protected Properties getEnvProps()
// this is where we get the info that used to be buried in the startserv script.
// this will eventually be passed to PEInstancesManager to set in System once a copy
// of the existing SystemProps is saved...
RepositoryConfig cfg = getConfig();
Properties p = new Properties();
p.setProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceRoot", cfg.getRepositoryRoot() + File.separator + cfg.getRepositoryName() + File.separator + cfg.getInstanceName());
p.setProperty("com.sun.aas.launcherReturn", "return");
p.setProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceName", cfg.getInstanceName());
p.setProperty("com.sun.aas.processName", "as9-server");
p.setProperty("com.sun.aas.processLauncher", "SE");
p.setProperty("com.sun.aas.limitedCommamdExecution", "true");
return p;