Package com.sun.enterprise.util

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.util.ColumnFormatter

                case STEP_METRICS:
                    stepMetricsIndex = index;
                    Map<String, Long> metricMap = new HashMap<>();
                    if (stepExecution.getMetrics() != null) {
                        ColumnFormatter cf = new ColumnFormatter(new String[]{"METRICNAME", "VALUE"});
                        for (Metric metric : stepExecution.getMetrics()) {
                            metricMap.put(metric.getType().name(), metric.getValue());
                            cf.addRow(new Object[] {metric.getType().name(), metric.getValue()});
                        st = new StringTokenizer(cf.toString(), "\n");
                    data = metricMap;
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown header: " + getOutputHeaders()[index]);
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    protected void executeCommand(AdminCommandContext context, Properties extraProps)
        throws Exception {

        ColumnFormatter columnFormatter = new ColumnFormatter(getDisplayHeaders());
        if (isSimpleMode()) {
            extraProps.put("simpleMode", true);
            extraProps.put("listBatchJobs", findSimpleJobInfo(columnFormatter));
        } else {
            extraProps.put("simpleMode", false);
            List<Map<String, Object>> jobExecutions = new ArrayList<>();
            extraProps.put("listBatchJobs", jobExecutions);
            for (JobExecution je : findJobExecutions()) {
                jobExecutions.add(handleJob(je, columnFormatter));
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    protected void executeCommand(AdminCommandContext context, Properties extraProps)
        throws Exception {

        ColumnFormatter columnFormatter = new ColumnFormatter(getDisplayHeaders());
        List<Map<String, Object>> jobExecutions = new ArrayList<>();
        extraProps.put("listBatchJobExecutions", jobExecutions);
        if (executionId != null) {
            JobOperator jobOperator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
            JobExecution je = jobOperator.getJobExecution(Long.valueOf(executionId));
            if (instanceId != null) {
                JobInstance ji = jobOperator.getJobInstance(Long.valueOf(executionId));
                if (ji.getInstanceId() != Long.valueOf(instanceId)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("executionid " + executionId
                    + " is not associated with the specified instanceid (" + instanceId + ")"
                    + "; did you mean " + ji.getInstanceId() + " ?");
            try {
                if (glassFishBatchSecurityHelper.isVisibleToThisInstance(((TaggedJobExecution) je).getTagName()))
                    jobExecutions.add(handleJob(je, columnFormatter));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception while getting jobExecution details: " + ex);
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception while getting jobExecution details: ", ex);
        } else if (instanceId != null) {
            for (JobExecution je : getJobExecutionForInstance(Long.valueOf(instanceId))) {
                try {
                    if (glassFishBatchSecurityHelper.isVisibleToThisInstance(((TaggedJobExecution) je).getTagName()))
                        jobExecutions.add(handleJob(je, columnFormatter));
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception while getting jobExecution details: " + ex);
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception while getting jobExecution details: ", ex);
        } else {
            JobOperator jobOperator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
            Set<String> jobNames = jobOperator.getJobNames();
            if (jobNames != null) {
                for (String jn : jobOperator.getJobNames()) {
                    List<JobInstance> exe = jobOperator.getJobInstances(jn, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1);
                    if (exe != null) {
                        for (JobInstance ji : exe) {
                            for (JobExecution je : jobOperator.getJobExecutions(ji)) {
                                try {
                                    if (glassFishBatchSecurityHelper.isVisibleToThisInstance(((TaggedJobExecution) je).getTagName()))
                                        jobExecutions.add(handleJob(jobOperator.getJobExecution(je.getExecutionId()), columnFormatter));
                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception while getting jobExecution details: " + ex);
                                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception while getting jobExecution details: ", ex);
        if (jobExecutions.size() > 0) {
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("No Job Executions found");

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                case JOB_PARAMETERS:
                    data = je.getJobParameters() == null ? new Properties() : je.getJobParameters();
                    jobParamIndex = index;
                    ColumnFormatter cf = new ColumnFormatter(new String[]{"KEY", "VALUE"});
                    for (Map.Entry e : ((Properties) data).entrySet())
                        cf.addRow(new String[]{e.getKey().toString(), e.getValue().toString()});
                    st = new StringTokenizer(cf.toString(), "\n");
                case STEP_COUNT:
                    long exeId = executionId == null ? je.getExecutionId() : Long.valueOf(executionId);
                    data = jobOperator.getStepExecutions(exeId) == null
                        ? 0 : jobOperator.getStepExecutions(exeId).size();
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    protected void executeCommand(AdminCommandContext context, Properties extraProps)
        throws Exception {

        ColumnFormatter columnFormatter = new ColumnFormatter(getDisplayHeaders());
        List<Map<String, Object>> jobExecutions = new ArrayList<>();
        extraProps.put("listBatchJobSteps", jobExecutions);
        for (StepExecution je : findStepExecutions()) {
            try {
                jobExecutions.add(handleJob(je, columnFormatter));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception while getting jobExecution details: " + ex);
                logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception while getting jobExecution details ", ex);
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                case STEP_METRICS:
                    stepMetricsIndex = index;
                    Map<String, Long> metricMap = new HashMap<>();
                    if (stepExecution.getMetrics() != null) {
                        ColumnFormatter cf = new ColumnFormatter(new String[]{"METRICNAME", "VALUE"});
                        for (Metric metric : stepExecution.getMetrics()) {
                            metricMap.put(metric.getType().name(), metric.getValue());
                            cf.addRow(new Object[] {metric.getType().name(), metric.getValue()});
                        st = new StringTokenizer(cf.toString(), "\n");
                    data = metricMap;
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown header: " + getOutputHeaders()[index]);
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    protected void executeCommand(AdminCommandContext context, Properties extraProps)
        throws Exception {

        ColumnFormatter columnFormatter = new ColumnFormatter(getDisplayHeaders());
        if (isSimpleMode()) {
            extraProps.put("simpleMode", true);
            extraProps.put("listBatchJobs", findSimpleJobInfo(columnFormatter));
        } else {
            extraProps.put("simpleMode", false);
            List<Map<String, Object>> jobExecutions = new ArrayList<>();
            extraProps.put("listBatchJobs", jobExecutions);
            for (JobExecution je : findJobExecutions()) {
                try {
                    if (glassFishBatchSecurityHelper.isVisibleToThisInstance(((TaggedJobExecution) je).getTagName()))
                        jobExecutions.add(handleJob(je, columnFormatter));
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception while getting jobExecution details: " + ex);
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception while getting jobExecution details ", ex);
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        final ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();
        String header_name = localStrings.getLocalString("", "Logger Name");
        String header_subsystem = localStrings.getLocalString("list.loggers.header.subsystem", "Subsystem");
        String header_description = localStrings.getLocalString("list.loggers.header.description", "Logger Description");
        ColumnFormatter colFormatter = new ColumnFormatter(new String[]{header_name, header_subsystem, header_description});
        // An option to specify client locale should be supported. However, it probably
        // should not be specific to this command. For now, localize using the default locale.
        Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();

        try {
            Set<String> loggers = loggerInfoMetadataService.getLoggerNames();
            // The following Map & List are used to hold the REST data
            Map<String, String> loggerSubsystems = new HashMap<String, String>();
            Map<String, String> loggerDescriptions = new HashMap<String, String>();
            List<String> loggerList = new ArrayList<String>(loggers);
            for (String logger : loggers) {
                String subsystem = loggerInfoMetadataService.getSubsystem(logger);
                String desc = loggerInfoMetadataService.getDescription(logger, locale);
                boolean published = loggerInfoMetadataService.isPublished(logger);
                if (subsystem == null) subsystem = UNKNOWN;
                if (desc == null) desc = UNKNOWN;
                if (published || listInternalLoggers) {
                    colFormatter.addRow(new Object[]{logger, subsystem, desc});
                    loggerSubsystems.put(logger, subsystem);
                    loggerDescriptions.put(logger, desc); //Needed for REST xml and JSON output
                    loggerList.add(logger); //Needed for REST xml and JSON output                                   
            // Populate the extraProperties data structure for REST...
            Properties restData = new Properties();
            restData.put("loggerSubsystems", loggerSubsystems);
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    protected void executeCommand(AdminCommandContext context, Properties extraProps)
        throws Exception {

        ColumnFormatter columnFormatter = new ColumnFormatter(getDisplayHeaders());
        List<Map<String, Object>> jobExecutions = new ArrayList<>();
        extraProps.put("listBatchJobSteps", jobExecutions);
        for (StepExecution je : findStepExecutions()) {
            jobExecutions.add(handleJob(je, columnFormatter));
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                case STEP_METRICS:
                    stepMetricsIndex = index;
                    Map<String, Long> metricMap = new HashMap<>();
                    if (stepExecution.getMetrics() != null) {
                        ColumnFormatter cf = new ColumnFormatter(new String[]{"METRICNAME", "VALUE"});
                        for (Metric metric : stepExecution.getMetrics()) {
                            metricMap.put(metric.getName().name(), metric.getValue());
                            cf.addRow(new Object[] {metric.getName().name(), metric.getValue()});
                        st = new StringTokenizer(cf.toString(), "\n");
                    data = metricMap;
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown header: " + getOutputHeaders()[index]);
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Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.util.ColumnFormatter

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