Package com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Domain$Duck

     * all resource names are unique.
    public String getResourceType (String resourceName) throws ConfigException
        final ConfigContext configContext = getConfigContext();
        final Domain domain = ConfigAPIHelper.getDomainConfigBean(configContext);
        final Resources resources = domain.getResources();
        if (resources.getAdminObjectResourceByJndiName(resourceName) != null) {
            return ServerTags.ADMIN_OBJECT_RESOURCE;
        } else if (resources.getConnectorConnectionPoolByName(resourceName) != null) {
            return ServerTags.CONNECTOR_CONNECTION_POOL;
        } else if (resources.getConnectorResourceByJndiName(resourceName) != null) {
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         * because the start-domain-command code is creating the config context and
         * passing it to launcher. In the case of instances and node agents, the
         * cached config context is NOT used.
         * This is true with changes made to launcher during Oct 2006 - April 2007.
        Domain domain=ConfigAPIHelper.getDomainConfigBean(configCtxt);
        // get the server's config by name, need it as soon as possible for logging
        String serverName=System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.SERVER_NAME);
        Server server=ServerHelper.getServerByName(configCtxt, serverName);
        String configRef=server.getConfigRef();
        // create the command to execute
        Command command=new Command();
        // set jvmargs for thread dump to go to child process log, workaround for bug #4957071
        //command.addJvmOption("-XX:LogFile=" + logFile);
        // get server's config
        Config config=ServerHelper.getConfigForServer(configCtxt, serverName);
        // configure log service and print redirect message
        String logFile=configureLogService(config);
        if (bDebug) System.out.println("LOGFILE = " + logFile);
        // make sure log is writable, if not a message will be logged to the screen if in verbose mode
        // should NOT need to addLogFileToLogger(logFile), logManager should already do this for us
        // may need to enable if log is movable ???
        // TODO Logging Weirdnesses
        // add log to properties so PEMAIN will redirect is applicable
        command.addSystemVariable(LOGFILE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, logFile);
        getLogger().log(FINE_LEVEL,"Retrieved domain.xml from " + domainXMLLocation);
        getLogger().log(FINE_LEVEL,"Start building the command the to execute.");
        //Set system properties that correspond directly to asenv.conf/bat. This
        //keeps us from having to pass them all from -D on the command line.
        //ASenvPropertyReader reader = new ASenvPropertyReader(System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.CONFIG_ROOT_PROPERTY));
        // verbose set, flag used in ServerLogManager to send logs to stderr
        if (isVerboseEnabled())
            command.addSystemVariable(VERBOSE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, "true");
            // add to for config conditional adds (could be set about if not native launcher)
            System.setProperty(VERBOSE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, "true");
        // read in ASLauncherConfig
        String launcherConfigFile=System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTY)
        + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "processLauncher.xml";
        String processName=System.getProperty(LaunchConstants.PROCESS_NAME_PROP, INTERNAL_SERVER_PROFILE);
        getLogger().log(FINE_LEVEL,"Loading ASLauncher config from: " + launcherConfigFile
                + " - for the process named: " + processName);
        ASLauncherConfig plConfig=new ASLauncherConfig(launcherConfigFile, processName);
        // take plConfig properties as the base for the system jvm args for the new process
        Properties systemProperties=plConfig.getSystemProperties();
        // add domain.xml property elements to the jvm args in reverse order of precedence.
        // First add the domain properties
        addSystemProperties(domain.getSystemProperty(), systemProperties);
        // set config name (which is retrieved from domain.xml) into System properties to be used for path resolution
        System.setProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.CONFIG_NAME_PROPERTY, configRef);
        systemProperties.put(SystemPropertyConstants.CONFIG_NAME_PROPERTY, configRef);
        // get javaconfig for server that is being started
        JavaConfig javaConfig=config.getJavaConfig();
        // derive and add java command to Command
        String jvmCmd=javaConfig.getJavaHome() + File.separator + "bin"
                + File.separator + "java";
        // fix for bug# 6323645
        // Do not add options which are not applicable for stop action.
        // For ex. debug options and profiler options.
        // In other words add the following options ony when the action
        // is other than stop.
        Profiler profiler=javaConfig.getProfiler();
        String profilerClasspath=null;
        if (!action.equals(LAUNCHER_STOP_ACTION))
            // The debug options including the debug port would be added
            // to the command  when the action is start.
            // If the action is stop adding the same port to the java command
            // would stack up the ports and block until the port assigned for
            // start action is released. To avoid this we check for stop action.
            // If the stop action needs to be debugged then one work around is to
            // copy the java command from server.log, change the debug settings and
            // run the command.
            // debug options
            if ((javaConfig.isDebugEnabled() || isDebugEnabled()))
                // add debug statements
                addDebugOptions(command, javaConfig.getDebugOptions());
            // add profiler properties & jvm args
            if (profiler != null && profiler.isEnabled())
                // add config properties
                addElementProperties(profiler.getElementProperty(), systemProperties);
                String [] jvmOptions=profiler.getJvmOptions();
                addJvmOptions(command, jvmOptions, action);
        // set the default locale specified in domain.xml config file
        String locale=domain.getLocale();
        if (locale == null || locale.equals(""))
            // if not specified in domain try system
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                // derive domain.xml location and create config to be used by config api
                String domainXMLLocation=System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.INSTANCE_ROOT_PROPERTY)
                ConfigContext configCtxt=ConfigFactory.createConfigContext(domainXMLLocation);
                Domain domain=ConfigAPIHelper.getDomainConfigBean(configCtxt);
                // get the nodeagent by name, need it as soon as possible for logging
                String nodeAgentName=System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.SERVER_NAME);
                NodeAgent nodeAgent=NodeAgentHelper.getNodeAgentByName(configCtxt, nodeAgentName);
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                                                   String          configRef)
        throws ConfigException
        checkArg(cctx, strMgr.getString("http_listener_vs_assoc_mgr.null_context"));
        checkArg(configRef, strMgr.getString("http_listener_vs_assoc_mgr.null_config_ref"));
        final Domain domain = (Domain)cctx.getRootConfigBean();
        config = domain.getConfigs().getConfigByName(configRef);
        checkArg(config, strMgr.getString("http_listener_vs_assoc_mgr.no_such_element", configRef));
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                clusterName = cluster.getName();
                isCluster = true;

            //get all converged lb configs
            Domain domain = (Domain) adminConfigContext.getRootConfigBean();
            ConvergedLbConfigs clbConfigs = domain.getConvergedLbConfigs();
            // Null in case of a DAS or developer profile instance.Hence no CLB
            // frontending  this instance.
            if( clbConfigs == null ) return false;
            ConvergedLbConfig[] clbConfigArray = clbConfigs.getConvergedLbConfig();
            //get all converged lb ref and determine if one points to this instance
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        String clusterName = getLocalClusterName();
        boolean isCluster = clusterName != null;

        ConfigContext ctx = AdminService.getAdminService().getAdminContext()
        Domain domain = (Domain) ctx.getRootConfigBean();
        ConvergedLbConfigs clbConfigs = domain.getConvergedLbConfigs();
        // Null in case of a DAS/developer profile. Hence no CLB frontending
        // this instance.Hence no associated DCR file.
        if(clbConfigs == null ) return null;
        boolean matchFound = false;
        ConvergedLbConfig[] clbConfigArray = clbConfigs.getConvergedLbConfig();
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public class NodeAgentHelper extends ConfigAPIHelper {
    public static NodeAgent[] getNodeAgentsInDomain(ConfigContext configContext)
        throws ConfigException
        final Domain domain = getDomainConfigBean(configContext)
        NodeAgent[] nas = new NodeAgent[0];
        if (domain.getNodeAgents() != null)
            nas = domain.getNodeAgents().getNodeAgent();
        return nas;
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    public static boolean isANodeAgent(ConfigContext configContext, String agentName)
        throws ConfigException
        final Domain domain = getDomainConfigBean(configContext);   
        final NodeAgents controllers = domain.getNodeAgents();
        if (controllers == null) {
            return false;
        final NodeAgent controller = controllers.getNodeAgentByName(agentName);
        return (controller != null ? true : false);
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    public static NodeAgent getNodeAgentByName(ConfigContext configContext, String agentName)
        throws ConfigException
        final Domain domain = getDomainConfigBean(configContext);              
        final NodeAgent controller = domain.getNodeAgents().getNodeAgentByName(agentName);
        if (controller == null) {
            throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("noSuchAgent",
        return controller;
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    public static NodeAgent getNodeAgentForServer(ConfigContext configContext, String instanceName)
        throws ConfigException
        final Server server = ServerHelper.getServerByName(configContext, instanceName);
        final Domain domain = getDomainConfigBean(configContext);         
        final NodeAgent controller = domain.getNodeAgents().getNodeAgentByName(
        if (controller == null) {
            throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("noSuchAgentForInstance",
                instanceName, server.getNodeAgentRef()));
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Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Domain$Duck

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