Represents a declared type, either a class type or an interface type. This includes parameterized types such as {@code java.util.Set
}as well as raw types. While a TypeDeclaration represents the declaration of a class or interface, a DeclaredType represents a class or interface type, the latter being a use of the former. See {@link TypeDeclaration} for more on this distinction.
A DeclaredType may represent a type for which details (declaration, supertypes, etc.) are unknown. This may be the result of a processing error, such as a missing class file, and is indicated by {@link #getDeclaration()} returning null.Other method invocations on such an unknown type will not, in general, return meaningful results.
@author Joseph D. Darcy
@author Scott Seligman
@version 1.7 05/11/17
@since 1.5