This class represents a JAAS based implementation of the {@link JMXAuthenticator} interface.
Authentication is performed by passing the supplied user's credentials to one or more authentication mechanisms ( {@link LoginModule}) for verification. An authentication mechanism acquires the user's credentials by calling {@link NameCallback} and/or {@link PasswordCallback}. If authentication is successful then an authenticated {@link Subject}filled in with a {@link Principal} is returned. Authorization checkswill then be performed based on this Subject
By default, a single file-based authentication mechanism {@link FileLoginModule} is configured (FileLoginConfig
To override the default configuration use the
management property described in the JRE/lib/management/ file. Set this property to the name of a JAAS configuration entry and ensure that the entry is loaded by the installed {@link Configuration}. In addition, ensure that the authentication mechanisms specified in the entry acquire the user's credentials by calling {@link NameCallback} and{@link PasswordCallback} and that they return a {@link Subject} filled-inwith a {@link Principal}, for those users that are successfully authenticated.