Package com.sun.codemodel

Examples of com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel

                if(jaxbModel == null){
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to generate code using jaxbri");

                // Emit the code artifacts
                JCodeModel codeModel = jaxbModel.generateCode(null, null);
                FileCodeWriter writer = new FileCodeWriter(outputDir);

                Collection mappings = jaxbModel.getMappings();

                Iterator iter = mappings.iterator();
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                ClassCollector classCollector = context.get(ClassCollector.class);
                for (JClass cls : schem2JavaJaxbModel.getAllObjectFactories()) {

                JCodeModel jcodeModel = schem2JavaJaxbModel.generateCode(null, null);

                if (!isSuppressCodeGen()) {

                context.put(JCodeModel.class, jcodeModel);

                for (String str : fileCodeWriter.getExcludeFileList()) {
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                ClassCollector classCollector = context.get(ClassCollector.class);
                for (JClass cls : schem2JavaJaxbModel.getAllObjectFactories()) {

                JCodeModel jcodeModel = schem2JavaJaxbModel.generateCode(null, null);

                if (!isSuppressCodeGen()) {

                context.put(JCodeModel.class, jcodeModel);

                for (String str : fileCodeWriter.getExcludeFileList()) {
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                ClassCollector classCollector = context.get(ClassCollector.class);
                for (JClass cls : schem2JavaJaxbModel.getAllObjectFactories()) {

                JCodeModel jcodeModel = schem2JavaJaxbModel.generateCode(null, null);

                if (!isSuppressCodeGen()) {

                context.put(JCodeModel.class, jcodeModel);

                for (String str : fileCodeWriter.getExcludeFileList()) {
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                ClassCollector classCollector = context.get(ClassCollector.class);
                for (JClass cls : schem2JavaJaxbModel.getAllObjectFactories()) {

                JCodeModel jcodeModel = schem2JavaJaxbModel.generateCode(null, null);

                if (!isSuppressCodeGen()) {

                context.put(JCodeModel.class, jcodeModel);

                for (String str : fileCodeWriter.getExcludeFileList()) {
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                ClassCollector classCollector = context.get(ClassCollector.class);
                for (JClass cls : schem2JavaJaxbModel.getAllObjectFactories()) {

                JCodeModel jcodeModel = schem2JavaJaxbModel.generateCode(null, null);

                if (!isSuppressCodeGen()) {

                context.put(JCodeModel.class, jcodeModel);

                for (String str : fileCodeWriter.getExcludeFileList()) {
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    private void toTemporal( final FieldOutline f, final Basic basic )
        final String typeName = f.getRawType().binaryName();
        final JCodeModel cm = f.parent().parent().getCodeModel();

        if ( typeName.equals( cm.ref( java.util.Date.class ).binaryName() )
             || typeName.equals( cm.ref( java.sql.Date.class ).binaryName() )
             || typeName.equals( cm.ref( Calendar.class ).binaryName() ) )
            basic.setTemporal( TemporalType.DATE );
        else if ( typeName.equals( cm.ref( java.sql.Time.class ).binaryName() ) )
            basic.setTemporal( TemporalType.TIME );
        else if ( typeName.equals( cm.ref( java.sql.Timestamp.class ).binaryName() ) )
            basic.setTemporal( TemporalType.TIMESTAMP );
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    private void annotateMappedSuperclass( final Outline outline, final MappedSuperclass ms )
        final JCodeModel cm = outline.getCodeModel();
        final ClassOutline c = this.getClassOutline( outline, ms.getClazz() );
        c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass.class ) );

        if ( ms.getAttributes() != null )
            this.annotate( cm, c, ms.getAttributes() );
        if ( ms.getEntityListeners() != null )
            this.annotate( c, ms.getEntityListeners() );
        if ( ms.getExcludeDefaultListeners() != null )
            c.implClass.annotate( c.parent().getCodeModel().ref( javax.persistence.ExcludeDefaultListeners.class ) );
        if ( ms.getExcludeSuperclassListeners() != null )
            c.implClass.annotate( c.parent().getCodeModel().ref( javax.persistence.ExcludeSuperclassListeners.class ) );
        if ( ms.getIdClass() != null )
            this.annotate( c, ms.getIdClass() );
        if ( ms.getPostLoad() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, ms.getPostLoad().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PostLoad.class ) );
        if ( ms.getPostPersist() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, ms.getPostPersist().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PostPersist.class ) );
        if ( ms.getPostRemove() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, ms.getPostRemove().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PostRemove.class ) );
        if ( ms.getPostUpdate() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, ms.getPostUpdate().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PostUpdate.class ) );
        if ( ms.getPrePersist() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, ms.getPreUpdate().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PrePersist.class ) );
        if ( ms.getPreRemove() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, ms.getPreRemove().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PreRemove.class ) );
        if ( ms.getPreUpdate() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, ms.getPreUpdate().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PreUpdate.class ) );
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    private void annotateEmbeddable( final Outline outline, final Embeddable embeddable )
        final JCodeModel cm = outline.getCodeModel();
        final ClassOutline c = this.getClassOutline( outline, embeddable.getClazz() );
        c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.Embeddable.class ) );

        if ( embeddable.getAttributes() != null )
            this.annotate( c, embeddable.getAttributes() );
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    private void annotateEntity( final Outline outline, final Entity entity )
        final JCodeModel cm = outline.getCodeModel();
        final ClassOutline c = this.getClassOutline( outline, entity.getClazz() );
        final JAnnotationUse a = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.Entity.class ) );

        if ( entity.getName() != null )
            a.param( "name", entity.getName() );

        if ( !entity.getAssociationOverride().isEmpty() )
            final JAnnotationUse aolst = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.AssociationOverrides.class ) );
            final JAnnotationArrayMember value = aolst.paramArray( "value" );
            for ( AssociationOverride o : entity.getAssociationOverride() )
                final JAnnotationUse ao = value.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.AssociationOverride.class ) );
                if ( o.getName() != null )
                    ao.param( "name", o.getName() );

                if ( !o.getJoinColumn().isEmpty() )
                    final JAnnotationArrayMember joinColumns = ao.paramArray( "joinColumns" );
                    for ( JoinColumn jc : o.getJoinColumn() )
                        final JAnnotationUse jca = joinColumns.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.JoinColumn.class ) );
                        this.annotate( jca, jc );

        if ( !entity.getAttributeOverride().isEmpty() )
            final JAnnotationUse aolst = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides.class ) );
            final JAnnotationArrayMember value = aolst.paramArray( "value" );
            for ( AttributeOverride o : entity.getAttributeOverride() )
                final JAnnotationUse ao = value.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.AttributeOverride.class ) );
                if ( o.getColumn() != null )
                    final JAnnotationUse ac = ao.param( "column", cm.ref( javax.persistence.Column.class ) );
                    this.annotate( ac, o.getColumn() );
                if ( o.getName() != null )
                    ao.param( "name", o.getName() );

        if ( entity.getAttributes() != null )
            this.annotate( cm, c, entity.getAttributes() );

        if ( entity.getDiscriminatorColumn() != null )
            final JAnnotationUse dc = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn.class ) );
            if ( entity.getDiscriminatorColumn().getColumnDefinition() != null )
                dc.param( "columnDefinition", entity.getDiscriminatorColumn().getColumnDefinition() );
            if ( entity.getDiscriminatorColumn().getDiscriminatorType() != null )
                dc.param( "discriminatorType", javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType.valueOf(
                    entity.getDiscriminatorColumn().getDiscriminatorType().value() ) );

            if ( entity.getDiscriminatorColumn().getLength() != null )
                dc.param( "length", entity.getDiscriminatorColumn().getLength().intValue() );
            if ( entity.getDiscriminatorColumn().getName() != null )
                dc.param( "name", entity.getDiscriminatorColumn().getName() );

        if ( entity.getDiscriminatorValue() != null )
            final JAnnotationUse dv = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue.class ) );
            dv.param( "value", entity.getDiscriminatorValue() );

        if ( entity.getEntityListeners() != null )
            this.annotate( c, entity.getEntityListeners() );

        if ( entity.getExcludeDefaultListeners() != null )
            c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.ExcludeDefaultListeners.class ) );
        if ( entity.getExcludeSuperclassListeners() != null )
            c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.ExcludeSuperclassListeners.class ) );
        if ( entity.getIdClass() != null )
            this.annotate( c, entity.getIdClass() );
        if ( entity.getInheritance() != null )
            final JAnnotationUse ih = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.Inheritance.class ) );
            ih.param( "strategy",
                      javax.persistence.InheritanceType.valueOf( entity.getInheritance().getStrategy().value() ) );

        if ( !entity.getNamedNativeQuery().isEmpty() )
            final JAnnotationUse nnqlst = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.NamedNativeQueries.class ) );
            final JAnnotationArrayMember value = nnqlst.paramArray( "value" );
            for ( NamedNativeQuery q : entity.getNamedNativeQuery() )
                final JAnnotationUse qa = value.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery.class ) );
                qa.param( "name", q.getName() );
                qa.param( "query", q.getQuery() );

                if ( q.getResultClass() != null )
                    qa.param( "resultClass", cm.ref( q.getResultClass() ) );
                if ( q.getResultSetMapping() != null )
                    qa.param( "resultSetMapping", q.getResultSetMapping() );
                if ( !q.getHint().isEmpty() )
                    final JAnnotationArrayMember hints = qa.paramArray( "hints" );
                    for ( QueryHint hint : q.getHint() )
                        final JAnnotationUse qh = hints.annotate( javax.persistence.QueryHint.class );
                        qh.param( "name", hint.getName() );
                        qh.param( "value", hint.getValue() );
        if ( !entity.getNamedQuery().isEmpty() )
            final JAnnotationUse nqlst = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.NamedQueries.class ) );
            final JAnnotationArrayMember value = nqlst.paramArray( "value" );
            for ( NamedQuery q : entity.getNamedQuery() )
                final JAnnotationUse nq = value.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.NamedQuery.class ) );
                nq.param( "name", q.getName() );
                nq.param( "query", q.getQuery() );

                if ( !q.getHint().isEmpty() )
                    final JAnnotationArrayMember hints = nq.paramArray( "hints" );
                    for ( QueryHint hint : q.getHint() )
                        final JAnnotationUse qh = hints.annotate( javax.persistence.QueryHint.class );
                        qh.param( "name", hint.getName() );
                        qh.param( "value", hint.getValue() );
        if ( entity.getPostLoad() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, entity.getPostLoad().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PostLoad.class ) );
        if ( entity.getPostPersist() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, entity.getPostPersist().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PostPersist.class ) );
        if ( entity.getPostRemove() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, entity.getPostRemove().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PostRemove.class ) );
        if ( entity.getPostUpdate() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, entity.getPostUpdate().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PostUpdate.class ) );
        if ( entity.getPrePersist() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, entity.getPreUpdate().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PrePersist.class ) );
        if ( entity.getPreRemove() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, entity.getPreRemove().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PreRemove.class ) );
        if ( entity.getPreUpdate() != null )
            final JMethod m = this.getMethod( c, entity.getPreUpdate().getMethodName() );
            m.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PreUpdate.class ) );
        if ( !entity.getPrimaryKeyJoinColumn().isEmpty() )
            final JAnnotationUse pkjcs = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class ) );
            final JAnnotationArrayMember pkjc = pkjcs.paramArray( "value" );
            this.annotate( cm, pkjc, entity.getPrimaryKeyJoinColumn() );
        if ( !entity.getSecondaryTable().isEmpty() )
            final JAnnotationUse stlst = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.SecondaryTables.class ) );
            final JAnnotationArrayMember value = stlst.paramArray( "value" );
            for ( SecondaryTable t : entity.getSecondaryTable() )
                final JAnnotationUse st = value.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.SecondaryTable.class ) );
                if ( t.getCatalog() != null )
                    st.param( "catalog", t.getCatalog() );
                if ( t.getName() != null )
                    st.param( "name", t.getName() );
                if ( !t.getPrimaryKeyJoinColumn().isEmpty() )
                    final JAnnotationArrayMember pkjc = st.paramArray( "pkJoinColumns" );
                    this.annotate( cm, pkjc, entity.getPrimaryKeyJoinColumn() );
                if ( t.getSchema() != null )
                    st.param( "schema", t.getSchema() );
                if ( !t.getUniqueConstraint().isEmpty() )
                    final JAnnotationArrayMember uca = st.paramArray( "uniqueConstraints" );
                    for ( UniqueConstraint uc : t.getUniqueConstraint() )
                        final JAnnotationUse u = uca.annotate( javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint.class );
                        final JAnnotationArrayMember colNames = u.paramArray( "columnNames" );
                        for ( String cn : uc.getColumnName() )
                            colNames.param( cn );
        if ( entity.getSequenceGenerator() != null )
            final JAnnotationUse sg = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator.class ) );
            this.annotate( sg, entity.getSequenceGenerator() );
        if ( !entity.getSqlResultSetMapping().isEmpty() )
            final JAnnotationUse lst = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMappings.class ) );
            final JAnnotationArrayMember value = lst.paramArray( "value" );
            for ( SqlResultSetMapping m : entity.getSqlResultSetMapping() )
                final JAnnotationUse srsm = value.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping.class ) );
                if ( !m.getColumnResult().isEmpty() )
                    final JAnnotationArrayMember cols = srsm.paramArray( "columns" );
                    for ( ColumnResult cr : m.getColumnResult() )
                        final JAnnotationUse cra = cols.annotate( javax.persistence.ColumnResult.class );
                        cra.param( "name", cr.getName() );
                if ( !m.getEntityResult().isEmpty() )
                    final JAnnotationArrayMember entities = srsm.paramArray( "entities" );
                    for ( EntityResult er : m.getEntityResult() )
                        final JAnnotationUse era = entities.annotate( javax.persistence.EntityResult.class );
                        if ( er.getDiscriminatorColumn() != null )
                            era.param( "discriminatorColumn", er.getDiscriminatorColumn() );
                        if ( er.getEntityClass() != null )
                            era.param( "entityClass", cm.ref( er.getEntityClass() ) );
                        if ( !er.getFieldResult().isEmpty() )
                            final JAnnotationArrayMember fields = era.paramArray( "fields" );
                            for ( FieldResult fr : er.getFieldResult() )
                                final JAnnotationUse fra = fields.annotate( javax.persistence.FieldResult.class );
                                if ( fr.getColumn() != null )
                                    fra.param( "column", fr.getColumn() );
                                if ( fr.getName() != null )
                                    fra.param( "name", fr.getName() );
                if ( m.getName() != null )
                    srsm.param( "name", m.getName() );
        if ( entity.getTable() != null )
            final JAnnotationUse ta = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.Table.class ) );
            if ( entity.getTable().getCatalog() != null )
                ta.param( "catalog", entity.getTable().getCatalog() );
            if ( entity.getTable().getName() != null )
                ta.param( "name", entity.getTable().getName() );
            if ( entity.getTable().getSchema() != null )
                ta.param( "schema", entity.getTable().getSchema() );
            if ( !entity.getTable().getUniqueConstraint().isEmpty() )
                final JAnnotationArrayMember uclst = ta.paramArray( "uniqueConstraints" );
                for ( UniqueConstraint uc : entity.getTable().getUniqueConstraint() )
                    final JAnnotationUse uca = uclst.annotate( javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint.class );
                    final JAnnotationArrayMember colNames = uca.paramArray( "columnNames" );
                    for ( String cn : uc.getColumnName() )
                        colNames.param( cn );
        if ( entity.getTableGenerator() != null )
            final JAnnotationUse tg = c.implClass.annotate( cm.ref( javax.persistence.TableGenerator.class ) );
            this.annotate( tg, entity.getTableGenerator() );
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Related Classes of com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel

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