ColumnRef columnRef = null;
try {
columnRef = resolver.resolveColumn(null, column.getFamilyName(), column.getColumnName());
} catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {
if (statement.ifExists()) {
return new MutationState(0,connection);
throw e;
tableRef = columnRef.getTableRef();
PColumn columnToDrop = columnRef.getColumn();
if (SchemaUtil.isPKColumn(columnToDrop)) {
throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.CANNOT_DROP_PK)
columnsToDrop.add(new ColumnRef(tableRef, columnToDrop.getPosition()));
dropColumnMutations(table, tableColumnsToDrop, tableMetaData);
for (PTable index : table.getIndexes()) {
List<PColumn> indexColumnsToDrop = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(columnRefs.size());
for(PColumn columnToDrop : tableColumnsToDrop) {
String indexColumnName = IndexUtil.getIndexColumnName(columnToDrop);
try {
PColumn indexColumn = index.getColumn(indexColumnName);
if (SchemaUtil.isPKColumn(indexColumn)) {
indexesToDrop.add(new TableRef(index));
} else {
columnsToDrop.add(new ColumnRef(tableRef, columnToDrop.getPosition()));
} catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {
if(!indexColumnsToDrop.isEmpty()) {
incrementTableSeqNum(index, index.getType(), -1);
dropColumnMutations(index, indexColumnsToDrop, tableMetaData);
long seqNum = incrementTableSeqNum(table, statement.getTableType(), -1);
// Force table header to be first in list
* Ensure our "empty column family to be" exists. Somewhat of an edge case, but can occur if we drop the last column
* in a column family that was the empty column family. In that case, we have to pick another one. If there are no other
* ones, then we need to create our default empty column family. Note that this may no longer be necessary once we
* support declaring what the empty column family is on a table, as:
* - If you declare it, we'd just ensure it's created at DDL time and never switch what it is unless you change it
* - If you don't declare it, we can just continue to use the old empty column family in this case, dynamically updating
* the empty column family name on the PTable.
for (ColumnRef columnRefToDrop : columnsToDrop) {
PTable tableContainingColumnToDrop = columnRefToDrop.getTable();
byte[] emptyCF = getNewEmptyColumnFamilyOrNull(tableContainingColumnToDrop, columnRefToDrop.getColumn());
if (emptyCF != null) {
try {
} catch (ColumnFamilyNotFoundException e) {
// Only if it's not already a column family do we need to ensure it's created
List<Pair<byte[],Map<String,Object>>> family = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(1);
family.add(new Pair<byte[],Map<String,Object>>(emptyCF,Collections.<String,Object>emptyMap()));
// Just use a Put without any key values as the Mutation, as addColumn will treat this specially
// TODO: pass through schema name and table name instead to these methods as it's cleaner
byte[] tenantIdBytes = connection.getTenantId() == null ? null : connection.getTenantId().getBytes();
if (tenantIdBytes == null) tenantIdBytes = ByteUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
Collections.<Mutation>singletonList(new Put(SchemaUtil.getTableKey
(tenantIdBytes, tableContainingColumnToDrop.getSchemaName().getBytes(),
MetaDataMutationResult result = connection.getQueryServices().dropColumn(tableMetaData, statement.getTableType());
try {
MutationCode code = processMutationResult(schemaName, tableName, result);
if (code == MutationCode.COLUMN_NOT_FOUND) {
if (!statement.ifExists()) {
throw new ColumnNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName, Bytes.toString(result.getFamilyName()), Bytes.toString(result.getColumnName()));
return new MutationState(0, connection);
// If we've done any index metadata updates, don't bother trying to update
// client-side cache as it would be too painful. Just let it pull it over from
// the server when needed.
if (columnsToDrop.size() > 0 && indexesToDrop.isEmpty()) {
for(PColumn columnToDrop : tableColumnsToDrop) {
connection.removeColumn(SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, tableName), columnToDrop.getFamilyName().getString() , columnToDrop.getName().getString(), result.getMutationTime(), seqNum);
// If we have a VIEW, then only delete the metadata, and leave the table data alone
if (table.getType() != PTableType.VIEW) {
MutationState state = null;
Long scn = connection.getSCN();
// Delete everything in the column. You'll still be able to do queries at earlier timestamps
long ts = (scn == null ? result.getMutationTime() : scn);
PostDDLCompiler compiler = new PostDDLCompiler(connection);
boolean dropMetaData = connection.getQueryServices().getProps().getBoolean(DROP_METADATA_ATTRIB, DEFAULT_DROP_METADATA);
// Drop any index tables that had the dropped column in the PK
connection.getQueryServices().updateData(compiler.compile(indexesToDrop, null, null, Collections.<PColumn>emptyList(), ts));
// Update empty key value column if necessary
for (ColumnRef droppedColumnRef : columnsToDrop) {
// Painful, but we need a TableRef with a pre-set timestamp to prevent attempts
// to get any updates from the region server.
// TODO: move this into PostDDLCompiler
// TODO: consider filtering mutable indexes here, but then the issue is that
// we'd need to force an update of the data row empty key value if a mutable
// secondary index is changing its empty key value family.
droppedColumnRef = new ColumnRef(droppedColumnRef, ts);
TableRef droppedColumnTableRef = droppedColumnRef.getTableRef();
PColumn droppedColumn = droppedColumnRef.getColumn();
MutationPlan plan = compiler.compile(
getNewEmptyColumnFamilyOrNull(droppedColumnTableRef.getTable(), droppedColumn),
state = connection.getQueryServices().updateData(plan);
// Return the last MutationState
return state;
return new MutationState(0, connection);
} catch (ConcurrentTableMutationException e) {
if (retried) {
throw e;
table = connection.getPMetaData().getTable(fullTableName);