Package com.sun.messaging.jmq.util

Examples of com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.JMQXid


    // Copy constructor;
    public TransactionState(TransactionState ts) {
        // Unfortunately JMQXid is mutable, so we must make a copy
        this.xid = new JMQXid(ts.xid);

        // Strings are immutable, so we just assign them
        this.state = ts.state;
        this.user = ts.user;
        this.clientID = ts.clientID;
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    // Copy constructor;
    public TransactionState(TransactionState ts) {
        // Unfortunately JMQXid is mutable, so we must make a copy
        this.xid = new JMQXid(ts.xid);

        // Strings are immutable, so we just assign them
        this.state = ts.state;
        this.user = ts.user;
        this.clientID = ts.clientID;
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        if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
        _logger.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"XAResourceForMC ("+this.hashCode()+") Commit  "+printXid(foreignXid)+" (onePhase="+onePhase+")");
        //convert to jmq xid
        JMQXid jmqXid = new JMQXid(foreignXid);
        //System.out.println("MQRA:XAR4MC:commit():mcId="+mc.getMCId()+":onePhase="+onePhase+" tid="+transactionID+" xid="+jmqXid.toString());
        //Debug.println("MQRA:XAR4RA:commit():onePhase="+onePhase+" tid="+transactionID+" xid="+jmqXid.toString());
        try {
            if (!epConnection._isClosed()) {
              if ( onePhase ) {
                if ( epConnection.isConnectedToHABroker() ) {
                  HAOnePhaseCommit (foreignXid, jmqXid);
                } else {
                  epConnection.getProtocolHandler().commit(0L, XAResource.TMONEPHASE, jmqXid);
              } else {
                if ( epConnection.isConnectedToHABroker() ) {
                  this.HATwoPhaseCommit (jmqXid);
                } else {
                            XAResource.TMNOFLAGS, jmqXid);
                SessionAdapter sa = mc.getConnectionAdapter().getSessionAdapter();
                if (sa != null) {
                active = false;
            } else {
                System.err.println("MQRA:XARFMC:commit:ConnectionClosed:throw XAExc txn:1p="+onePhase+":xid="+jmqXid.toString());
                XAException xae = new XAException(XAException.XAER_RMFAIL);
                throw xae;
        } catch (XAException xaexception) {
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        if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
        _logger.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"XAResourceForMC ("+this.hashCode()+") End     "+printXid(foreignXid)+printFlags(flags));

        //convert to jmq xid
        JMQXid jmqXid = new JMQXid(foreignXid);
        //System.out.println("MQRA:XAR4MC:end():mcId="+mc.getMCId()+":flags="+flags+" xid="+jmqXid.toString());
        //Debug.println("MQRA:XAR4RA:end():flags="+flags+" tid="+transactionID+" xid="+jmqXid.toString());
        // update the resource state
        if (isFail(flags)){
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        //JMS does not do RDONLY transactions - right?
        int result = XA_OK;
        //convert to jmq xid
        JMQXid jmqXid = new JMQXid(foreignXid);
        try {
            if (!epConnection._isClosed()) {
              epConnection.getProtocolHandler().prepare(0L, jmqXid, onePhase);         
            } else {
                System.err.println("MQRA:XARFMC:prepare:ConnectionClosed:Rollback txn:xid="+jmqXid.toString());
                XAException xae = new XAException(XAException.XAER_RMFAIL);
                throw xae;
        } catch (Exception jmse) {
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        if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
        _logger.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"XAResourceForMC ("+this.hashCode()+") Rollback  "+printXid(foreignXid)+")");

        //convert to jmq xid
        JMQXid jmqXid = new JMQXid(foreignXid);
        //Debug.println("MQRA:XAR4RA:rollback():tid="+transactionID+" xid="+jmqXid.toString());
        XASessionImpl xas = null;
        SessionAdapter sa = null;
        try {
            //send rollback w/redeliver
            if (!epConnection._isClosed()) {
                //System.out.println("MQRA:XAR4MC:rollback:Using epCon");
              sa = mc.getConnectionAdapter().getSessionAdapter();
              if (epConnection.isConnectedToHABroker()) {
                //handle fail-over for HA connection
              } else {
                epConnection.getProtocolHandler().rollback(0L, jmqXid, true);
                if (sa != null) {
                  xas = sa.getXASession();
                active = false;
            } else {
                System.err.println("MQRA:XARFMC:rollback:ConnectionClosed:Rollback txn:xid="+jmqXid.toString());
                XAException xae = new XAException(XAException.XAER_RMFAIL);
                throw xae;
        } catch (Exception jmse) {
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        if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
            _logger.fine(_lgrMID_INF+"XAResourceForMC ("+this.hashCode()+") Start   "+printXid(foreignXid)+printFlags(flags));
        //convert to jmq xid
        JMQXid jmqXid = new JMQXid(foreignXid);
        //System.out.println("MQRA:XAR4MC:start():mcId="+mc.getMCId()+":flags="+flags+" xid="+jmqXid.toString());
        //reset flag in start transaction
        //this.twoPhasePrepared = false;
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        long    messagetid = 0;
        TransactionUID id = null;
        TransactionState ts = null;
        JMQXid xid = null;
        Integer xaFlags = null;
        boolean redeliverMsgs = false;
        boolean startNextTransaction = false;
        boolean setRedeliverFlag = true;
        boolean isIndemp = msg.getIndempotent();
        boolean replay = false;
        boolean jmqonephase = false;
        Boolean jmqonephaseFlag = null;

        Hashtable props = null;
        String reason = null;

        try {
            props = msg.getProperties();
            if (props == null)
                props = new Hashtable();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Internal Error: unable to retrieve "+
                " properties from transaction message " + msg, ex);
            props = new Hashtable();

        // performance optimisation:
        // start a new transaction immediately after commit or rollback and return
        // transactionID in message ack.
        // The client then does not need to make a separate call to startTransaction.
        Boolean startNextTransactionBool = (Boolean)props.get("JMQStartNextTransaction");
        startNextTransaction = (startNextTransactionBool == null ? false :
        Boolean redeliverMsgBool = (Boolean)props.get("JMQRedeliver");
        redeliverMsgs = (redeliverMsgBool == null ? false :
        Boolean redeliverFlag = (Boolean)props.get("JMQSetRedelivered");
        setRedeliverFlag = (redeliverFlag == null ? true :
        jmqonephaseFlag = (Boolean)props.get("JMQXAOnePhase");
        jmqonephase = (jmqonephaseFlag == null ? false:jmqonephaseFlag.booleanValue());

        if (DEBUG) {
            logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, PacketType.getString(msg.getPacketType())+": "+
                       "TUID=" + id + ", JMQRedeliver=" + redeliverMsgBool+
                       (jmqonephaseFlag == null ? "":", JMQXAOnePhase="+jmqonephase));

        List conlist = (List)con.getClientData(IMQConnection.TRANSACTION_LIST);
        if (conlist == null) {
            conlist = new ArrayList();
             con.addClientData(IMQConnection.TRANSACTION_LIST, conlist);

        // If there is a message body, then it should contain an Xid.
        ByteBuffer body = msg.getMessageBodyByteBuffer();
        if (body != null) {
            JMQByteBufferInputStream  bbis = new JMQByteBufferInputStream(body);
            try {
                xid = DataInputStream(bbis));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                        "Could not decode xid from packet: " +  e +
                        " Ignoring " +
                reason = e.getMessage();
                sendReply(con, msg, msg.getPacketType() + 1,
                          Status.BAD_REQUEST, 0, reason);
                return true;

        // Get XAFlags. Note, not all packets will have this -- that's OK.
        if (props != null) {
            xaFlags = (Integer)props.get("JMQXAFlags");

        // tidMap maps an old style transaction identifier to a TransactionUID.
        // In iMQ2.0 the transaction identifier in the packet was an int
        // generated by the client and only unique on the connection.
        // In Falcon it is a long that is unique accross the cluster.
        // So for 2.0 clients we allocate a TransactionUID and map the old
        // style identifier to it.
        // Get tidMap
        HashMap tidMap = null;
        synchronized(con) {
            tidMap = (HashMap)con.getClientData(IMQConnection.TRANSACTION_IDMAP);
            if (tidMap == null) {
                tidMap = new HashMap();
                con.addClientData(IMQConnection.TRANSACTION_IDMAP, tidMap);

        // Go ahead and get the value of "JMQTransactionID" from the packet.
        // may not be used in all cases.
        messagetid = getJMQTransactionID(props);

        // handle initial fault injections

        if (fi.FAULT_INJECTION)

        // If it is a new transaction then create a new transaction id.
        // else wrap the one specified in the packet
        if (msg.getPacketType() == PacketType.START_TRANSACTION &&
            (xaFlags == null ||
            TransactionState.isFlagSet(XAResource.TMNOFLAGS, xaFlags) )) {

            // It's a START_TRANSACTION that is not a Join, or Resume.
            // Allocate a new TransactionUID

            if (isIndemp) { // deal with indemp flag
                id = translist.getTransaction(msg.getSysMessageID().toString());
                if (id != null) {
                    replay = true;
                } else {
                    id = new TransactionUID();
            } else {
                id = new TransactionUID();
        } else if (msg.getPacketType() == PacketType.RECOVER_TRANSACTION) {
            if (messagetid != 0) {
                // Recovering a specific transaction.
                id = new TransactionUID(messagetid);
            xid = null;
        } else {
            // Operation on an existing transaction
            // Get TransactionUID out of packet
            // If only Xid was specified need to lookup TransactionUID
            if (messagetid == 0 && xid != null) {
                id = translist.xidToUID(xid);

                if (id != null) {
                    messagetid = id.longValue();
                } else {
                    // Hmmm...haven't seen this Xid before.
                    // XXX I18N
                        PacketType.getString(msg.getPacketType()) +
                        ": Ignoring unknown XID=" + xid +
                         " broker will "
                         + (msg.getSendAcknowledge() ?
                               "notify the client" :
                               " not notify the client" ));
                    if (msg.getSendAcknowledge()) {
                        reason = "Uknown XID " + xid;
                        sendReply(con, msg, msg.getPacketType() + 1,
                            Status.NOT_FOUND, 0, reason);
                    return true;
            } else if (messagetid != 0) {
                if (con.getClientProtocolVersion() == PacketType.VERSION1) {
                    // Map old style to new
                    synchronized(tidMap) {
                        id = (TransactionUID)tidMap.get(new Long(messagetid));
                } else {
                    // Wrap new style
                    id = new TransactionUID(messagetid);

            // Get the state of the transaction
            if (id == null) {
                logger.log(Logger.INFO,"InternalError: "
                         + "Transaction ID was not passed by "
                         +"the jms api on a method that reqires an "
                         + "existing transaction ");
                sendReply(con, msg, msg.getPacketType() + 1,
                          Status.ERROR, 0, "Internal Error: bad MQ protocol,"
                               + " missing TransactionID");
                return true;

            } else {
                ts = translist.retrieveState(id);

            if (ts == null) {
                // Check if we've recently operated on this transaction

                if (isIndemp && ( msg.getPacketType() ==
                          PacketType.ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION ||
                       msg.getPacketType() ==
                          PacketType.COMMIT_TRANSACTION  )) {
                    if (msg.getSendAcknowledge()) {
                        sendReply(con, msg, msg.getPacketType() + 1,
                            Status.OK, id.longValue(), reason);
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        if (fi.FAULT_INJECTION) {

                } else {
                    ts = cacheGetState(id, con);
                    if (ts != null) {
                        // XXX l10n
                            "Transaction ID " + id +
                            " has already been resolved. Ignoring request: " +
                            PacketType.getString(msg.getPacketType()) +
                            ". Last state of this transaction: " +
                            ts.toString() +
                             " broker will "
                             + (msg.getSendAcknowledge() ?
                                   "notify the client" :
                                  " not notify the client" ));
                    } else {
                    logger.log((BrokerStateHandler.shuttingDown? Logger.DEBUG : Logger.WARNING),
                               (msg.getSendAcknowledge() ? BrokerResources.W_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTIONID_NOTIFY_CLIENT :
                               ""+id+ "(" + messagetid + ")"+ (xid == null ? "":"XID="+xid),
                               PacketType.getString(msg.getPacketType())) + "\n" +

                    // Only send reply if A bit is set
                    if (msg.getSendAcknowledge()) {
                        reason = "Unknown transaction " + id;
                        sendReply(con, msg, msg.getPacketType() + 1,
                        Status.NOT_FOUND, id.longValue(), reason);
                    return true;

        if (DEBUG) {
            logger.log(Logger.INFO, this.getClass().getName() + ": " +
                PacketType.getString(msg.getPacketType()) + ": " +
                "TUID=" + id +
                " XAFLAGS=" + TransactionState.xaFlagToString(xaFlags) +
                (jmqonephaseFlag == null ? "":" JMQXAOnePhase="+jmqonephase)+
                " State=" + ts + " Xid=" + xid);

        // If a packet came with an Xid, make sure it matches what
        // we have in the transaction table.
        if (xid != null && ts != null) {
            if (ts.getXid() == null || !xid.equals(ts.getXid())) {
                // This should never happen
                        "Transaction Xid mismatch. " +
                        PacketType.getString(msg.getPacketType()) +
                        " Packet has tuid=" +
                        id + " xid=" + xid + ", transaction table has tuid=" +
                        id + " xid=" + ts.getXid() +
                        ". Using values from table.");
                xid = ts.getXid();

        if (xid == null && ts != null && ts.getXid() != null &&
            msg.getPacketType() != PacketType.RECOVER_TRANSACTION) {
            // Client forgot to put Xid in packet.
            xid = ts.getXid();
                        "Transaction Xid "+xid+" not found in " +
                        PacketType.getString(msg.getPacketType()) +
                        " packet for tuid " +
                        id + ". Will use " + xid);

        int status = Status.OK;

        // retrieve new 4.0 properties
        AutoRollbackType type = null;
        long lifetime = 0;
        boolean sessionLess = false;
        Integer typeValue = (Integer)props.get("JMQAutoRollback");
        Long lifetimeValue = (Long)props.get("JMQLifetime");
        Boolean sessionLessValue = (Boolean)props.get("JMQSessionLess");

        if (typeValue != null) {
            type = AutoRollbackType.getType(typeValue.intValue());

        if (lifetimeValue != null) {
            lifetime = lifetimeValue.longValue();

        if (sessionLessValue != null) {
            sessionLess = sessionLessValue.booleanValue();
        } else {
            sessionLess = xid != null;

        switch (msg.getPacketType())  {
            case PacketType.START_TRANSACTION:
                try {
                    SessionUID suid = null;
                    Long sessionID = (Long)props.get("JMQSessionID");
                    if (sessionID != null) {
                        suid = new SessionUID(sessionID.longValue());
                    doStart(id, conlist, con,
                        type, xid, sessionLess, lifetime, messagetid,
                        xaFlags, msg.getPacketType(), replay, msg.getSysMessageID().toString());
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    status = Status.ERROR;
                           ex.toString() + ": TUID=" + id + " Xid=" + xid, ex);
                    reason = ex.getMessage();
                    if (ex instanceof BrokerException) {
                        status = ((BrokerException)ex).getStatusCode();
                sendReply(con, msg, PacketType.START_TRANSACTION_REPLY,
                            status, id.longValue(), reason);

            case PacketType.END_TRANSACTION:
                try {
                    doEnd(msg.getPacketType(), xid, xaFlags, ts, id);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    status = Status.ERROR;
                    reason = ex.getMessage();
                    if (ex instanceof BrokerException) status = ((BrokerException)ex).getStatusCode();
                sendReply(con, msg,  msg.getPacketType() + 1, status, id.longValue(), reason);
            case PacketType.PREPARE_TRANSACTION:
                BrokerException bex = null;
                try {
                    doPrepare(id, xaFlags, ts, msg.getPacketType(), jmqonephase, null);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    status = Status.ERROR;
                    if ((!(ex instanceof BrokerDownException) &&
                         !(ex instanceof AckEntryNotFoundException)) || DEBUG_CLUSTER_TXN) {
                            ex.toString() + ": TUID=" + id + " Xid=" + xid, ex);
                    } else {
                    logger.log(((ex instanceof AckEntryNotFoundException) ? Logger.WARNING:Logger.ERROR),
                               ex.toString() + ": TUID=" + id + " Xid=" + xid);
                    reason = ex.getMessage();
                    if (ex instanceof BrokerException) {
                        status = ((BrokerException)ex).getStatusCode();
                        bex = (BrokerException)ex;
                sendReply(con, msg,  msg.getPacketType() + 1, status,
                          id.longValue(), reason, bex);
            case PacketType.RECOVER_TRANSACTION:

                Vector v = null;

                if (id != null) {
                    // Check if specified transaction is in PREPARED state
                    v = new Vector();
                    ts = translist.retrieveState(id);
                    if (ts.getState() == TransactionState.PREPARED) {
                } else {
                    // XA Transaction only. We return all Xids on a STARTRSCAN
                    // and nothing on ENDRSCAN or NOFLAGS
                    if (xaFlags == null ||
                                                                    xaFlags)) {
                        Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();
                        hash.put("JMQQuantity", new Integer(0));
                        sendReplyBody(con, msg,
                            Status.OK, hash, null);
                    // Get list of transactions in PENDING state and marshal
                    // the Xid's to a byte array.
                    v = translist.getTransactions(TransactionState.PREPARED);

                int nIDs = v.size();
                int nWritten = 0;
                ByteArrayOutputStream bos =
                            new ByteArrayOutputStream(nIDs * JMQXid.size());
                DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
                for (int n = 0; n < nIDs; n++) {
                    TransactionUID tuid = (TransactionUID)v.get(n);
                    TransactionState _ts = translist.retrieveState(tuid);
                    if (_ts == null) {
                        // Should never happen
                                "Could not find state for TUID " + tuid);
                    JMQXid _xid = _ts.getXid();
                    if (_xid != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                "Could not write Xid " +
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        Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();

        Hashtable props = null;
        TransactionUID tuid = null;
        JMQXid xid = null;
        try {
            props = msg.getProperties();
            Long ttid = (Long)props.get("JMQTransactionID");
            if (ttid == null) {
                throw new BrokerException("Bad/Missing transaction id");
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                    pstmt.setLong( 1, id );
                    pstmt.setInt( 2, TransactionInfo.TXN_LOCAL );
                    pstmt.setInt( 3, state );
                    pstmt.setInt( 4, txnState.getType().intValue() );

                    JMQXid jmqXid = txnState.getXid();
                    if ( jmqXid != null ) {
                        pstmt.setString( 5, jmqXid.toString() );
                    } else {
                        pstmt.setNull( 5, Types.VARCHAR );

                    Util.setObject( pstmt, 6, txnState );
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Related Classes of com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.JMQXid

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