writeGetWsdlLocation(cm.ref(URL.class), cls, urlField, exField);
private void writeGetPort(Port port, JType retType, JDefinedClass cls) {
JMethod m = cls.method(JMod.PUBLIC, retType, port.getPortGetter());
JDocComment methodDoc = m.javadoc();
if (port.getJavaDoc() != null) {
JCommentPart ret = methodDoc.addReturn();
JCommentPart paramDoc = methodDoc.addParam("features");
paramDoc.append("A list of ");
paramDoc.append("{@link " + WebServiceFeature.class.getName() + "}");
paramDoc.append("to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the <code>features</code> parameter will have their default values.");
ret.add("returns " + retType.name());
m.varParam(WebServiceFeature.class, "features");