final File keyStoreFile = serverEnv.getJKS();
final File trustStoreFile = new File(serverEnv.getConfigDirPath(), "cacerts.jks");
final String pw = masterPassword();
ProcessManager pm = new ProcessManager(new String[]{
"-keyalg", "RSA",
"-keystore", keyStoreFile.getAbsolutePath(),
"-alias", SecureAdmin.Duck.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ALIAS,
"-dname", getCertificateDN(),
"-validity", "3650",
"-keypass", pw,
"-storepass", pw,});
if (pm.getExitValue() != 0) {
final String err = pm.getStdout();
throw new RuntimeException(err);
final File tempCertFile = new File(serverEnv.getConfigDirPath(),"temp.cer");
pm = new ProcessManager(new String[] {
"-keystore", keyStoreFile.getAbsolutePath(),
"-alias", SecureAdmin.Duck.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ALIAS,
"-keypass", pw,
"-storepass", pw,
"-file", tempCertFile.getAbsolutePath()
if (pm.getExitValue() != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(pm.getStderr());
pm = new ProcessManager(new String[] {
"-storepass", pw,
"-keypass", pw,
"-keystore", trustStoreFile.getAbsolutePath(),
"-file", tempCertFile.getAbsolutePath(),
"-alias", SecureAdmin.Duck.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_ALIAS
if ( ! tempCertFile.delete()) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Unable to delete temp file {0}; continuing", tempCertFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (pm.getExitValue() != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(pm.getStderr());
* Reload the keystore and truststore from disk.