Package com.serotonin.m2m2.vo

Examples of com.serotonin.m2m2.vo.DataPointVO

        if (jsonDataPoints != null) {
            DataPointDao dataPointDao = new DataPointDao();
            for (JsonValue jv : jsonDataPoints) {
                String xid = jv.toString();
                DataPointVO dpVO = dataPointDao.getDataPoint(xid);
                if (dpVO == null)
                    throw new TranslatableJsonException("emport.error.missingPoint", xid);
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                model.put("compoundComponent", compoundComponent);

                List<Map<String, Object>> childData = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
                for (CompoundChild child : compoundComponent.getChildComponents()) {
                    if (child.getViewComponent().isPointComponent()) {
                        DataPointVO point = ((PointComponent) child.getViewComponent()).tgetDataPoint();
                        if (point != null) {
                            Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                            if (imageChart)
                                map.put("name", point.getName());
                                map.put("name", translate(child.getDescription()));
                            map.put("point", point);
                            map.put("pointValue", point.lastValue());
                model.put("childData", childData);
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            boolean settable, String bkgdColorOverride, boolean displayControls, int x, int y) {
        ProcessResult response = new ProcessResult();
        PointComponent pc = (PointComponent) getViewComponent(pointComponentId);
        User user = Common.getUser();

        DataPointVO dp = new DataPointDao().getDataPoint(dataPointId);
        if (dp == null || !Permissions.hasDataPointReadPermission(user, dp))
            response.addContextualMessage("settingsPointInfo", "validate.required");

        if (x < 0)
            response.addContextualMessage("settingsX", "validate.cannotBeNegative");
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    @DwrPermission(user = true)
    public String setViewPoint(String viewComponentId, String valueStr) {
        User user = Common.getUser();
        GraphicalView view = GraphicalViewsCommon.getUserView(user);
        DataPointVO point = view.findDataPoint(viewComponentId);

        if (point != null) {
            // Check that setting is allowed.
            int access = view.getUserAccess(user);
            if (!(access == ShareUser.ACCESS_OWNER || access == ShareUser.ACCESS_SET))
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            catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // no op

            DataPointVO dp = new DataPointDao().getDataPoint(dataPointId);

            if (dp == null || !Permissions.hasDataPointReadPermission(user, dp))
                c.setDataPoint(kvp.getKey(), null);
                c.setDataPoint(kvp.getKey(), dp);
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        for (DataPointVO dp : pointCache) {
            if (dp.getXid().equals(xid))
                return dp;

        DataPointVO dp = new DataPointDao().getDataPoint(xid);
        if (dp != null) {
            // Check permissions.
            Permissions.ensureDataPointSetPermission(authorityUser, dp);

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            timestampParams = new Object[] { instance.getReportStartTime(), instance.getReportEndTime() };

        // For each point.
        for (PointInfo pointInfo : points) {
            DataPointVO point = pointInfo.getPoint();
            int dataType = point.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId();

            DataValue startValue = null;
            if (!instance.isFromInception()) {
                // Get the value just before the start of the report
                PointValueTime pvt = pointValueDao.getPointValueBefore(point.getId(), instance.getReportStartTime());
                if (pvt != null)
                    startValue = pvt.getValue();

                // Make sure the data types match
                if (DataTypes.getDataType(startValue) != dataType)
                    startValue = null;

            // Insert the reportInstancePoints record
            String name = Functions.truncate(point.getName(), 100);

            int reportPointId = doInsert(
                    new Object[] { instance.getId(), point.getDeviceName(), name, pointInfo.getPoint().getXid(), dataType,
                            SerializationHelper.writeObject(point.getTextRenderer()), pointInfo.getColour(),
                            pointInfo.getWeight(), boolToChar(pointInfo.isConsolidatedChart()), pointInfo.getPlotType() },
                    new int[] { Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR, Types.BLOB,
                            Types.VARCHAR, Types.FLOAT, Types.CHAR, Types.INTEGER });

            // Insert the reportInstanceData records
            String insertSQL = "insert into reportInstanceData " //
                    + "  select id, " + reportPointId + ", pointValue, ts from pointValues " //
                    + "    where dataPointId=? and dataType=? " //
                    + StringUtils.replaceMacro(timestampSql, "field", "ts");
            count += ejt.update(insertSQL, appendParameters(timestampParams, point.getId(), dataType));

            // Insert the reportInstanceDataAnnotations records
                    "insert into reportInstanceDataAnnotations " //
                            + "  (pointValueId, reportInstancePointId, textPointValueShort, textPointValueLong, sourceMessage) " //
                            + "  select rd.pointValueId, rd.reportInstancePointId, pva.textPointValueShort, " //
                            + "    pva.textPointValueLong, pva.sourceMessage " //
                            + "  from reportInstanceData rd " //
                            + "    join reportInstancePoints rp on rd.reportInstancePointId = " //
                            + "    join pointValueAnnotations pva on rd.pointValueId = pva.pointValueId " //
                            + "  where = ?", new Object[] { reportPointId });

            // Insert the reportInstanceEvents records for the point.
            if (instance.getIncludeEvents() != ReportVO.EVENTS_NONE) {
                String eventSQL = "insert into reportInstanceEvents " //
                        + "  (eventId, reportInstanceId, typeName, subtypeName, typeRef1, typeRef2, activeTs, " //
                        + "   rtnApplicable, rtnTs, rtnCause, alarmLevel, message, ackTs, ackUsername, " //
                        + "   alternateAckSource)" //
                        + "  select, " + instance.getId() + ", e.typeName, e.subtypeName, e.typeRef1, " //
                        + "    e.typeRef2, e.activeTs, e.rtnApplicable, e.rtnTs, e.rtnCause, e.alarmLevel, " //
                        + "    e.message, e.ackTs, u.username, e.alternateAckSource " //
                        + "  from events e join userEvents ue on " //
                        + "    left join users u on " //
                        + "  where ue.userId=? " //
                        + "    and e.typeName=? " //
                        + "    and e.typeRef1=? ";

                if (instance.getIncludeEvents() == ReportVO.EVENTS_ALARMS)
                    eventSQL += "and e.alarmLevel > 0 ";

                eventSQL += StringUtils.replaceMacro(timestampSql, "field", "e.activeTs");
                        appendParameters(timestampParams, instance.getUserId(), EventType.EventTypeNames.DATA_POINT,

            // Insert the reportInstanceUserComments records for the point.
            if (instance.isIncludeUserComments()) {
                String commentSQL = "insert into reportInstanceUserComments " //
                        + "  (reportInstanceId, username, commentType, typeKey, ts, commentText)" //
                        + "  select " + instance.getId() + ", u.username, " + UserComment.TYPE_POINT + ", " //
                        + reportPointId + ", uc.ts, uc.commentText " //
                        + "  from userComments uc " //
                        + "    left join users u on " //
                        + "  where uc.commentType=" + UserComment.TYPE_POINT //
                        + "    and uc.typeKey=? ";

                // Only include comments made in the duration of the report.
                commentSQL += StringUtils.replaceMacro(timestampSql, "field", "uc.ts");
                ejt.update(commentSQL, appendParameters(timestampParams, point.getId()));

        // Insert the reportInstanceUserComments records for the selected events
        if (instance.isIncludeUserComments()) {
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        final Map<Integer,Integer> pointIdMap = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();

        //Loop over all points, pre-process them and prepare to transfer the data to
        // the reports table/data store
        for (PointInfo pointInfo : points) {
            DataPointVO point = pointInfo.getPoint();
            int dataType = point.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId();
            DataValue startValue = null;
            if (!instance.isFromInception()) {
                // Get the value just before the start of the report
                PointValueTime pvt = pointValueDao.getPointValueBefore(point.getId(), instance.getReportStartTime());
                if (pvt != null)
                    startValue = pvt.getValue();

                // Make sure the data types match
                if (DataTypes.getDataType(startValue) != dataType)
                    startValue = null;

            // Insert the reportInstancePoints record
            String name = Functions.truncate(point.getName(), 100);
            int reportPointId = doInsert(
                    new Object[] { instance.getId(), point.getDeviceName(), name, pointInfo.getPoint().getXid(), dataType,
                            SerializationHelper.writeObject(point.getTextRenderer()), pointInfo.getColour(),
                            pointInfo.getWeight(), boolToChar(pointInfo.isConsolidatedChart()), pointInfo.getPlotType() },
                    new int[] { Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR, Types.BLOB,
                            Types.VARCHAR, Types.FLOAT, Types.CHAR, Types.INTEGER });

            //Keep the info in the map
            pointIdMap.put(pointInfo.getPoint().getId(), reportPointId);

            // Insert the reportInstanceDataAnnotations records
                    "insert into reportInstanceDataAnnotations " //
                            + "  (pointValueId, reportInstancePointId, textPointValueShort, textPointValueLong, sourceMessage) " //
                            + "  select rd.pointValueId, rd.reportInstancePointId, pva.textPointValueShort, " //
                            + "    pva.textPointValueLong, pva.sourceMessage " //
                            + "  from reportInstanceData rd " //
                            + "    join reportInstancePoints rp on rd.reportInstancePointId = " //
                            + "    join pointValueAnnotations pva on rd.pointValueId = pva.pointValueId " //
                            + "  where = ?", new Object[] { reportPointId });

            // Insert the reportInstanceEvents records for the point.
            if (instance.getIncludeEvents() != ReportVO.EVENTS_NONE) {
                String eventSQL = "insert into reportInstanceEvents " //
                        + "  (eventId, reportInstanceId, typeName, subtypeName, typeRef1, typeRef2, activeTs, " //
                        + "   rtnApplicable, rtnTs, rtnCause, alarmLevel, message, ackTs, ackUsername, " //
                        + "   alternateAckSource)" //
                        + "  select, " + instance.getId() + ", e.typeName, e.subtypeName, e.typeRef1, " //
                        + "    e.typeRef2, e.activeTs, e.rtnApplicable, e.rtnTs, e.rtnCause, e.alarmLevel, " //
                        + "    e.message, e.ackTs, u.username, e.alternateAckSource " //
                        + "  from events e join userEvents ue on " //
                        + "    left join users u on " //
                        + "  where ue.userId=? " //
                        + "    and e.typeName=? " //
                        + "    and e.typeRef1=? ";

                if (instance.getIncludeEvents() == ReportVO.EVENTS_ALARMS)
                    eventSQL += "and e.alarmLevel > 0 ";

                eventSQL += StringUtils.replaceMacro(timestampSql, "field", "e.activeTs");
                        appendParameters(timestampParams, instance.getUserId(), EventType.EventTypeNames.DATA_POINT,

            // Insert the reportInstanceUserComments records for the point.
            if (instance.isIncludeUserComments()) {
                String commentSQL = "insert into reportInstanceUserComments " //
                        + "  (reportInstanceId, username, commentType, typeKey, ts, commentText)" //
                        + "  select " + instance.getId() + ", u.username, " + UserComment.TYPE_POINT + ", " //
                        + reportPointId + ", uc.ts, uc.commentText " //
                        + "  from userComments uc " //
                        + "    left join users u on " //
                        + "  where uc.commentType=" + UserComment.TYPE_POINT //
                        + "    and uc.typeKey=? ";

                // Only include comments made in the duration of the report.
                commentSQL += StringUtils.replaceMacro(timestampSql, "field", "uc.ts");
                ejt.update(commentSQL, appendParameters(timestampParams, point.getId()));
        } //end for all points

        //Insert the data into the NoSQL DB
        //The series name is reportInstanceId_reportPointId
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    public void jsonWrite(ObjectWriter writer) throws IOException, JsonException {
        DataPointDao dataPointDao = new DataPointDao();

        writer.writeEntry("xid", xid);

        DataPointVO dp = dataPointDao.getDataPoint(sourcePointId);
        if (dp != null)
            writer.writeEntry("sourcePointId", dp.getXid());

        dp = dataPointDao.getDataPoint(targetPointId);
        if (dp != null)
            writer.writeEntry("targetPointId", dp.getXid());

        writer.writeEntry("event", EVENT_CODES.getCode(event));
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    public void jsonRead(JsonReader reader, JsonObject jsonObject) throws JsonException {
        DataPointDao dataPointDao = new DataPointDao();

        String xid = jsonObject.getString("sourcePointId");
        if (xid != null) {
            DataPointVO vo = dataPointDao.getDataPoint(xid);
            if (vo == null)
                throw new TranslatableJsonException("emport.error.missingPoint", xid);
            sourcePointId = vo.getId();

        xid = jsonObject.getString("targetPointId");
        if (xid != null) {
            DataPointVO vo = dataPointDao.getDataPoint(xid);
            if (vo == null)
                throw new TranslatableJsonException("emport.error.missingPoint", xid);
            targetPointId = vo.getId();

        String text = jsonObject.getString("event");
        if (text != null) {
            event = EVENT_CODES.getId(text);
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Related Classes of com.serotonin.m2m2.vo.DataPointVO

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