
Examples of


            replay.rollback(matchpointVLSN, searchResults.getMatchpointLSN());

            /* Update the vlsnIndex. */
            VLSN startVLSN = matchpointVLSN.getNext();

            protocol.write( StartStream(startVLSN), namedChannel);
  , repImpl,
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     * @throws IOException
    private void verifyRollback(VLSNRange range)
        throws RollbackException, InsufficientLogException, IOException {

        VLSN lastTxnEnd = range.getLastTxnEnd();
        VLSN lastSync = range.getLastSync();

        LoggerUtils.finest(logger, repImpl, "verify rollback" +
                           " vlsn range=" + range +
                           " searchResults=" + searchResults);
         * If the lastTxnEnd VLSN is null, we don't have to worry about hard
         * recovery. See truth table above.
        if (lastTxnEnd.isNull()) {
            if (range.getLastSync().isNull() && !matchpointVLSN.isNull()) {
                throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                    (repNode.getRepImpl(), "Shouldn't be possible to find a "+
                     "matchpoint of " + matchpointVLSN +
                     " when the sync VLSN is null. Range=" + range);

            /* We'll be doing a normal rollback. */
            LoggerUtils.fine(logger, repImpl, "normal rollback, no txn end");

        if (lastSync.isNull()) {
            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                 "Shouldn't be possible to have a null sync VLSN when the "
                 + " lastTxnVLSN " + lastTxnEnd + " is not null. Range=" +
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    private void findMatchpoint(VLSNRange range)
        throws IOException,
               InsufficientLogException {

        VLSN candidateMatchpoint = range.getLastSync();
        if (candidateMatchpoint.equals(NULL_VLSN)) {

             * If the replica has no sync-able log entries at all, the
             * matchpoint is the NULL_VLSN, and we should start the replication
             * stream at VLSN 1. Check if the feeder has the VLSN 1. If it
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        if ((acceptAlternative) &&
            (message instanceof AlternateMatchpoint)) {

            AlternateMatchpoint alt = (AlternateMatchpoint) message;
            InputWireRecord feederRecord = alt.getAlternateWireRecord();
            VLSN altMatchpoint = feederRecord.getVLSN();
            if (range.getFirst().compareTo(altMatchpoint) > 0) {

                 * The feeder suggest a different matchpoint, but it's outside
                 * the replica's range. Give up and do a network restore.
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     * Assumes this is called directly after the constructor, and that the
     * entryBuffer is positioned right before the VLSN.
    public void readVariablePortion(ByteBuffer entryBuffer) {
        if (replicated) {
            vlsn = new VLSN();
            vlsn.readFromLog(entryBuffer, entryVersion);
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             * supply it.
             * - a RestoreRequest message that indicates that the replica
             * has given up, and will want a network restore.

            VLSN startVLSN = null;
            while (true) {
                Message message =;
                if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                    LoggerUtils.finest(logger, repImpl,
                                       "Replica " +
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    private Message makeResponseToEntryRequest(VLSNRange range,
                                               EntryRequest request,
                                               boolean isFirstResponse)
        throws IOException, ChecksumException {

        VLSN requestMatchpoint = request.getVLSN();

         * We need to guarantee that we will be able to service the replication
         * stream after a matchpoint is chosen. Because of that, the matchpoint
         * must be >= the first in the rep stream, for obvious reasons (we
         * wouldn't have the log record), and also >= the global CBVLSN (the
         * log cleaner is allowed to delete anything < the global CBVLSN.

        VLSN globalCBVLSN = repNode.getGroupCBVLSN();
        if (globalCBVLSN.isNull()) {
            if (range.getFirst().compareTo(requestMatchpoint) > 0) {
                 * This case can only happen if the node's log was created as
                 * the result of a network restore or a standalone
                 * conversion. The global CBVLSN is not set yet, and the range
                 * does not start with 1. If the node had been populated the
                 * usual way, the global CBVLSN would be set.
                return EntryNotFound();
        } else {
            if (globalCBVLSN.compareTo(requestMatchpoint) > 0) {
                return EntryNotFound();

         * The global CBVLSN should have throttle log cleaning, so the first
         * value in the range should always be <= the global CBVLSN.
        if (!globalCBVLSN.isNull() &&
            range.getFirst().compareTo(globalCBVLSN) > 0) {
            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                ("Range " + range + " precedes globalCBVLSN " + globalCBVLSN);

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     * <p>
     * Reset the vlsnIndex so the VLSN sequence corresponds to what this node
     * thinks is the next VLSN.
    public void initAsMaster() {
        VLSN last = tracker.getRange().getLast();
        if (last.equals(VLSN.NULL_VLSN)) {

             * If the master does the conversion, the started VLSN should start
             * from 2 so that Replica would throw a LogRefreshRequiredException
             * and do a NetworkRestore to copy the master logs.
            nextVLSNCounter =
                envImpl.needConvert() ? new AtomicLong(1) : new AtomicLong(0);
        } else {
            nextVLSNCounter = new AtomicLong(last.getSequence());
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     * Return the VLSN to use for tagging the next replicated log entry. Must
     * be called within the log write latch.
    public VLSN bump() {
        return new VLSN(nextVLSNCounter.incrementAndGet());
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     * latch, but within the LogManager log() call. It must not cause any
     * logging of its own and should not cause I/O.
    public void put(LogItem logItem) {

        final VLSN vlsn  = logItem.getHeader().getVLSN();
        final long lsn = logItem.getNewLsn();
        final byte entryType = logItem.getHeader().getType();

        logItemCache.put(vlsn, logItem);

        synchronized (this) {
            tracker.track(vlsn, lsn, entryType);

            synchronized (mappingSynchronizer) {

                 * Put() calls may come out of order, so free the wait latch if
                 * the incoming VLSN >= the waiting VLSN. For example, a feeder
                 * may be awaiting VLSN 100, but the call to put(101) comes in
                 * before the call to put(100).
                if ((vlsnPutLatch != null) &&
                    vlsn.compareTo(putWaitVLSN) >= 0) {
                    vlsnPutLatch = null;
                    putWaitVLSN = null;
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