
Examples of

                        new IDLJavaSerializationOutputStream(encodingVersion);
                return new CDROutputStream_1_2();
                    ORBUtilSystemException wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( orb,
                        CORBALogDomains.RPC_ENCODING ) ;
                    // REVISIT - what is appropriate?  INTERNAL exceptions
                    // are really hard to track later.
                    throw wrapper.unsupportedGiopVersion( version ) ;
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                          new IDLJavaSerializationInputStream(encodingVersion);
                    return new CDRInputStream_1_2();
                    // else fall through and report exception.
                    ORBUtilSystemException wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( orb,
                        CORBALogDomains.RPC_ENCODING ) ;
                    throw wrapper.unsupportedGiopVersion( version ) ;
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            if (getContactInfoListIterator(orb).hasNext()) {
                contactInfo = (ContactInfo)
                return beginRequest(self, opName, isOneWay, contactInfo);
            } else {
                ORBUtilSystemException wrapper =
                throw wrapper.remarshalWithNowhereToGo();

        if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
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                                          InputObject inputObject)
        ORBUtilSystemException wrapper =
            ORBUtilSystemException.get( orb,
                CORBALogDomains.RPC_PROTOCOL ) ;

        if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
            dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                   + ": response received");

        // We know for sure now that we've sent a message.
        // So OK to not send initial again.
        if (messageMediator.getConnection() != null) {

        // NOTE: not necessary to set MessageMediator for PI.
        // It already has it.

        // Process the response.

        Exception exception = null;

        if (messageMediator.isOneWay()) {
            // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_other
            exception = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                ReplyMessage.NO_EXCEPTION, exception );
            continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);
            return null;

        consumeServiceContexts(orb, messageMediator);

        // Now that we have the service contexts processed and the
        // correct ORBVersion set, we must finish initializing the stream.
        // REVISIT - need interface for this operation.

        if (messageMediator.isSystemExceptionReply()) {

            SystemException se = messageMediator.getSystemExceptionReply();

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received system exception: " + se);

            boolean doRemarshal =
                    .reportException(messageMediator.getContactInfo(), se);

            if (doRemarshal) {

                // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_exception:
                exception = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                    ReplyMessage.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, se );

                // If PI did not change the exception, throw a
                // Remarshal.
                if( se == exception ) {
                    // exception = null is to maintain symmetry with
                    // GenericPOAClientSC.
                    exception = null;
                                                     new RemarshalException());
                    throw wrapper.statementNotReachable1() ;
                } else {
                    //  Otherwise, throw the exception PI wants thrown.
                    throw wrapper.statementNotReachable2() ;

            // No retry, so see if was unknown.

            ServiceContexts contexts =
            if (contexts != null) {
                UEInfoServiceContext usc =

                if (usc != null) {
                    Throwable unknown = usc.getUE() ;
                    UnknownException ue = new UnknownException(unknown);

                    // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_exception:
                    exception = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                        ReplyMessage.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, ue );

                    continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);
                    throw wrapper.statementNotReachable3() ;

            // It was not a comm failure nor unknown.
            // This is the general case.

            // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_exception:
            exception = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                ReplyMessage.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, se );

            continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);

            // Note: We should never need to execute this line, but
            // we should assert in case exception is null somehow.
            throw wrapper.statementNotReachable4() ;
        } else if (messageMediator.isUserExceptionReply()) {

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received user exception");


            String exceptionRepoId = peekUserExceptionId(inputObject);
            Exception newException = null;

            if (messageMediator.isDIIRequest()) {
                exception = messageMediator.unmarshalDIIUserException(
                                exceptionRepoId, (InputStream)inputObject);
                newException = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                                   ReplyMessage.USER_EXCEPTION, exception );

            } else {
                ApplicationException appException =
                    new ApplicationException(
                exception = appException;
                newException = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                                   ReplyMessage.USER_EXCEPTION, appException );

            if (newException != exception) {

            if (newException instanceof ApplicationException) {
                throw (ApplicationException)newException;
            // For DII:
            // This return will be ignored - already unmarshaled above.
            return inputObject;

        } else if (messageMediator.isLocationForwardReply()) {

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received location forward");

            // NOTE: Expects iterator to update target IOR

            // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_other:
            Exception newException = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                ReplyMessage.LOCATION_FORWARD, null );

            if( !(newException instanceof RemarshalException) ) {
                exception = newException;

            // If PI did not change exception, throw Remarshal, else
            // throw the exception PI wants thrown.
            // KMC: GenericPOAClientSC did not check exception != null
            if( exception != null ) {
                continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);
                                             new RemarshalException());
            throw wrapper.statementNotReachable5() ;

        } else if (messageMediator.isDifferentAddrDispositionRequestedReply()){

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received different addressing dispostion request");

            // Set the desired target addressing disposition.

            // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_other:
            Exception newException = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                ReplyMessage.NEEDS_ADDRESSING_MODE, null);

            // For consistency with corresponding code in GenericPOAClientSC:
            if( !(newException instanceof RemarshalException) ) {
                exception = newException;

            // If PI did not change exception, throw Remarshal, else
            // throw the exception PI wants thrown.
            // KMC: GenericPOAClientSC did not include exception != null check
            if( exception != null ) {
                continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);
                                             new RemarshalException());
            throw wrapper.statementNotReachable6() ;
        } else /* normal response */ {

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received normal response");
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    protected void consumeServiceContexts(ORB orb,
                                        CorbaMessageMediator messageMediator)
        ServiceContexts ctxts = messageMediator.getReplyServiceContexts();
        ServiceContext sc ;
        ORBUtilSystemException wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( orb,
                CORBALogDomains.RPC_PROTOCOL ) ;

        if (ctxts == null) {
            return; // no service context available, return gracefully.

        sc = ctxts.get( SendingContextServiceContext.SERVICE_CONTEXT_ID ) ;

        if (sc != null) {
            SendingContextServiceContext scsc =
                (SendingContextServiceContext)sc ;
            IOR ior = scsc.getIOR() ;

            try {
                // set the codebase returned by the server
                if (messageMediator.getConnection() != null) {
            } catch (ThreadDeath td) {
                throw td ;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw wrapper.badStringifiedIor( t ) ;

        // see if the version subcontract is present, if yes, then set
        // the ORBversion
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                return beginRequest(self, opName, isOneWay, contactInfo);
            } else {
                if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                    dprint( "RemarshalException: hasNext false" );
                ORBUtilSystemException wrapper =
                throw wrapper.remarshalWithNowhereToGo();

        if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
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                                          InputObject inputObject)
        ORBUtilSystemException wrapper =
            ORBUtilSystemException.get( orb,
                CORBALogDomains.RPC_PROTOCOL ) ;

        if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
            dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                   + ": response received");

        // We know for sure now that we've sent a message.
        // So OK to not send initial again.
        if (messageMediator.getConnection() != null) {

        // NOTE: not necessary to set MessageMediator for PI.
        // It already has it.

        // Process the response.

        Exception exception = null;

        if (messageMediator.isOneWay()) {
            // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_other
            exception = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                ReplyMessage.NO_EXCEPTION, exception );
            continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);
            return null;

        consumeServiceContexts(orb, messageMediator);

        // Now that we have the service contexts processed and the
        // correct ORBVersion set, we must finish initializing the stream.
        // REVISIT - need interface for this operation.

        if (messageMediator.isSystemExceptionReply()) {

            SystemException se = messageMediator.getSystemExceptionReply();

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received system exception: " + se);

            boolean doRemarshal =
                    .reportException(messageMediator.getContactInfo(), se);

            if (doRemarshal) {

                // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_exception:
                exception = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                    ReplyMessage.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, se );

                // If PI did not change the exception, throw a
                // Remarshal.
                if( se == exception ) {
                    // exception = null is to maintain symmetry with
                    // GenericPOAClientSC.
                    exception = null;
                                                     new RemarshalException());
                    throw wrapper.statementNotReachable1() ;
                } else {
                    //  Otherwise, throw the exception PI wants thrown.
                    throw wrapper.statementNotReachable2() ;

            // No retry, so see if was unknown.

            ServiceContexts contexts =
            if (contexts != null) {
                UEInfoServiceContext usc =

                if (usc != null) {
                    Throwable unknown = usc.getUE() ;
                    UnknownException ue = new UnknownException(unknown);

                    // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_exception:
                    exception = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                        ReplyMessage.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, ue );

                    continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);
                    throw wrapper.statementNotReachable3() ;

            // It was not a comm failure nor unknown.
            // This is the general case.

            // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_exception:
            exception = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                ReplyMessage.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, se );

            continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);

            // Note: We should never need to execute this line, but
            // we should assert in case exception is null somehow.
            throw wrapper.statementNotReachable4() ;
        } else if (messageMediator.isUserExceptionReply()) {

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received user exception");


            String exceptionRepoId = peekUserExceptionId(inputObject);
            Exception newException = null;

            if (messageMediator.isDIIRequest()) {
                exception = messageMediator.unmarshalDIIUserException(
                                exceptionRepoId, (InputStream)inputObject);
                newException = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                                   ReplyMessage.USER_EXCEPTION, exception );

            } else {
                ApplicationException appException =
                    new ApplicationException(
                exception = appException;
                newException = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                                   ReplyMessage.USER_EXCEPTION, appException );

            if (newException != exception) {

            if (newException instanceof ApplicationException) {
                throw (ApplicationException)newException;
            // For DII:
            // This return will be ignored - already unmarshaled above.
            return inputObject;

        } else if (messageMediator.isLocationForwardReply()) {

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received location forward");

            // NOTE: Expects iterator to update target IOR

            // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_other:
            Exception newException = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                ReplyMessage.LOCATION_FORWARD, null );

            if( !(newException instanceof RemarshalException) ) {
                exception = newException;

            // If PI did not change exception, throw Remarshal, else
            // throw the exception PI wants thrown.
            // KMC: GenericPOAClientSC did not check exception != null
            if( exception != null ) {
                continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);
                                             new RemarshalException());
            throw wrapper.statementNotReachable5() ;

        } else if (messageMediator.isDifferentAddrDispositionRequestedReply()){

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received different addressing dispostion request");

            // Set the desired target addressing disposition.

            // Invoke Portable Interceptors with receive_other:
            Exception newException = orb.getPIHandler().invokeClientPIEndingPoint(
                ReplyMessage.NEEDS_ADDRESSING_MODE, null);

            // For consistency with corresponding code in GenericPOAClientSC:
            if( !(newException instanceof RemarshalException) ) {
                exception = newException;

            // If PI did not change exception, throw Remarshal, else
            // throw the exception PI wants thrown.
            // KMC: GenericPOAClientSC did not include exception != null check
            if( exception != null ) {
                continueOrThrowSystemOrRemarshal(messageMediator, exception);
                                             new RemarshalException());
            throw wrapper.statementNotReachable6() ;
        } else /* normal response */ {

            if (orb.subcontractDebugFlag) {
                dprint(".processResponse: " + opAndId(messageMediator)
                       + ": received normal response");
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    protected void consumeServiceContexts(ORB orb,
                                        CorbaMessageMediator messageMediator)
        ServiceContexts ctxts = messageMediator.getReplyServiceContexts();
        ServiceContext sc ;
        ORBUtilSystemException wrapper = ORBUtilSystemException.get( orb,
                CORBALogDomains.RPC_PROTOCOL ) ;

        if (ctxts == null) {
            return; // no service context available, return gracefully.

        sc = ctxts.get( SendingContextServiceContext.SERVICE_CONTEXT_ID ) ;

        if (sc != null) {
            SendingContextServiceContext scsc =
                (SendingContextServiceContext)sc ;
            IOR ior = scsc.getIOR() ;

            try {
                // set the codebase returned by the server
                if (messageMediator.getConnection() != null) {
            } catch (ThreadDeath td) {
                throw td ;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw wrapper.badStringifiedIor( t ) ;

        // see if the version subcontract is present, if yes, then set
        // the ORBversion
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