final double DEP = 0.5;//distErrPct
//the result is the diagonal distance from the center to the closest corner,
// times distErrPct
Shape superwide = ctx.makeRectangle(-180, 180, 0, 0);
//0 distErrPct means 0 distance always
assertEquals(0, SpatialArgs.calcDistanceFromErrPct(superwide, 0, ctx), 0);
assertEquals(180 * DEP, SpatialArgs.calcDistanceFromErrPct(superwide, DEP, ctx), 0);
Shape supertall = ctx.makeRectangle(0, 0, -90, 90);
assertEquals(90 * DEP, SpatialArgs.calcDistanceFromErrPct(supertall, DEP, ctx), 0);
Shape upperhalf = ctx.makeRectangle(-180, 180, 0, 90);
assertEquals(45 * DEP, SpatialArgs.calcDistanceFromErrPct(upperhalf, DEP, ctx), 0.0001);
Shape midCircle = ctx.makeCircle(0, 0, 45);
assertEquals(60 * DEP, SpatialArgs.calcDistanceFromErrPct(midCircle, DEP, ctx), 0.0001);