
Examples of

        if (classGen instanceof FilterGenerator)
            il.append(new ILOAD(1));
        il.append(new INVOKESTATIC(tst));
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            // Handle elements="ns:*" type rule
            if (rule.getStrength() == RULE_NAMESPACE) {
                il.append(new ALOAD(paramDom));
                il.append(new ILOAD(paramCurrent));
                il.append(new INVOKEINTERFACE(gns,2));
                il.append(new PUSH(cpg, rule.getNamespace()));
                il.append(new INVOKEVIRTUAL(strcmp));

                if (rule.getAction() == STRIP_SPACE) {
                    strip[sCount++] = il.append(new IF_ICMPEQ(null));
                else {
                    preserve[pCount++] = il.append(new IF_ICMPEQ(null));
            // Handle elements="ns:el" type rule
            else if (rule.getStrength() == RULE_ELEMENT) {
                // Create the QName for the element
                final Parser parser = classGen.getParser();
                QName qname;
                if (rule.getNamespace() != Constants.EMPTYSTRING )
                    qname = parser.getQName(rule.getNamespace(), null,
                    qname = parser.getQName(rule.getElement());

                // Register the element.
                final int elementType = xsltc.registerElement(qname);
                il.append(new ILOAD(paramType));
                il.append(new PUSH(cpg, elementType));

                // Compare current node type with wanted element type
                if (rule.getAction() == STRIP_SPACE)
                    strip[sCount++] = il.append(new IF_ICMPEQ(null));
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        InstructionHandle tblswitch = null;

        // Compile switch statement only if the key has multiple levels
        if (levels > 1) {
            // Put the parameter to the swtich statement on the stack
            il.append(new ILOAD(extractMethod.getLocalIndex("level")));
            // Append the switch statement here later on
            tblswitch = il.append(new NOP());

        // Append all the cases for the switch statment
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                         String method_name, String class_name,
                         InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp) {
        super(access_flags, return_type, arg_types, arg_names, method_name,
              class_name, il, cp);

        _iloadCurrent  = new ILOAD(CURRENT_NODE_INDEX);
        _istoreCurrent = new ISTORE(CURRENT_NODE_INDEX);
        _iloadContext  = new ILOAD(CONTEXT_NODE_INDEX);
        _istoreContext  = new ILOAD(CONTEXT_NODE_INDEX);
        _astoreIterator = new ASTORE(ITERATOR_INDEX);
        _aloadIterator  = new ALOAD(ITERATOR_INDEX);
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        final InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList();
        final int git = cpg.addInterfaceMethodref(DOM_INTF,
        il.append(new ILOAD(node));
        il.append(new INVOKEINTERFACE(git, 2));
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        il.append(new ILOAD(_currentIndex));
        il.append(new INVOKEINTERFACE(git, 2));
        il.append(new INVOKEVIRTUAL(applyTemplates));
        il.append(new GOTO_W(next));
        return il;
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        final int chars = cpg.addInterfaceMethodref(DOM_INTF,
        il.append(new ILOAD(_currentIndex));
        il.append(new INVOKEINTERFACE(chars, 3));
        il.append(new GOTO_W(next));
        return il;
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            // Append first code in applyTemplates() - get type of current node
            final int getNS = cpg.addInterfaceMethodref(DOM_INTF,
            il.append(new ILOAD(_currentIndex));
            il.append(new INVOKEINTERFACE(getNS, 2));
            il.append(new SWITCH(types, targets, defaultTarget));
        else {
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        // Append first code in applyTemplates() - get type of current node
        final int getType = cpg.addInterfaceMethodref(DOM_INTF,
        body.append(new ILOAD(_currentIndex));
        body.append(new INVOKEINTERFACE(getType, 2));

        // Append switch() statement - main dispatch loop in applyTemplates()
        InstructionHandle disp = body.append(new SWITCH(types, targets, ihLoop));
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        current = methodGen.addLocalVariable2("current",
        _currentIndex = current.getIndex();

        mainIL.append(new ILOAD(methodGen.getLocalIndex(NODE_PNAME)));
        current.setStart(mainIL.append(new ISTORE(_currentIndex)));

        // Create the "body" instruction list that will eventually hold the
        // code for the entire method (other ILs will be appended).
        final InstructionList body = new InstructionList();

        // Create an instruction list that contains the default next-node
        // iteration
        final InstructionList ilLoop = new InstructionList();
        final InstructionHandle ihLoop = ilLoop.getStart();

        // Compile default handling of elements (traverse children)
        InstructionList ilRecurse =
            compileDefaultRecursion(classGen, methodGen, ihLoop);
        InstructionHandle ihRecurse = ilRecurse.getStart();

        // Compile default handling of text/attribute nodes (output text)
        InstructionList ilText =
            compileDefaultText(classGen, methodGen, ihLoop);
        InstructionHandle ihText = ilText.getStart();

        // Distinguish attribute/element/namespace tests for further processing
        final int[] types = new int[DTM.NTYPES + names.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
            types[i] = i;

        final boolean[] isAttribute = new boolean[types.length];
        final boolean[] isNamespace = new boolean[types.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
            final String name = (String)names.elementAt(i);
            isAttribute[i+DTM.NTYPES] = isAttributeName(name);
            isNamespace[i+DTM.NTYPES] = isNamespaceName(name);

        // Compile all templates - regardless of pattern type
        compileTemplateCalls(classGen, methodGen, ihLoop, min, max);

        // Handle template with explicit "*" pattern
        final TestSeq elemTest = _testSeq[DTM.ELEMENT_NODE];
        InstructionHandle ihElem = ihRecurse;
        if (elemTest != null) {
            ihElem = elemTest.compile(classGen, methodGen, ihLoop);

        // Handle template with explicit "@*" pattern
        final TestSeq attrTest = _testSeq[DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE];
        InstructionHandle ihAttr = ihLoop;
        if (attrTest != null) {
            ihAttr = attrTest.compile(classGen, methodGen, ihAttr);

        // Do tests for id() and key() patterns first
        InstructionList ilKey = null;
        if (_idxTestSeq != null) {
            ilKey = _idxTestSeq.getInstructionList();

        // If there is a match on node() we need to replace ihElem
        // and ihText if the priority of node() is higher
        if (_childNodeTestSeq != null) {
            // Compare priorities of node() and "*"
            double nodePrio = _childNodeTestSeq.getPriority();
            int    nodePos  = _childNodeTestSeq.getPosition();
            double elemPrio = (0 - Double.MAX_VALUE);
            int    elemPos  = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

            if (elemTest != null) {
                elemPrio = elemTest.getPriority();
                elemPos  = elemTest.getPosition();

            if (elemPrio == Double.NaN || elemPrio < nodePrio ||
                (elemPrio == nodePrio && elemPos < nodePos))
                ihElem = _childNodeTestSeq.compile(classGen, methodGen, ihLoop);

            // Compare priorities of node() and text()
            final TestSeq textTest = _testSeq[DTM.TEXT_NODE];
            double textPrio = (0 - Double.MAX_VALUE);
            int    textPos  = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

            if (textTest != null) {
                textPrio = textTest.getPriority();
                textPos  = textTest.getPosition();

            if (textPrio == Double.NaN || textPrio < nodePrio ||
                (textPrio == nodePrio && textPos < nodePos))
                ihText = _childNodeTestSeq.compile(classGen, methodGen, ihLoop);
                _testSeq[DTM.TEXT_NODE] = _childNodeTestSeq;

        // Handle templates with "ns:*" pattern
        InstructionHandle elemNamespaceHandle = ihElem;
        InstructionList nsElem = compileNamespaces(classGen, methodGen,
                                                   isNamespace, isAttribute,
                                                   false, ihElem);
        if (nsElem != null) elemNamespaceHandle = nsElem.getStart();

        // Handle templates with "ns:@*" pattern
        InstructionList nsAttr = compileNamespaces(classGen, methodGen,
                                                   isNamespace, isAttribute,
                                                   true, ihAttr);
        InstructionHandle attrNamespaceHandle = ihAttr;
        if (nsAttr != null) attrNamespaceHandle = nsAttr.getStart();

        // Handle templates with "ns:elem" or "ns:@attr" pattern
        final InstructionHandle[] targets = new InstructionHandle[types.length];
        for (int i = DTM.NTYPES; i < targets.length; i++) {
            final TestSeq testSeq = _testSeq[i];
            // Jump straight to namespace tests ?
            if (isNamespace[i]) {
                if (isAttribute[i])
                    targets[i] = attrNamespaceHandle;
                    targets[i] = elemNamespaceHandle;
            // Test first, then jump to namespace tests
            else if (testSeq != null) {
                if (isAttribute[i])
                    targets[i] = testSeq.compile(classGen, methodGen,
                    targets[i] = testSeq.compile(classGen, methodGen,
            else {
                targets[i] = ihLoop;

        // Handle pattern with match on root node - default: traverse children
        targets[DTM.ROOT_NODE] = _rootPattern != null
            ? getTemplateInstructionHandle(_rootPattern.getTemplate())
            : ihRecurse;
        // Handle pattern with match on root node - default: traverse children
        targets[DTM.DOCUMENT_NODE] = _rootPattern != null
            ? getTemplateInstructionHandle(_rootPattern.getTemplate())
            : ihRecurse;    // %HZ%:  Was ihLoop in XSLTC_DTM branch

        // Handle any pattern with match on text nodes - default: loop
        targets[DTM.TEXT_NODE] = _testSeq[DTM.TEXT_NODE] != null
            ? _testSeq[DTM.TEXT_NODE].compile(classGen, methodGen, ihText)
            : ihText;

        // This DOM-type is not in use - default: process next node
        targets[DTM.NAMESPACE_NODE] = ihLoop;

        // Match unknown element in DOM - default: check for namespace match
        targets[DTM.ELEMENT_NODE] = elemNamespaceHandle;

        // Match unknown attribute in DOM - default: check for namespace match
        targets[DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE] = attrNamespaceHandle;

        // Match on processing instruction - default: loop
        InstructionHandle ihPI = ihLoop;
        if (_childNodeTestSeq != null) ihPI = ihElem;
        if (_testSeq[DTM.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE] != null) {
                compile(classGen, methodGen, ihPI);
        else {
            targets[DTM.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE] = ihPI;

        // Match on comments - default: process next node
        InstructionHandle ihComment = ihLoop;
        if (_childNodeTestSeq != null) ihComment = ihElem;
        targets[DTM.COMMENT_NODE] = _testSeq[DTM.COMMENT_NODE] != null
            ? _testSeq[DTM.COMMENT_NODE].compile(classGen, methodGen, ihComment)
            : ihComment;

                // This DOM-type is not in use - default: process next node
        targets[DTM.CDATA_SECTION_NODE] = ihLoop;

        // This DOM-type is not in use - default: process next node
        targets[DTM.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE] = ihLoop;

        // This DOM-type is not in use - default: process next node
        targets[DTM.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE] = ihLoop;

        // This DOM-type is not in use - default: process next node
        targets[DTM.ENTITY_NODE] = ihLoop;

        // This DOM-type is not in use - default: process next node
        targets[DTM.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE] = ihLoop;

        // This DOM-type is not in use - default: process next node
        targets[DTM.NOTATION_NODE] = ihLoop;

        // Now compile test sequences for various match patterns:
        for (int i = DTM.NTYPES; i < targets.length; i++) {
            final TestSeq testSeq = _testSeq[i];
            // Jump straight to namespace tests ?
            if ((testSeq == null) || (isNamespace[i])) {
                if (isAttribute[i])
                    targets[i] = attrNamespaceHandle;
                    targets[i] = elemNamespaceHandle;
            // Match on node type
            else {
                if (isAttribute[i])
                    targets[i] = testSeq.compile(classGen, methodGen,
                    targets[i] = testSeq.compile(classGen, methodGen,

        if (ilKey != null) body.insert(ilKey);

        // Append first code in applyTemplates() - get type of current node
        final int getType = cpg.addInterfaceMethodref(DOM_INTF,
        body.append(new ILOAD(_currentIndex));
        body.append(new INVOKEINTERFACE(getType, 2));

        // Append switch() statement - main dispatch loop in applyTemplates()
        InstructionHandle disp = body.append(new SWITCH(types,targets,ihLoop));

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