// data format is used. Duplicate keys are not allowed for any entity
// with indexes or foreign key relationships.
Db partDb = new Db(env, 0);
partDb.open(null, PART_STORE, null, Db.DB_BTREE, flags, 0);
partStore = new DataStore(partDb, partKeyFormat,
partValueFormat, null);
Db supplierDb = new Db(env, 0);
supplierDb.open(null, SUPPLIER_STORE, null, Db.DB_BTREE, flags, 0);
supplierStore = new DataStore(supplierDb, supplierKeyFormat,
supplierValueFormat, null);
Db shipmentDb = new Db(env, 0);
shipmentDb.open(null, SHIPMENT_STORE, null, Db.DB_BTREE, flags, 0);
shipmentStore = new DataStore(shipmentDb, shipmentKeyFormat,
shipmentValueFormat, null);
// Create the KeyExtractor objects for the part and supplier
// indices of the shipment store. Each key extractor object defines
// its associated index, since it is responsible for mapping between