public void loadConfiguration (YAMLProcessor config, String path) {
config.setComment(path + "max-boost-block", "Sets the block that is the base of the max boost block.");
minecartSpeedModMaxBoostBlock = new ItemInfo(config.getString(path + "max-boost-block", "GOLD_BLOCK:0"));
config.setComment(path + "25x-boost-block", "Sets the block that is the base of the 25x boost block.");
minecartSpeedMod25xBoostBlock = new ItemInfo(config.getString(path + "25x-boost-block", "GOLD_ORE:0"));
config.setComment(path + "50x-slow-block", "Sets the block that is the base of the 50x slower block.");
minecartSpeedMod50xSlowBlock = new ItemInfo(config.getString(path + "50x-slow-block", "SOUL_SAND:0"));
config.setComment(path + "20x-slow-block", "Sets the block that is the base of the 20x slower block.");
minecartSpeedMod20xSlowBlock = new ItemInfo(config.getString(path + "20x-slow-block", "GRAVEL:0"));