Package com.sun.jna.examples.win32

Examples of com.sun.jna.examples.win32.W32API$WPARAM

            port = null;
            watcher = null;
        private String getSystemError(int code) {
            Kernel32 lib = Kernel32.INSTANCE;
            PointerByReference pref = new PointerByReference();
                              null, code,
                              0, pref, 0, null);
            String s = pref.getValue().getString(0, !Boolean.getBoolean("w32.ascii"));
            return s;
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        private HANDLE port;
        private final Map fileMap = new HashMap();
        private final Map handleMap = new HashMap();
        private void handleChanges(FileInfo finfo) throws IOException {
            Kernel32 klib = Kernel32.INSTANCE;
            FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION fni =;
            // Need an explicit read, since data was filled in asynchronously
            do {
                FileEvent event = null;
                File file = new File(finfo.file, fni.getFilename());
                switch(fni.Action) {
                case Kernel32.FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED:
                    event = new FileEvent(file, FILE_MODIFIED); break;
                case Kernel32.FILE_ACTION_ADDED:
                    event = new FileEvent(file, FILE_CREATED); break;
                case Kernel32.FILE_ACTION_REMOVED:
                    event = new FileEvent(file, FILE_DELETED); break;
                case Kernel32.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME:
                    event = new FileEvent(file, FILE_NAME_CHANGED_OLD); break;
                case Kernel32.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME:
                    event = new FileEvent(file, FILE_NAME_CHANGED_NEW); break;
                    // TODO: other actions...
                    System.err.println("Unrecognized file action '" + fni.Action + "'");
                if (event != null)
                fni =;
            } while (fni != null);
            // Trigger the next read
            if (!finfo.file.exists()) {
            if (!klib.ReadDirectoryChangesW(finfo.handle,,
                                  , finfo.recursive,
                                            finfo.notifyMask, finfo.infoLength,
                                            finfo.overlapped, null)) {
                int err = klib.GetLastError();
                throw new IOException("ReadDirectoryChangesW failed on "
                                      + finfo.file + ": '"
                                      + getSystemError(err)
                                      + "' (" + err + ")");
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                                      + getSystemError(err)
                                      + "' (" + err + ")");
        private FileInfo waitForChange() {
            Kernel32 klib = Kernel32.INSTANCE;
            IntByReference rcount = new IntByReference();
            HANDLEByReference rkey = new HANDLEByReference();
            PointerByReference roverlap = new PointerByReference();
            klib.GetQueuedCompletionStatus(port, rcount, rkey, roverlap, Kernel32.INFINITE);
            synchronized (this) {
                return (FileInfo)handleMap.get(rkey.getValue());
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                dir = dir.getParentFile();
            if (dir == null) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException("No ancestor found for " + file);
            Kernel32 klib = Kernel32.INSTANCE;
            int mask = Kernel32.FILE_SHARE_READ
                | Kernel32.FILE_SHARE_WRITE | Kernel32.FILE_SHARE_DELETE;
            int flags = Kernel32.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS
                | Kernel32.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED;
            HANDLE handle = klib.CreateFile(file.getAbsolutePath(),
                                            mask, null, Kernel32.OPEN_EXISTING,
                                            flags, null);
            if (Kernel32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.equals(handle)) {
                throw new IOException("Unable to open " + file + " ("
                                      + klib.GetLastError() + ")");
            int notifyMask = convertMask(eventMask);
            FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(file, handle, notifyMask, recursive);
            fileMap.put(file, finfo);
            handleMap.put(handle, finfo);
            // Existing port is returned
            port = klib.CreateIoCompletionPort(handle, port, handle.getPointer(), 0);
            if (Kernel32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.equals(port)) {
                throw new IOException("Unable to create/use I/O Completion port "
                        + "for " + file + " ("
                        + klib.GetLastError() + ")");
            // TODO: use FileIOCompletionRoutine callback method instead of a
            // dedicated thread
            if (!klib.ReadDirectoryChangesW(handle,,,
                                            recursive, notifyMask, finfo.infoLength,
                                            finfo.overlapped, null)) {
                int err = klib.GetLastError();
                throw new IOException("ReadDirectoryChangesW failed on "
                                      + finfo.file + ", handle " + handle
                                      + ": '" + getSystemError(err)
                                      + "' (" + err + ")");
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        protected synchronized void unwatch(File file) {
            FileInfo finfo = (FileInfo)fileMap.remove(file);
            if (finfo != null) {
                Kernel32 klib = Kernel32.INSTANCE;
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            int i = 0;
            for (Object[] keys = fileMap.keySet().toArray(); !fileMap.isEmpty();) {
            Kernel32 klib = Kernel32.INSTANCE;
            klib.PostQueuedCompletionStatus(port, 0, null, null);
            port = null;
            watcher = null;
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            port = null;
            watcher = null;
        private String getSystemError(int code) {
            Kernel32 lib = Kernel32.INSTANCE;
            PointerByReference pref = new PointerByReference();
                              null, code,
                              0, pref, 0, null);
            String s = pref.getValue().getString(0, !Boolean.getBoolean("w32.ascii"));
            s = s.replace(".\r",".").replace(".\n",".");
            return s;
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    private static class W32FileUtils extends FileUtils {

        public boolean hasTrash() { return true; }

        public boolean moveToTrash(File[] files) {
            Shell32 shell = Shell32.INSTANCE;
            SHFILEOPSTRUCT fileop = new SHFILEOPSTRUCT();
            fileop.wFunc = Shell32.FO_DELETE;
            String[] paths = new String[files.length];
            for (int i=0;i < paths.length;i++) {
                paths[i] = files[i].getAbsolutePath();
            fileop.pFrom = fileop.encodePaths(paths);
            fileop.fFlags = Shell32.FOF_ALLOWUNDO|Shell32.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION|Shell32.FOF_SILENT;
            return shell.SHFileOperation(fileop) == 0;
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    private static class W32FileUtils extends FileUtils {

        public boolean hasTrash() { return true; }

        public void moveToTrash(File[] files) throws IOException {
            Shell32 shell = Shell32.INSTANCE;
            SHFILEOPSTRUCT fileop = new SHFILEOPSTRUCT();
            fileop.wFunc = Shell32.FO_DELETE;
            String[] paths = new String[files.length];
            for (int i=0;i < paths.length;i++) {
                paths[i] = files[i].getAbsolutePath();
            fileop.pFrom = fileop.encodePaths(paths);
            fileop.fFlags = Shell32.FOF_ALLOWUNDO|Shell32.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION|Shell32.FOF_SILENT;
            int ret = shell.SHFileOperation(fileop);
            if (ret != 0) {
                throw new IOException("Move to trash failed: " + ret);
            if (fileop.fAnyOperationsAborted) {
                throw new IOException("Move to trash aborted");
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                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Set sun.java2d.noddraw=true to enable transparent windows");
            whenDisplayable(w, new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    HWND hWnd = getHWnd(w);
                    User32 user = User32.INSTANCE;
                    int flags = user.GetWindowLong(hWnd, User32.GWL_EXSTYLE);
                    byte level = (byte)((int)(255 * alpha) & 0xFF);
                    if (isTransparent(w)) {
                        // If already using UpdateLayeredWindow, continue to
                        // do so
                        BLENDFUNCTION blend = new BLENDFUNCTION();
                        blend.SourceConstantAlpha = level;
                        blend.AlphaFormat = User32.AC_SRC_ALPHA;
                        user.UpdateLayeredWindow(hWnd, null, null, null, null,
                                                 null, 0, blend,
                    else if (alpha == 1f) {
                        flags &= ~User32.WS_EX_LAYERED;
                        user.SetWindowLong(hWnd, User32.GWL_EXSTYLE, flags);
                    else {
                        flags |= User32.WS_EX_LAYERED;
                        user.SetWindowLong(hWnd, User32.GWL_EXSTYLE, flags);
                        user.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hWnd, 0, level,
                    setForceHeavyweightPopups(w, alpha != 1f);
                    storeAlpha(w, level);
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Related Classes of com.sun.jna.examples.win32.W32API$WPARAM

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