// * The candidate class should not extend any other model class (as the total number of properties in this case will be more than 1)
if (!isHiddenClass(candidateClass._extends())) {
JFieldVar field = null;
// * The candidate class should have exactly one property
for (JFieldVar f : candidateClass.fields().values()) {
if ((f.mods().getValue() & JMod.STATIC) == JMod.STATIC) {
// If there are at least two non-static fields, we discard this candidate:
if (field != null) {
field = null;
field = f;
// "field" is null if there are no fields (or all fields are static) or there are more then two fields.
// The only property should be a collection, hence it should be class:
if (field == null || !(field.type() instanceof JClass)) {
JClass fieldType = (JClass) field.type();
// * The property should be a collection
if (!collectionModelClass.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) {
List<JClass> fieldParametrisations = fieldType.getTypeParameters();
// FIXME: All known collections have exactly one parametrisation type.
assert fieldParametrisations.size() == 1;
JDefinedClass fieldParametrisationClass = null;
JDefinedClass fieldParametrisationImpl = null;
// Parametrisations like "List<String>" or "List<Serialazable>" are not considered.
// They are substituted as is and do not require moving of classes.
if (fieldParametrisations.get(0) instanceof JDefinedClass) {
fieldParametrisationClass = (JDefinedClass) fieldParametrisations.get(0);
ClassOutline fieldParametrisationClassOutline = interfaceImplementations.get(fieldParametrisationClass
if (fieldParametrisationClassOutline != null) {
assert fieldParametrisationClassOutline.ref == fieldParametrisationClass;
fieldParametrisationImpl = fieldParametrisationClassOutline.implClass;
else {
fieldParametrisationImpl = fieldParametrisationClass;
JDefinedClass objectFactoryClass = null;
// If class has a non-hidden interface, then there is object factory in another package.
for (Iterator<JClass> iter = candidateClass._implements(); iter.hasNext();) {
JClass interfaceClass = iter.next();
if (!isHiddenClass(interfaceClass)) {
objectFactoryClass = interfaceClass._package()._getClass(FACTORY_CLASS_NAME);
if (objectFactoryClass != null) {
JDefinedClass valueObjectFactoryClass = candidateClass._package()._getClass(FACTORY_CLASS_NAME);
assert objectFactoryClass != valueObjectFactoryClass;
String fieldTargetNamespace = null;
XSDeclaration xsdDeclaration = getXsdDeclaration(classOutline.target.getProperty(field.name()));
if (xsdDeclaration != null && !xsdDeclaration.getTargetNamespace().isEmpty()) {
fieldTargetNamespace = xsdDeclaration.getTargetNamespace();
else {