
Examples of$MBeanRegistrar


        boolean setNewIdKey = false;
        boolean anyLocksDenied = false;
        final DatabaseImpl db = getDatabase();
        final EnvironmentImpl envImpl = db.getDbEnvironment();

        for (int i = 0; i < getNEntries(); i++) {

            /* KD and PD determine deletedness. */
            if (!isEntryPendingDeleted(i) && !isEntryKnownDeleted(i)) {

             * We have to be able to lock the LN before we can compress the
             * entry.  If we can't, then skip over it.
             * We must lock the LN even if isKnownDeleted is true, because
             * locks protect the aborts. (Aborts may execute multiple
             * operations, where each operation latches and unlatches. It's the
             * LN lock that protects the integrity of the whole multi-step
             * process.)
             * For example, during abort, there may be cases where we have
             * deleted and then added an LN during the same txn.  This means
             * that to undo/abort it, we first delete the LN (leaving
             * knownDeleted set), and then add it back into the tree.  We want
             * to make sure the entry is in the BIN when we do the insert back
             * in.
            final BasicLocker lockingTxn =
            /* Don't allow this short-lived lock to be preempted/stolen. */
            try {
                /* Lock LSN.  Can discard a NULL_LSN entry without locking. */
                final long lsn = getLsn(i);
                if (lsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                    final LockResult lockRet = lockingTxn.nonBlockingLock
                        (lsn, LockType.READ, false /*jumpAheadOfWaiters*/, db);
                    if (lockRet.getLockGrant() == LockGrantType.DENIED) {
                        anyLocksDenied = true;

                /* At this point, we know we can delete. */
                if (Key.compareKeys(getKey(i), getIdentifierKey(),
                                    getKeyComparator()) == 0) {

                     * We're about to remove the entry with the idKey so the
                     * node will need a new idkey.
                    setNewIdKey = true;
                     * We think identifier keys are always in the first slot.
                     * However, this assertion fails in DatabaseTest.  Needs
                     * futher investigation.
                    //assert (i == 0) : i;

                if (db.isDeferredWriteMode()) {
                    final LN ln = (LN) getTarget(i);
                    if (ln != null &&
                        ln.isDirty() &&
                        !DbLsn.isTransient(lsn)) {
                        if (db.isTemporary()) {

                             * When a previously logged LN in a temporary DB is
                             * dirty, we can count the LSN of the last logged
                             * LN as obsolete without logging.  There it no
                             * requirement for the dirty deleted LN to be
                             * durable past recovery.  There is no danger of
                             * the last logged LN being accessed again (after
                             * log cleaning, for example), since temporary DBs
                             * do not survive recovery.
                            if (localTracker != null) {
                                    (lsn, ln.getGenericLogType(),
                                     ln.getLastLoggedSize(), db);
                            } else {
                                    (lsn, ln.getGenericLogType(),
                                     ln.getLastLoggedSize(), db,
                                     true /*countExact*/);
                        } else {
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        /* If we will next log a full version, add to the queue. */
        final EnvironmentImpl envImpl = getDatabase().getDbEnvironment();
        envImpl.addToCompressorQueue(this, false);
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        final boolean force = ensureDurableLsn &&
                              getDatabase().isDeferredWriteMode() &&
        if (force || ln.isDirty()) {
            final DatabaseImpl dbImpl = getDatabase();
            final EnvironmentImpl envImpl = dbImpl.getDbEnvironment();

            /* Only deferred write databases should have dirty LNs. */
            assert dbImpl.isDeferredWriteMode();

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    public void logDirtyChildren()
        throws DatabaseException {

        /* Look for targets that are dirty. */
        EnvironmentImpl envImpl = getDatabase().getDbEnvironment();
        for (int i = 0; i < getNEntries(); i++) {
            Node node = getTarget(i);
            if (node != null) {
                logDirtyLN(i, (LN) node, true /*ensureDurableLsn*/);
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    public void beforeLog(LogManager logManager,
                          INLogItem item,
                          INLogContext context) {

        final DatabaseImpl dbImpl = getDatabase();
        final EnvironmentImpl envImpl = dbImpl.getDbEnvironment();

        /* Allow the cleaner to migrate LNs before logging. */
        envImpl.getCleaner().lazyMigrateLNs(this, context.backgroundIO);

        /* Determine whether we log a delta rather than full version. */
        final boolean doDeltaLog;
        final BINDelta deltaInfo;
        if (context.allowDeltas && shouldLogDelta()) {
            doDeltaLog = true;
            deltaInfo = new BINDelta(this);
        } else {
            doDeltaLog = false;
            deltaInfo = null;

        /* Perform lazy compression when logging a full BIN. */
        if (context.allowCompress && !doDeltaLog) {

         * Write dirty LNs in deferred-write databases.  This is done after
         * compression to reduce total logging, at least for temp DBs.
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     * @return the target node or null.
    public Node fetchTarget(int idx)
        throws RelatchRequiredException, DatabaseException {

        EnvironmentImpl envImpl = databaseImpl.getDbEnvironment();
        boolean isMiss = false;

        if (entryTargets.get(idx) == null) {
            /* Fault object in from log. */
            long lsn = getLsn(idx);
            if (lsn == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                if (!isEntryKnownDeleted(idx)) {
                    throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                        (makeFetchErrorMsg("NULL_LSN without KnownDeleted",
                                           this, lsn, entryStates[idx]));

                 * Ignore a NULL_LSN (return null) if KnownDeleted is set.
                 * This is the remnant of an incomplete insertion -- see
                 * Tree.insert. [#13126] or a rollback.
            } else {
                if (!isLatchOwnerForWrite()) {
                    throw RelatchRequiredException.relatchRequiredException;

                try {
                    LogEntry logEntry =
                    /* Ensure keys are transactionally correct. [#15704] */
                    byte[] lnSlotKey = null;
                    if (logEntry instanceof LNLogEntry) {
                        LNLogEntry lnEntry = (LNLogEntry) logEntry;
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         * on the IN list. For example, when we create new INs, they are
         * manipulated off the IN list before being added; if we updated the
         * environment wide cache then, we'd end up double counting.
        if (inListResident) {
            final EnvironmentImpl env = databaseImpl.getDbEnvironment();

            assert (inMemorySize >= getFixedMemoryOverhead()) :
                "delta: " + delta + " inMemorySize: " + inMemorySize +
                " overhead: " + getFixedMemoryOverhead() +
                " computed: " + computeMemorySize() +
                " dump: " + toString() + assertPrintMemorySize();

            accumulatedDelta += delta;
            if (accumulatedDelta > ACCUMULATED_LIMIT ||
                accumulatedDelta < -ACCUMULATED_LIMIT) {
                env.getInMemoryINs().memRecalcUpdate(this, accumulatedDelta);
                accumulatedDelta = 0;
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             * Also, inMemorySize does not reflect changes that may have
             * resulted from key prefixing related changes, it needs to be
             * brought up to date, so update it appropriately for this and the
             * above reason.
            EnvironmentImpl env = databaseImpl.getDbEnvironment();
            INList inMemoryINs = env.getInMemoryINs();
            long oldMemorySize = inMemorySize;
            long newSize = computeMemorySize();
            updateMemorySize(oldMemorySize, newSize);

             * Parent refers to child through an element of the entries array.
             * Depending on which half of the BIN we copied keys from, we
             * either have to adjust one pointer and add a new one, or we have
             * to just add a new pointer to the new sibling.
             * Note that we must use the provisional form of logging because
             * all three log entries must be read atomically. The parent must
             * get logged last, as all referred-to children must preceed
             * it. Provisional entries guarantee that all three are processed
             * as a unit. Recovery skips provisional entries, so the changed
             * children are only used if the parent makes it out to the log.
            LogManager logManager = env.getLogManager();

            long newSiblingLsn =
                newSibling.optionalLogProvisional(logManager, parent);

            long myNewLsn = optionalLogProvisional(logManager, parent);
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     * once in the old existing sibling.
    public void logDirtyChildren()
        throws DatabaseException {

        EnvironmentImpl envImpl = getDatabase().getDbEnvironment();

        /* Look for targets that are dirty. */
        for (int i = 0; i < getNEntries(); i++) {

            IN child = (IN) getTarget(i);
            if (child != null) {
                try {
                    if (child.getDirty()) {
                        /* Ask descendents to log their children. */
                        long childLsn =
                                      false, // allowDeltas
                                      false, // allowCompress
                                      true,  // isProvisional
                                      true,  // backgroundIO
                                      this); // parent
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            case REMOVEDB_AND_CLEAN:
                removeAndClean(env, dbName, true);
                EnvironmentImpl envImpl =
                promptForShutdown = true;
            case VERIFY_UTILIZATION:
                EnvironmentImpl envImpl2 =
                VerifyUtils. verifyUtilization
                     true,  // expectAccurateObsoleteLNCount
                     true,  // expectAccurateObsoleteLNSize
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