appInfo.addTransientAppMetaData(WELD_BOOTSTRAP, bootstrap);
// Making sure that if WeldBootstrap is added, shutdown is set to false, as it is/would not have been called.
appInfo.addTransientAppMetaData(WELD_BOOTSTRAP_SHUTDOWN, "false");
EjbBundleDescriptor ejbBundle = getEjbBundleFromContext(context);
EjbServices ejbServices = null;
Set<EjbDescriptor> ejbs = new HashSet<EjbDescriptor>();
if( ejbBundle != null ) {
ejbServices = new EjbServicesImpl(services);
// Create a Deployment Collecting Information From The ReadableArchive (archive)
DeploymentImpl deploymentImpl = context.getTransientAppMetaData(WELD_DEPLOYMENT, DeploymentImpl.class);