// a very small number of adapters.
JClass bim = inMemoryType.boxify();
JMethod unmarshal = adapter.method(JMod.PUBLIC, bim, "unmarshal");
JVar $value = unmarshal.param(String.class, "value");
JExpression inv;
if( parseMethod.equals("new") ) {
// "new" indicates that the constructor of the target type
// will do the unmarshalling.
// RESULT: new <type>()
inv = JExpr._new(bim).arg($value);
} else {
int idx = parseMethod.lastIndexOf('.');
if(idx<0) {
// parseMethod specifies the static method of the target type
// which will do the unmarshalling.
// because of an error check at the constructor,
// we can safely assume that this cast works.
inv = bim.staticInvoke(parseMethod).arg($value);
} else {
inv = JExpr.direct(parseMethod+"(value)");