_logger.log(Level.FINE, "Found no CMT MDBs in all applications");
//TODO V3 done so as to initialize connectors-runtime before loading inbound active RA. need a better way ?
ConnectorRuntime cr = connectorRuntimeHabitat.getComponent(ConnectorRuntime.class);
ConnectorRegistry creg = ConnectorRegistry.getInstance();
// for each RA (key in the map) get the list (value) of MDB Descriptors
Map<String, List<EjbDescriptor>> mappings = createRAEjbMapping(xaEnabledMDBList);
//For each RA
for (Map.Entry entry : mappings.entrySet()) {
String raMid = (String) entry.getKey();
List<EjbDescriptor> respectiveDesc = mappings.get(raMid);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "error.loading.connector.resources.during.recovery", raMid);
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, ex.toString(), ex);
ActiveInboundResourceAdapter activeInboundRA = (ActiveInboundResourceAdapter) creg
//assert activeInboundRA instanceof ActiveInboundResourceAdapter;
boolean isSystemJmsRA = false;
if (ConnectorsUtil.isJMSRA(activeInboundRA.getModuleName())) {
isSystemJmsRA = true;
javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter resourceAdapter = activeInboundRA
// activationSpecList represents the ActivationSpec[] that would be
// sent to the getXAResources() method.
ArrayList<ActivationSpec> activationSpecList = new ArrayList<ActivationSpec>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < respectiveDesc.size(); i++) {
try {
// Get a MessageBeanDescriptor from respectiveDesc ArrayList
EjbMessageBeanDescriptor descriptor =
(EjbMessageBeanDescriptor) respectiveDesc.get(i);
// A descriptor using 1.3 System JMS RA style properties needs
// to be updated J2EE 1.4 style props.
if (isSystemJmsRA) {
//XXX: Find out the pool descriptor corres to MDB and update
//MDBRuntimeInfo with that.
activeInboundRA.updateMDBRuntimeInfo(descriptor, null);
// Get the ActivationConfig Properties from the MDB Descriptor
Set activationConfigProps =
// get message listener type
String msgListenerType = descriptor.getMessageListenerType();
// start resource adapter and get ActivationSpec class for
// the given message listener type from the ConnectorRuntime
ActivationSpec aspec = (ActivationSpec) (Class.forName(
msgListenerType), false,
// Populate ActivationSpec class with ActivationConfig properties