AcmChecker checker = new AcmChecker(req);
int index=0;
SnmpVarBind var = null;
final int ver= req.getVersion();
SnmpOid original = null;
// For each varbind, finds the handling node.
// This function has the side effect of transforming a GET-NEXT
// request into a valid GET request, replacing the OIDs in the
// original GET-NEXT request with the OID of the first leaf that
// follows.
for (Enumeration e= req.getElements(); e.hasMoreElements(); index++) {
var = (SnmpVarBind) e.nextElement();
SnmpOid result = null;
try {
// Find the node handling the OID that follows the varbind
// OID. `result' contains this next leaf OID.
//ACM loop.
if (SNMP_ADAPTOR_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
"getGetNextHandlers", " Next OID of : " + var.oid);
result = new SnmpOid(root.findNextHandlingNode
0,handlers, checker));
if (SNMP_ADAPTOR_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {