
Examples of$NavigatorAdapter

     * @param feed feed to watch and change.
    private void showQueryFeedProperties(QueryFeed feed)
        GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;
        QueryFeedPropertiesDialog dialog =
            new QueryFeedPropertiesDialog(feed, controller.getMainFrame());

        // Read-in the properties
        String title = feed.getBaseTitle();
        QueryType queryType = feed.getQueryType();
        int purgeLimit = feed.getPurgeLimit();
        String parameter = feed.getParameter();

        boolean dedupEnabled = feed.isDedupEnabled();
        int dedupFrom = feed.getDedupFrom();
        int dedupTo = feed.getDedupTo();

        // Show dialog and check if something has been changed and accepted
        if (queryType == null)
        } else if (, queryType, purgeLimit, parameter, dedupEnabled, dedupFrom, dedupTo))
            // Accepted
            boolean dedupChanged = feed.setDedupProperties(dialog.isDedupEnabled(),
                dialog.getDedupFrom(), dialog.getDedupTo());
            boolean paramChanged = feed.changeParameter(dialog.getFeedParameter());

            if (paramChanged) controller.getPoller().update(feed, true, true); else
            if (dedupChanged) feed.reviewArticles();
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     * @param event original event object.
    protected void doAction(ActionEvent event)
        GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;
        final MainFrame mainFrame = controller.getMainFrame();
        final GlobalModel model = controller.getModel();
        new BlogStarzDialog(mainFrame, model).open();
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     * @param aFeed feed object to change.
    private void showDirectFeedProperties(final DirectFeed aFeed)
        GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;

        boolean badFeed = aFeed.isInvalid() && !aFeed.isInitialized();

        // Record current XML URL
        URL xmlURL = badFeed ? aFeed.getXmlURL() : null;

        // Show dialog
        DirectFeedPropertiesDialog dialog =
            new DirectFeedPropertiesDialog(controller.getMainFrame(), aFeed);;

        // Compare new XML URL to that
        URL newXmlURL = aFeed.getXmlURL();
        boolean xmlUrlChanged = (xmlURL == null
            ? newXmlURL != null
            : !xmlURL.toString().equals(newXmlURL.toString()));

        // If the feed is bad (is not initialized even once) and URL changed
        // then we remove it and add new feed with the given XML URL
        if (badFeed && xmlUrlChanged)
            GuidesSet set = controller.getModel().getGuidesSet();
            DirectFeed existingFeed = set.findDirectFeed(newXmlURL);

            if (existingFeed != null)
                GuidesSet.replaceFeed(aFeed, existingFeed);
            } else

                FeedMetaDataHolder holder = aFeed.getMetaDataHolder();

                // XML URL has changed -- suggest XML URL if it's not local
                if (xmlURL != null && !MDDiscoveryRequest.isLocalURL(newXmlURL))
                    ServerService.metaSuggestFeedUrl(xmlURL.toString(), newXmlURL.toString());

                // set newly discovered URL and mark the data as no longer invalid

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     * @return <code>TRUE</code> if action of this type is available.
    public boolean isAvailable()
        GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;
        GlobalModel model = controller.getModel();
        FeatureManager fm = controller.getFeatureManager();

        boolean ptbEnabled = fm.isPtbEnabled();
        boolean articleSelected = model.getSelectedArticle() != null;
        boolean manyArticlesSelected = articleSelected && model.getSelectedArticles().length > 1;
        boolean blogRecordsPresent = model.getUserPreferences().getBloggingPreferences().getBlogsCount() > 0;
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    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        if (GlobalController.SINGLETON.checkForNewSubscription()) return;

        GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;

        // Check the clippoard for URL if it's not specified
        String url = takeURLFromClipboardIfPresent();

        IFeed feed = controller.createDirectFeed(url, true);
        if (feed != null)
            IGuide selectedGuide = controller.getModel().getSelectedGuide();
            if (!feed.belongsTo(selectedGuide))
                IGuide[] guides = feed.getParentGuides();
                IGuide guide = guides.length > 0 ? guides[0] : null;
                if (guide != null) controller.selectGuide(guide, false);
            controller.selectFeed(feed, true);
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            HotResultItem item = (HotResultItem)o;
            String link = item.getHotlink();
            IArticle article = item.getArticle();

            GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;
            controller.selectArticle(article, link);
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     * @param aLink link.
    public static void setLink(URL aLink)
        GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;
        GuidesSet set = controller.getModel().getGuidesSet();

        getInstance().link = aLink;
        getInstance().setEnabled(set.findDirectFeed(aLink) == null);
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     * @param e action event details object.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        final GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;

        if (hoveredFeed != null)
            // EDT !!!
            IGuide[] guides = hoveredFeed.getParentGuides();
            if (guides.length != 0)
                controller.selectGuide(GlobalController.chooseBestGuide(guides), false);
                controller.selectFeed(hoveredFeed, true);
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    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        if (GlobalController.SINGLETON.checkForNewSubscription()) return;

        GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;
        MainFrame mainFrame = controller.getMainFrame();
        AddSmartFeedDialog dialog = new AddSmartFeedDialog(mainFrame);;

        if (!dialog.hasBeenCanceled())
            IFeed feed;
            String title = dialog.getFeedTitle();
            int purgeLimit = dialog.getFeedArticlesLimit();

            int from = dialog.getDedupFrom();
            int to = dialog.getDedupTo();
            boolean isDedup = dialog.isDedupEnabled();

            if (dialog.isQueryFeed())
                int queryType = dialog.getFeedQueryType();
                String parameter = dialog.getFeedParameter();

                QueryFeed qfeed = controller.createQueryFeed(null, title, queryType, parameter, purgeLimit);
                if (qfeed != null) qfeed.setDedupProperties(isDedup, from, to);
                feed = qfeed;
            } else
                Query searchQuery = dialog.getFeedSearchQuery();
                SearchFeed sfeed = controller.createSearchFeed(null, title, searchQuery, purgeLimit);
                if (sfeed != null) sfeed.setDedupProperties(isDedup, from, to, false);
                feed = sfeed;

            if (feed != null)

                controller.selectFeed(feed, true);
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     * @param e action event details object.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        GlobalController controller = GlobalController.SINGLETON;
        IFeedDisplay feedDisplay = controller.getMainFrame().getArticlesListPanel().getFeedView();

        GlobalModel model = GlobalModel.SINGLETON;
        final IArticle selectedArticle = model.getSelectedArticle();

        boolean articleWasSelected = feedDisplay.selectPreviousArticle(INavigationModes.MODE_UNREAD);
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