if (m instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression) {
Tree.BaseMemberExpression bme = (Tree.BaseMemberExpression) m;
// Declaration member = getTypedDeclaration(bme.getScope(),
// name(bme.getIdentifier()), null, false, bme.getUnit());
Declaration member = bme.getDeclaration();
if (member==declaration) {
if ((declaration.isFormal() || declaration.isDefault()) &&
!isForwardReferenceable()) {
//TODO: is this error correct?! look at the condition above
bme.addError("member is formal and may not be specified: '" +
member.getName() + "' is declared formal");
if (that.getRefinement()) {
Tree.SpecifierExpression se = that.getSpecifierExpression();
boolean lazy = se instanceof Tree.LazySpecifierExpression;
if (declaration instanceof Value) {
Value value = (Value) declaration;
if (!value.isVariable() &&
lazy!=value.isTransient()) {
// check that all assignments to a non-variable, in
// different paths of execution, all use the same
// kind of specifier, all =>, or all =
// TODO: sometimes this error appears only because
// of a later line which illegally reassigns
se.addError("value must be specified using => lazy specifier: '" +
member.getName() + "'");
if (lazy) {
if (value.isVariable()) {
se.addError("variable value may not be specified using => lazy specifier: '" +
member.getName() + "'");
else if (value.isLate()) {
se.addError("late reference may not be specified using => lazy specifier: '" +
member.getName() + "'");
if (!lazy || !parameterized) {
boolean constant = !isVariable() && !isLate();
if (constant && !declaration.isDefinedInScope(that.getScope())) {
//this error is added by ExpressionVisitor
// that.addError("inherited member is not variable and may not be specified here: '" +
// member.getName() + "'");
else if (!declared && constant) {
bme.addError(shortdesc() +
" is not yet declared: '" +
member.getName() + "'");
else if (inLoop && constant &&
!(endsInBreakReturnThrow && lastContinue==null)) {
if (specified.definitely) {
bme.addError(longdesc() +
" is aready definitely specified: '" +
member.getName() + "'", 803);
else {
bme.addError(longdesc() +
" is not definitely unspecified in loop: '" +
member.getName() + "'", 803);
else if (withinDeclaration && constant &&
!that.getRefinement()) {
Declaration dec = getContainingDeclarationOfScope(that.getScope());
if (dec!=null && dec.equals(member)) {
bme.addError("cannot specify " + shortdesc() +
" from within its own body: '" + member.getName() + "'");
else {
bme.addError("cannot specify " + shortdesc() +