checkArgument(radius >= 0, "radius >= 0 required");
// Our origins can only be liquids
BlockMask liquidMask = new BlockMask(
new BaseBlock(moving, -1),
new BaseBlock(stationary, -1));
// But we will also visit air blocks
MaskIntersection blockMask =
new MaskUnion(liquidMask,
new BlockMask(
new BaseBlock(BlockID.AIR)));
// There are boundaries that the routine needs to stay in
MaskIntersection mask = new MaskIntersection(
new BoundedHeightMask(0, Math.min(origin.getBlockY(), getWorld().getMaxY())),
new RegionMask(new EllipsoidRegion(null, origin, new Vector(radius, radius, radius))),
BlockReplace replace = new BlockReplace(this, new BlockPattern(new BaseBlock(stationary)));
NonRisingVisitor visitor = new NonRisingVisitor(mask, replace);
// Around the origin in a 3x3 block
for (BlockVector position : CuboidRegion.fromCenter(origin, 1)) {
if (liquidMask.test(position)) {