final XMLSchemaReader reader = (XMLSchemaReader)this.reader;
final XMLSchemaSchema currentSchema = reader.currentSchema;
if( process.equals("skip") ) {
// "skip" can be expanded now.
NameClass nc = getNameClass(namespace,currentSchema);
ElementPattern ep = new ElementPattern(nc,Expression.nullSet);
ep.contentModel =
// <mixed><zeroOrMore><choice><attribute /><element /></choice></zeroOrMore></mixed>
// minOccurs/maxOccurs is processed through interception
return ep;
// "lax"/"strict" has to be back-patched later.
final ReferenceExp exp = new ReferenceExp("any("+process+":"+namespace+")");
reader.addBackPatchJob( new GrammarReader.BackPatch(){
public State getOwnerState() { return AnyElementState.this; }
public void patch() {
if( !process.equals("lax")
&& !process.equals("strict") ) {
reader.reportError( XMLSchemaReader.ERR_BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, "processContents", process );
exp.exp = Expression.nullSet;
exp.exp = Expression.nullSet;
NameClass nc = getNameClass(namespace,currentSchema);
Iterator itr;
itr = reader.grammar.iterateSchemas();
while( itr.hasNext() ) {
XMLSchemaSchema schema = (XMLSchemaSchema);
// nc is built by using NamespaceNameClass.
// "strict" allows global element declarations of
// specified namespaces.
if(nc.accepts( schema.targetNamespace, NameClass.LOCALNAME_WILDCARD ))
// schema.topLevel is choices of globally declared elements.
exp.exp = reader.pool.createChoice( exp.exp, schema.topLevel );
if( !process.equals("lax") )
return; // if processContents="strict", the above is fine.
// if "lax", we have to add an expression to
// match other elements.
NameClass laxNc = createLaxNameClass( nc,
new XMLSchemaReader.RefResolver() {
public ReferenceContainer get( XMLSchemaSchema schema ) {
return schema.elementDecls;