Package com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.CountStatisticImpl$Util

        }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
            // TODO: Handle ClassNotFoundException
        // Initialize a MutableCountStatistic
        CountStatistic u = new CountStatisticImpl(
                    sm.getString("jvmstats.jvm_uptime_desc") );
        uptime = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(u);
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                    getAttributeInfo( ).getDescription(),
                    time, time ));

        idleConnections =
            new MutableCountStatisticImpl(
                new CountStatisticImpl(
                    "ConnectionsIdle", "count",
                    connection.getAttribute( stringIdleConnections ).
                    getAttributeInfo( ).getDescription() ));

        busyConnections =
            new MutableCountStatisticImpl(
                new CountStatisticImpl(
                    "ConnectionsInUse", "count",
                    connection.getAttribute( stringBusyConnections ).
                    getAttributeInfo( ).getDescription() ));
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    private void initializeStatistics() {
       // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for ErrorCount
        CountStatistic c = new CountStatisticImpl("ErrorCount");
        errorCount = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for MaxTime
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxTime", "milliseconds");
        maxTimeMillis = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for ProcessingTime
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("ProcessingTime", "milliseconds");
        processingTimeMillis = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for RequestCount
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("RequestCount");
        requestCount = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Initialize the MutableTimeStatistic for ServiceTime
        serviceTimeMillis = new ServletTimeStatisticImpl("ServiceTime",
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    private void initializeStatistics() {
        CountStatistic cs = null;
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("FlagEnabled");
        flagEnabled = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //seconds Max Age
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("SecondsMaxAge");
        secondsMaxAge = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //count entries
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("CountEntries");
        countEntries = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxEntries");
        maxEntries = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //Open Entries
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("CountOpenEntries");
        countOpenEntries = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //Max Open Entries
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxOpenEntries");
        maxOpenEntries = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        // heap cache size
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("SizeHeapCache");
        sizeHeapCache = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //max heap cache size
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxHeapCacheSize");
        maxHeapCacheSize = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //Mmap cache size
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("SizeMmapCache");
        sizeMmapCache = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //Max Mmap cache size
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxMmapCacheSize");
        maxMmapCacheSize = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //count hits
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("CountHits");
        countHits = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //count Misses
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("CountMisses");
        countMisses = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //count Info Hits
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("CountInfoHits");
        countInfoHits = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //count Info Misses
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("CountInfoMisses");
        countInfoMisses = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //content hits
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("CountContentHits");
        countContentHits = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        //content misses
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl("CountContentMisses");
        countContentMisses = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

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                                     "ID of the connection queue",

        CountStatistic c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountTotalConnections");
        countTotalConnections = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountQueued");
        countQueued = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("PeakQueued");
        peakQueued = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxQueued");
        maxQueued = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountOverflows");
        countOverflows = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountTotalQueued");
        countTotalQueued = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("TicksTotalQueued");
        ticksTotalQueued = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountQueued1MinuteAverage");
        countQueued1MinuteAverage = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountQueued5MinuteAverage");
        countQueued5MinuteAverage = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountQueued15MinuteAverage");
        countQueued15MinuteAverage = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
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    protected void initializeStatistics() {

        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        CountStatistic cs = null;
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
            getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                            "Number Of Connections that failed validation"),
            time, time);
        numConnFailedValidation_ = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
            getLocalizedStringFor("num.conn.timedout", "NumConnTimedOut"),
            getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                            "Number of Connection requests that timed out waiting"),
            time, time);
        numConnTimedOut_ = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
                        getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                        "Number of Connection that have been created"),
                        time, time);
        numConnCreated = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
                        getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                        "Number of Connection that have been destroyed") ,
                        time, time);
        numConnDestroyed = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
                        getLocalizedStringFor("num.conn.opened", "NumConnOpened"),
                        getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                        "Number of Connection that have been acquired"),
                    time, time);
        numConnAcquired = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
                        getLocalizedStringFor("num.conn.closed", "NumConnClosed"),
                        getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                        "Number of Connection that have been released"),
                    time, time);
        numConnReleased = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
                        getLocalizedStringFor("stat.milliseconds", "milliseconds"),
                                        "Average wait time-duration per successful connection request"),
                        time, time);
        averageConnWaitTime = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
                        getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                        "Connection request Wait Queue length"),
                        time, time);
        waitQueueLength = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );
        //the low water mark is set with a seed value of 1 to
        //ensure that the comparison with currentVal returns
        //the correct low water mark the first time around
        //the least number of connections that we can use is always 1
        numConnUsed_ = new RangeStatisticImpl(0, 0, 1,
                        getLocalizedStringFor("num.conn.used", "NumConnUsed"),
                        getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                        "Number Of Connections used"),
                        time, time);
        numConnFree_ = new RangeStatisticImpl(0, 0, 1,
                        getLocalizedStringFor("", "NumConnFree"),
                        getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                        "Number Of Free Connections"),
                        time, time);
        numConnRequestWaitTime_ = new RangeStatisticImpl(0, 0, 1,
                        getLocalizedStringFor("stat.milliseconds", "milliseconds"),
                                        "Max and min connection request wait times"),
                         time, time);
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
            getLocalizedStringFor("num.conn.matched", "NumConnMatched"),
                getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                "Number of Connection that were successfully matched by the MCF. "),
            time, time);
        numConnMatched = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );

        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
            getLocalizedStringFor("num.conn.not.matched", "NumConnNotMatched"),
                getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                "Number of Connection that were rejected by the MCF. "),
            time, time);
        numConnNotMatched = new MutableCountStatisticImpl( cs );
        cs = new CountStatisticImpl(0,
            getLocalizedStringFor("num.potential.connection.leak", "NumPotentialConnLeak"),
                getLocalizedStringFor("stat.count", "Count"),
                                "Number of potential connections leak detected."),
            time, time);
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                                     "ID of the thread pool",

        CountStatistic c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountThreadsIdle");
        countThreadsIdle = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountThreads");
        countThreads = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxThreads");
        maxThreads = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountQueued");
        countQueued = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("PeakQueued");
        peakQueued = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxQueued");
        maxQueued = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
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    private void initializeStatistics() {
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for BytesReceived
        CountStatistic c = new CountStatisticImpl("BytesReceived");
        bytesReceived = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for BytesSent
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("BytesSent");
        bytesSent = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for ErrorCount
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("ErrorCount");
        errorCount = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for MaxTime
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxTime", "milliseconds");
        maxTime = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for ProcessingTime
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("ProcessingTime", "milliseconds");
        processingTime = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for RequestCount
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("RequestCount");
        requestCount = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for CurrentThreadCount
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CurrentThreadCount");
        curThreadCount = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for CurrentThreadsBusy
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CurrentThreadsBusy");
        curThreadsBusy = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for MaxThreads
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxThreads");
        maxThreads = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for MaxSpareThreads
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxSpareThreads");
        maxSpareThreads = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        // Initialize the MutableCountStatistic for MinSpareThreads
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MinSpareThreads");
        minSpareThreads = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count2xx
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count2xx");
        count2xx = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count3xx
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count3xx");
        count3xx = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count4xx
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count4xx");
        count4xx = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count5xx
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count5xx");
        count5xx = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init CountOther
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountOther");
        countOther = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count200
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count200");
        count200 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count302
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count302");
        count302 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count304
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count304");
        count304 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count400
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count400");
        count400 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count401
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count401");
        count401 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count403
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count403");
        count403 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count404
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count404");
        count404 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init Count503
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count503");
        count503 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init CountOpenConnections
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountOpenConnections");
        countOpenConnections = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        // Init MaxOpenConnections
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxOpenConnections");
        maxOpenConnections = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
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    private void initializeStatistics() {
        CountStatistic c = null;

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountConnections");
        countConnections = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxConnections");
        maxConnections = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountHits");
        countHits = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountFlushes");
        countFlushes = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountRefusals");
        countRefusals = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountTimeouts");
        countTimeouts = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("SecondsTimeouts");
        secondsTimeouts = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
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    private void initializeStatistics() {

        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        CountStatistic c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountRequests");
        countRequests = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountBytesReceived");
        countBytesReceived = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountBytesTransmitted");
        countBytesTransmitted = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("RateBytesTransmitted");
        rateBytesTransmitted = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxByteTransmissionRate");
        maxByteTransmissionRate = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountOpenConnections");
        countOpenConnections = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("MaxOpenConnections");
        maxOpenConnections = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count2xx");
        count2xx = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count3xx");
        count3xx = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count4xx");
        count4xx = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count5xx");
        count5xx = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("CountOther");
        countOther = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count200");
        count200 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count302");
        count302 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count304");
        count304 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count400");
        count400 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count401");
        count401 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count403");
        count403 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count404");
        count404 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);

        c = new CountStatisticImpl("Count503");
        count503 = new MutableCountStatisticImpl(c);
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Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.CountStatisticImpl$Util

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