return new ExpressionPair(content, continuation);
/** computes a combined child content pattern and (,if possible,) its continuation. */
public ExpressionPair get(Expression combinedPattern, StartTagInfo info) {
StringPair sp = null;
// check the cache
if (combinedPattern.verifierTag != null) {
OptimizationTag ot = (OptimizationTag)combinedPattern.verifierTag;
sp = new StringPair(info.namespaceURI, info.localName);
OptimizationTag.OwnerAndCont cache = (OptimizationTag.OwnerAndCont)ot.transitions.get(sp);
if (cache != null) {
// cache hit
numElements = 1;
result[0] = cache.owner;
return new ExpressionPair(cache.owner.contentModel.getExpandedExp(pool), cache.continuation);
ExpressionPair r = (ExpressionPair)get(combinedPattern, info, true);
if (numElements == 1) {
// only one element matchs this tag name. cache this result
OptimizationTag ot = (OptimizationTag)combinedPattern.verifierTag;
if (ot == null)
combinedPattern.verifierTag = ot = new OptimizationTag();
if (sp == null)
sp = new StringPair(info.namespaceURI, info.localName);
ot.transitions.put(sp, new OptimizationTag.OwnerAndCont(result[0], r.continuation));
return r;