// fails to properly composite unless the destination
// is pure black. Too bad.
protected void paintDirect(BufferedImage buf, Rectangle bounds) {
Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this);
X11 x11 = X11.INSTANCE;
X11.Display dpy = x11.XOpenDisplay(null);
X11.Window win = getDrawable(window);
Point offset = new Point();
win = getContentWindow(window, dpy, win, offset);
X11.GC gc = x11.XCreateGC(dpy, win, new NativeLong(0), null);
Raster raster = buf.getData();
int w = bounds.width;
int h = bounds.height;
if (buffer == null || buffer.size() != w*h*4) {
buffer = new Memory(w*h*4);
pixels = new int[w*h];
for (int y=0;y<h;y++) {
for (int x=0;x < w;x++) {
raster.getPixel(x, y, pixel);
int alpha = pixel[3]&0xFF;
int red = pixel[2]&0xFF;
int green = pixel[1]&0xFF;
int blue = pixel[0]&0xFF;
// TODO: use visual RGB masks to position bits
// This layout (ABGR) works empirically
pixels[y*w + x] = (alpha<<24)|(blue<<16)|(green<<8)|red;
X11.XWindowAttributes xwa = new X11.XWindowAttributes();
x11.XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, win, xwa);
X11.XImage image =
x11.XCreateImage(dpy, xwa.visual, 32, X11.ZPixmap,
0, buffer, w, h, 32, w * 4);
buffer.write(0, pixels, 0, pixels.length);
offset.x += bounds.x;
offset.y += bounds.y;
x11.XPutImage(dpy, win, gc, image, 0, 0, offset.x, offset.y, w, h);
x11.XFreeGC(dpy, gc);