Package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.archivist

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.archivist.Archivist

     * This is to be used for file publishing only. In case of wsdlImports and wsdlIncludes
     * we need to copy the nested wsdls from applications folder to the generated/xml folder
    private void copyExtraFilesToGeneratedFolder( DeploymentContext context) throws IOException{
        Archivist archivist = habitat.getService(Archivist.class);

        ReadableArchive archive = archiveFactory.openArchive(

        WritableArchive archive2 = archiveFactory.createArchive(

        // copy the additional webservice elements etc
        archivist.copyExtraElements(archive, archive2);
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        String dd = "unavailable";
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
            final Archivist moduleArchivist = archivistFactory.getArchivist(bundleDesc.getModuleDescriptor().getModuleType());
            final DeploymentDescriptorFile ddFile =  moduleArchivist.getStandardDDFile();
            out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ddFile.write(bundleDesc, out);
            final String charsetName = "UTF-8";
            dd = out.toString(charsetName);
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        Vector moduleNames = new Vector();
        if (descriptor.isApplication()) {
            Application app = (Application) descriptor;
            for (ModuleDescriptor md : app.getModules()) {
                Archivist moduleArchivist = archivistFactory.getArchivist(md.getModuleType());
                ReadableArchive subSource = source.getSubArchive(md.getArchiveUri());
                ReadableArchive subSource2 = source2.getSubArchive(md.getArchiveUri());
                // any file that needs to be kept in the sub module should be
                // calculated here
                Vector subEntries = new Vector();
                // manifest file always stay in embedded jar
                BundleDescriptor subBundleDesc =
                    (BundleDescriptor) md.getDescriptor();
                // all mapping file stay within the embedded jar
                WebServicesDescriptor wsd = subBundleDesc.getWebServices();
                if (wsd!=null) {
                    for (Iterator itr = wsd.getWebServices().iterator();itr.hasNext();) {
                        WebService ws = (WebService);
                Set refs = subBundleDesc.getServiceReferenceDescriptors();
                for (Iterator itr = refs.iterator();itr.hasNext();) {
                    ServiceReferenceDescriptor srd = (ServiceReferenceDescriptor);
                // first copy original module files in the root on the target
                // except for .rar files contents.
                // We need to do it first so we save the list of files to be saved in the
                // embedded archive (for proper deployment descriptor loading)
                List embeddedFiles = new ArrayList();
                for (Enumeration e = subSource.entries();e.hasMoreElements();) {
                    String entryName = (String) e.nextElement();
                    // Deployment Descriptors (and associated) go in the embedded files
                    if (entryName.endsWith(".xml"||
                        subEntries.contains(entryName) ||
                        entryName.startsWith(subBundleDesc.getWsdlDir())) {
                    } else {
                        try {
                            copy(subSource, target, entryName);
                        } catch(IOException ioe) {
                            // dup, we ignore
                // now we need to copy the files we saved inside the embedded
                // archive file
                WritableArchive subTarget = target.createSubArchive(md.getArchiveUri());
                // and copy the list of identified files inside it

                // copy deployment descriptor files from generated xml directory
                for (Iterator itr = embeddedFiles.iterator();itr.hasNext();) {
                    String entryName = (String);
                    copyWithOverride(subSource, subSource2, subTarget, entryName);

                copy(subSource, subSource2, subTarget,

                // every module may not have a sun descriptor, e.g. par file does not have one.
                if(moduleArchivist.getConfigurationDDFile()!=null) {
                    copy(subSource, subSource2, subTarget,

                // and the manifest file since it does not appear in the list of files...
                copy(subSource, subTarget, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
                // we do not need to copy anything else from the source embedded module
                // since all .class files and resources have moved at the top level of the target
                // application client container jar, so we can close out both subarchives
        // standalone modules and .ear file level entries fall back here, we
        // just need to copy the original archive file elements at the root level
        // of the target application client container jar file.
        Archivist archivist = archivistFactory.getArchivist(descriptor.getModuleType());

        // because of the backend layout, the appclient jar file appears in the list of files
        // in the source archive (which is the exploded directory where we started writing
        // the appclient file... this is also true when doing deploydir deployment
        String appClientFileName = target.getURI().getSchemeSpecificPart().substring(target.getURI().getSchemeSpecificPart().lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar)+1);

        // and the manifest file since it does not appear in the
        // list of files...
        copy(source, target, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
        List xmlFiles = new ArrayList();
        String libDir = computeLibraryDirectory(descriptor);
        for (Enumeration e = ((FileArchive)source).entries(moduleNames.elements());e.hasMoreElements();) {
            String entryName = (String) e.nextElement();
            // if this is the appclient we are creating, we pass
            if (entryName.equals(appClientFileName)) {
            // now we need to write the elements in the target file and explode
            // if it is a utility jar file
            if (entryName.endsWith(".jar") && ! inLibDirSubdirectory(libDir, entryName)) {
                // explode
                ReadableArchive subSource = null;
                try {
                    subSource = source.getSubArchive(entryName);
                    for (Enumeration subEntries = subSource.entries();subEntries.hasMoreElements();) {
                        String subEntryName = (String) subEntries.nextElement();
                            // If we copy DescriptorConstants.PAR_DD_ENTRY into
                            // *Client.jar then during subsequent app loading time
                            // server will treat that jar as another PU Root and try to load it.
                            // so don't copy such a file.
                        copy(subSource, target, subEntryName);
                } finally {
                    if (subSource != null) {
            } else {
                if (entryName.endsWith(".xml")) {
                copyWithOverride(source, source2, target, entryName);

        copy(source, source2, target,
        copy(source, source2, target,
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     * This is to be used for filepublishing only. Incase of wsdlImports and wsdlIncludes
     * we need to copy the nested wsdls from applications folder to the generated/xml folder
    private void copyExtraFilesToGeneratedFolder( DeploymentContext context) throws IOException{
        Archivist archivist = habitat.getByContract(Archivist.class);

        ReadableArchive archive = archiveFactory.openArchive(

        WritableArchive archive2 = archiveFactory.createArchive(

        // copy the additional webservice elements etc
        archivist.copyExtraElements(archive, archive2);
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     * This is to be used for file publishing only. In case of wsdlImports and wsdlIncludes
     * we need to copy the nested wsdls from applications folder to the generated/xml folder
    private void copyExtraFilesToGeneratedFolder( DeploymentContext context) throws IOException{
        Archivist archivist = habitat.getService(Archivist.class);

        ReadableArchive archive = archiveFactory.openArchive(

        WritableArchive archive2 = archiveFactory.createArchive(

        // copy the additional webservice elements etc
        archivist.copyExtraElements(archive, archive2);
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         * Try letting the factory decide what type of archive this is.  That
         * will often allow an app client or an EAR archive to be detected
         * automatically.
        Archivist archivist = af.getArchivist(ModuleType.CAR.toString(), classLoader);
        if (archivist == null) {
            throw new UserError(localStrings.get("appclient.invalidArchive",

        final ArchiveType moduleType = archivist.getModuleType();
        if (moduleType != null && moduleType.equals(DOLUtils.carType())) {
            return new UndeployedLaunchable(habitat, ra,
                    (AppClientArchivist) archivist, callerSuppliedMainClassName);
        } else if (moduleType != null && moduleType.equals(DOLUtils.earType())) {
             * Locate the app client submodule that matches the main class name
             * or the app client name.

            Application app = (Application);
            for (ModuleDescriptor<BundleDescriptor> md : app.getModules()) {
                if ( ! md.getModuleType().equals(DOLUtils.carType())) {

                ApplicationClientDescriptor acd = (ApplicationClientDescriptor) md.getDescriptor();

                final String displayName = acd.getDisplayName();
                final String appName = acd.getModuleID();

                ArchiveFactory archiveFactory = Util.getArchiveFactory();
                ReadableArchive clientRA = archiveFactory.openArchive(ra.getURI().resolve(md.getArchiveUri()));

                 * Choose this nested app client if the caller-supplied name
                 * matches, or if the caller-supplied main class matches, or
                 * if neither was provided. 
                final boolean useThisClient =
                        (displayName != null && displayName.equals(callerSuppliedAppName))
                     || (appName != null && appName.equals(callerSuppliedAppName))
                     || (callerSuppliedMainClassName != null && clientRA.exists(classToResource(callerSuppliedMainClassName))
                     || (callerSuppliedAppName == null && callerSuppliedMainClassName == null));

                if (useThisClient) {
                    return new UndeployedLaunchable(habitat, clientRA, acd,

            throw new UserError(localStrings.get("appclient.noMatchingClientInEAR",
                    ra.getURI(), callerSuppliedMainClassName, callerSuppliedAppName));
        } else {
             * There is a possibility that the user is trying to launch an
             * archive that is more than one type of archive: such as an EJB
             * but also an app client (because the manifest identifies a main
             * class, for example).
             * Earlier the archivist factory might have returned the other type
             * of archivist - such as the EJB archivist.  Now see if the app
             * client archivist will work when selected directly.
            archivist = af.getArchivist(DOLUtils.carType());

             * Try to open the archive as an app client archive just to see
             * if it works.
            RootDeploymentDescriptor tempACD =;
            if (tempACD != null && tempACD instanceof ApplicationClientDescriptor) {
                 * Start with a fresh archivist - unopened - so we can request
                 * anno processing, etc. before opening it for real.
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        super(isJWS, logger, mainClassFromCommandLine);
        appClientArchive = archive;

    public void postConstruct() {
        Archivist archivist = archivistFactory.getArchivist(ModuleType.CAR.toString(), getClassLoader());
        if (!(archivist instanceof AppClientArchivist)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected an app client module but " +
                    appClientArchive.getURI().toASCIIString() +
                    " was recognized by " + archivist.getClass().getName());
        appClientArchivist = (AppClientArchivist) archivist;
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     * This is to be used for file publishing only. In case of wsdlImports and wsdlIncludes
     * we need to copy the nested wsdls from applications folder to the generated/xml folder
    private void copyExtraFilesToGeneratedFolder( DeploymentContext context) throws IOException{
        Archivist archivist = habitat.getService(Archivist.class);

        ReadableArchive archive = archiveFactory.openArchive(

        WritableArchive archive2 = archiveFactory.createArchive(

        // copy the additional webservice elements etc
        archivist.copyExtraElements(archive, archive2);
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        appClientArchive = archive;

    public void postConstruct() {
        try {
            Archivist archivist = archivistFactory.getArchivist(appClientArchive, getClassLoader());
            if (!(archivist instanceof AppClientArchivist)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected an app client module but " +
                        appClientArchive.getURI().toASCIIString() +
                        " was recognized by " + archivist.getClass().getName());
            appClientArchivist = (AppClientArchivist) archivist;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
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         * Try letting the factory decide what type of archive this is.  That
         * will often allow an app client or an EAR archive to be detected
         * automatically.
        Archivist archivist = af.getArchivist(ra, classLoader);
        if (archivist == null) {
            throw new UserError(localStrings.get("appclient.invalidArchive",
        if (archivist.getModuleType().equals(XModuleType.CAR)) {
            return new UndeployedLaunchable(habitat, ra,
                    (AppClientArchivist) archivist, callerSuppliedMainClassName);
        } else if (archivist.getModuleType().equals(XModuleType.EAR)) {
             * Locate the app client submodule that matches the main class name
             * or the app client name.

            Application app = (Application);
            for (ModuleDescriptor<BundleDescriptor> md : app.getModules()) {
                if ( ! md.getModuleType().equals(XModuleType.CAR)) {

                ApplicationClientDescriptor acd = (ApplicationClientDescriptor) md.getDescriptor();

                final String displayName = acd.getDisplayName();
                final String appName = acd.getModuleID();

                ArchiveFactory archiveFactory = Util.getArchiveFactory();
                ReadableArchive clientRA = archiveFactory.openArchive(ra.getURI().resolve(md.getArchiveUri()));

                 * Choose this nested app client if the caller-supplied name
                 * matches, or if the caller-supplied main class matches, or
                 * if neither was provided. 
                final boolean useThisClient =
                        (displayName != null && displayName.equals(callerSuppliedAppName))
                     || (appName != null && appName.equals(callerSuppliedAppName))
                     || (callerSuppliedMainClassName != null && clientRA.exists(classToResource(callerSuppliedMainClassName))
                     || (callerSuppliedAppName == null && callerSuppliedMainClassName == null));

                if (useThisClient) {
                    return new UndeployedLaunchable(habitat, clientRA, acd,

            throw new UserError(localStrings.get("appclient.noMatchingClientInEAR",
                    ra.getURI(), callerSuppliedMainClassName, callerSuppliedAppName));
        } else {
             * There is a possibility that the user is trying to launch an
             * archive that is more than one type of archive: such as an EJB
             * but also an app client (because the manifest identifies a main
             * class, for example).
             * Earlier the archivist factory might have returned the other type
             * of archivist - such as the EJB archivist.  Now see if the app
             * client archivist will work when selected directly.
            archivist = af.getArchivist(XModuleType.CAR);

             * Try to open the archive as an app client archive just to see
             * if it works.
            RootDeploymentDescriptor tempACD =;
            if (tempACD != null && tempACD instanceof ApplicationClientDescriptor) {
                 * Start with a fresh archivist - unopened - so we can request
                 * anno processing, etc. before opening it for real.
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Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.archivist.Archivist

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