theScanner = new HashJoinRegionScanner(s, p, j, ScanUtil.getTenantId(scan), c.getEnvironment());
final RegionScanner innerScanner = theScanner;
byte[] indexUUID = scan.getAttribute(PhoenixIndexCodec.INDEX_UUID);
PTable projectedTable = null;
List<Expression> selectExpressions = null;
byte[] upsertSelectTable = scan.getAttribute(UPSERT_SELECT_TABLE);
boolean isUpsert = false;
boolean isDelete = false;
byte[] deleteCQ = null;
byte[] deleteCF = null;
byte[][] values = null;
byte[] emptyCF = null;
ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = null;
if (upsertSelectTable != null) {
isUpsert = true;
projectedTable = deserializeTable(upsertSelectTable);
selectExpressions = deserializeExpressions(scan.getAttribute(UPSERT_SELECT_EXPRS));
values = new byte[projectedTable.getPKColumns().size()][];
ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
} else {
byte[] isDeleteAgg = scan.getAttribute(DELETE_AGG);
isDelete = isDeleteAgg != null && Bytes.compareTo(PDataType.TRUE_BYTES, isDeleteAgg) == 0;
if (!isDelete) {
deleteCF = scan.getAttribute(DELETE_CF);
deleteCQ = scan.getAttribute(DELETE_CQ);
emptyCF = scan.getAttribute(EMPTY_CF);
int batchSize = 0;
long ts = scan.getTimeRange().getMax();
HRegion region = c.getEnvironment().getRegion();
List<Pair<Mutation,Integer>> mutations = Collections.emptyList();
if (isDelete || isUpsert || (deleteCQ != null && deleteCF != null) || emptyCF != null) {
// TODO: size better
mutations = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(1024);
batchSize = c.getEnvironment().getConfiguration().getInt(MUTATE_BATCH_SIZE_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MUTATE_BATCH_SIZE);
Aggregators aggregators = ServerAggregators.deserialize(
scan.getAttribute(GroupedAggregateRegionObserver.AGGREGATORS), c.getEnvironment().getConfiguration());
Aggregator[] rowAggregators = aggregators.getAggregators();
boolean hasMore;
boolean hasAny = false;
MultiKeyValueTuple result = new MultiKeyValueTuple();
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Starting ungrouped coprocessor scan " + scan);
long rowCount = 0;
try {
do {
List<KeyValue> results = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
// Results are potentially returned even when the return value of is false
// since this is an indication of whether or not there are more values after the
// ones returned
hasMore = innerScanner.nextRaw(results, null);
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
try {
if (isDelete) {
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // FIXME: Remove when unintentionally deprecated method is fixed (HBASE-7870).
// FIXME: the version of the Delete constructor without the lock args was introduced
// in 0.94.4, thus if we try to use it here we can no longer use the 0.94.2 version
// of the client.
Delete delete = new Delete(results.get(0).getRow(),ts,null);
mutations.add(new Pair<Mutation,Integer>(delete,null));
} else if (isUpsert) {
Arrays.fill(values, null);
int i = 0;
List<PColumn> projectedColumns = projectedTable.getColumns();
for (; i < projectedTable.getPKColumns().size(); i++) {
Expression expression = selectExpressions.get(i);
if (expression.evaluate(result, ptr)) {
values[i] = ptr.copyBytes();
// If ColumnModifier from expression in SELECT doesn't match the
// column being projected into then invert the bits.
if (expression.getColumnModifier() != projectedColumns.get(i).getColumnModifier()) {
ColumnModifier.SORT_DESC.apply(values[i], 0, values[i], 0, values[i].length);
projectedTable.newKey(ptr, values);
PRow row = projectedTable.newRow(kvBuilder, ts, ptr);
for (; i < projectedColumns.size(); i++) {
Expression expression = selectExpressions.get(i);
if (expression.evaluate(result, ptr)) {
PColumn column = projectedColumns.get(i);
byte[] bytes = ptr.copyBytes();