtmManager = (XSLTCDTMManager)multiplexer
DOMEnhancedForDTM enhancedDOM =
(DOMEnhancedForDTM) dtmManager.getDTM(new StreamSource(uri),
false, null, true, false,
translet.hasIdCall(), cacheDOM);
newdom = enhancedDOM;
// Cache the stylesheet DOM in the Templates object
if (cacheDOM) {
TemplatesImpl templates = (TemplatesImpl)translet.getTemplates();
if (templates != null) {
// Wrap the DOM object in a DOM adapter and add to multiplexer
final DOMAdapter domAdapter = translet.makeDOMAdapter(newdom);
// Create index for any key elements
translet.buildKeys(domAdapter, null, null, newdom.getDocument());
// Return a singleton iterator containing the root node
return new SingletonIterator(newdom.getDocument(), true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;