
Examples of

        return op ;

    private Operation makeContactInfoListFactoryOperation()
        Operation op = new Operation() {
            public Object operate( Object value )
                String param = (String)value ;

                try {
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        return op ;

    private Operation makeCSOperation()
        Operation csop = new Operation() {
            public Object operate( Object value )
                String val = (String)value ;
                return CodeSetComponentInfo.createFromString( val ) ;
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        return csop ;

    private Operation makeADOperation()
        Operation admap = new Operation() {
            private Integer[] map = {
                new Integer( KeyAddr.value ),
                new Integer( ProfileAddr.value ),
                new Integer( ReferenceAddr.value ),
                new Integer( KeyAddr.value ) } ;

            public Object operate( Object value )
                int val = ((Integer)value).intValue() ;
                return map[val] ;
        } ;

        Operation rangeop = OperationFactory.integerRangeAction( 0, 3 ) ;
        Operation op1 = OperationFactory.compose( rangeop, admap ) ;
        Operation result = OperationFactory.compose( op1, OperationFactory.convertIntegerToShort() ) ;
        return result ;
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        Operation result = OperationFactory.compose( op1, OperationFactory.convertIntegerToShort() ) ;
        return result ;

    private Operation makeFSOperation() {
        Operation fschecker = new Operation() {
            public Object operate( Object value )
                int giopFragmentSize = ((Integer)value).intValue() ;
                if (giopFragmentSize < ORBConstants.GIOP_FRAGMENT_MINIMUM_SIZE){
                    throw wrapper.fragmentSizeMinimum( new Integer( giopFragmentSize ),
                        new Integer( ORBConstants.GIOP_FRAGMENT_MINIMUM_SIZE ) ) ;

                if (giopFragmentSize % ORBConstants.GIOP_FRAGMENT_DIVISOR != 0)
                    throw wrapper.fragmentSizeDiv( new Integer( giopFragmentSize ),
                            new Integer( ORBConstants.GIOP_FRAGMENT_DIVISOR ) ) ;

                return value ;
        } ;

        Operation result = OperationFactory.compose( OperationFactory.integerAction(),
            fschecker ) ;
        return result ;
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            fschecker ) ;
        return result ;

    private Operation makeGVOperation() {
        Operation gvHelper = OperationFactory.listAction( ".",
            OperationFactory.integerAction() ) ;
        Operation gvMain = new Operation() {
            public Object operate( Object value )
                Object[] nums = (Object[])value ;
                int major = ((Integer)(nums[0])).intValue() ;
                int minor = ((Integer)(nums[1])).intValue() ;

                return new GIOPVersion( major, minor ) ;
        } ;

        Operation result = OperationFactory.compose( gvHelper, gvMain );
        return result ;
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    private Operation makeROIOperation() {
        Operation clsop = OperationFactory.classAction() ;
        Operation indexOp = OperationFactory.suffixAction() ;
        Operation op1 = OperationFactory.compose( indexOp, clsop ) ;
        Operation mop = OperationFactory.maskErrorAction( op1 ) ;

        Operation mkinst = new Operation() {
            public Object operate( Object value )
                final Class initClass = (Class)value ;
                if (initClass == null)
                    return null ;

                // For security reasons avoid creating an instance
                // if this class is one that would fail the class cast
                // to ORBInitializer anyway.
                if( org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializer.class.isAssignableFrom(
                    initClass ) ) {
                    // Now that we have a class object, instantiate one and
                    // remember it:
                    ORBInitializer initializer = null ;

                    try {
                        initializer = (ORBInitializer)AccessController.doPrivileged(
                            new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
                                public Object run()
                                    throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
                                    return initClass.newInstance() ;
                        ) ;
                    } catch (PrivilegedActionException exc) {
                        // Unwrap the exception, as we don't care exc here
                        throw wrapper.orbInitializerFailure( exc.getException(),
                            initClass.getName() ) ;
                    } catch (Exception exc) {
                        throw wrapper.orbInitializerFailure( exc, initClass.getName() ) ;

                    return initializer ;
                } else {
                    throw wrapper.orbInitializerType( initClass.getName() ) ;
        } ;

        Operation result = OperationFactory.compose( mop, mkinst ) ;

        return result ;
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            Broker broker, MessageMediator messageMediator) { return null; }

    // REVISIT - this is a cut and paste modification of makeROIOperation.
    private Operation makeAcceptorInstantiationOperation() {
        Operation clsop = OperationFactory.classAction() ;
        Operation indexOp = OperationFactory.suffixAction() ;
        Operation op1 = OperationFactory.compose( indexOp, clsop ) ;
        Operation mop = OperationFactory.maskErrorAction( op1 ) ;

        Operation mkinst = new Operation() {
            public Object operate( Object value )
                final Class initClass = (Class)value ;
                if (initClass == null)
                    return null ;

                // For security reasons avoid creating an instance
                // if this class is one that would fail the class cast
                // to ORBInitializer anyway.
                if( Acceptor.class.isAssignableFrom( initClass ) ) {
                    // Now that we have a class object, instantiate one and
                    // remember it:
                    Acceptor acceptor = null ;

                    try {
                        acceptor = (Acceptor)AccessController.doPrivileged(
                            new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
                                public Object run()
                                    throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
                                    return initClass.newInstance() ;
                        ) ;
                    } catch (PrivilegedActionException exc) {
                        // Unwrap the exception, as we don't care exc here
                        throw wrapper.acceptorInstantiationFailure( exc.getException(),
                            initClass.getName() ) ;
                    } catch (Exception exc) {
                        throw wrapper.acceptorInstantiationFailure( exc, initClass.getName() ) ;

                    return acceptor ;
                } else {
                    throw wrapper.acceptorInstantiationTypeFailure( initClass.getName() ) ;
        } ;

        Operation result = OperationFactory.compose( mop, mkinst ) ;

        return result ;
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        return result ;

    private Operation makeInitRefOperation() {
        return new Operation() {
            public Object operate( Object value )
                // Object is String[] of length 2.
                String[] values = (String[])value ;
                if (values.length != 2)
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        Operation[] fourIop = { OperationFactory.integerAction(),
                                OperationFactory.integerAction() } ;

        Operation op2 = OperationFactory.sequenceAction( ":", fourIop ) ;

        Operation rtOp = new Operation() {
            public Object operate(Object value)
                Object[] values = (Object[])value ;
                Integer initialTime = (Integer)(values[0]) ;
                Integer maxGIOPHdrTime = (Integer)(values[1]) ;
                Integer maxGIOPBodyTime = (Integer)(values[2]) ;
                Integer backoffPercent = (Integer)(values[3]) ;
                return TransportDefault.makeReadTimeoutsFactory().create(
        } ;

        Operation ttcprtOp = OperationFactory.compose(op2, rtOp);
        return ttcprtOp;
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    private Operation makeUSLOperation()
        Operation[] siop = { OperationFactory.stringAction(),
            OperationFactory.integerAction() } ;
        Operation op2 = OperationFactory.sequenceAction( ":", siop ) ;

        Operation uslop = new Operation() {
            public Object operate( Object value )
                Object[] values = (Object[])value ;
                String type = (String)(values[0]) ;
                Integer port = (Integer)(values[1]) ;
                return new USLPort( type, port.intValue() ) ;
        } ;

        Operation op3 = OperationFactory.compose( op2, uslop ) ;
        Operation listenop = OperationFactory.listAction( ",", op3 ) ;
        return listenop ;
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