return null;
// only try to find better if we're erasing to Object and we're not returning a type param
|| isWideningTypeArguments(decl.getType(), modelRefinedDecl.getType(), true)
&& !isTypeParameter(typedReference.getType())){
ClassOrInterface declaringType = (ClassOrInterface) qualifyingDeclaration;
Set<TypedDeclaration> refinedMembers = getRefinedMembers(declaringType, decl.getName(),
com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Util.getSignature(decl), false);
// now we must select a different refined declaration if we refine it more than once
if(refinedMembers.size() > (forMixinMethod ? 0 : 1)){
// first case
for(TypedDeclaration refinedDecl : refinedMembers){
// get the type reference to see if any eventual type param is instantiated in our inheritance of this type/method
ProducedTypedReference refinedTypedReference = getRefinedTypedReference(typedReference, refinedDecl);
// if it is not instantiated, that's the one we're looking for
return refinedTypedReference;
// second case
for(TypedDeclaration refinedDecl : refinedMembers){
// get the type reference to see if any eventual type param is instantiated in our inheritance of this type/method
ProducedTypedReference refinedTypedReference = getRefinedTypedReference(typedReference, refinedDecl);
// if we're not erasing this one to Object let's select it
if(!willEraseToObject(refinedTypedReference.getType()) && !isWideningTypeArguments(refinedDecl.getType(), modelRefinedDecl.getType(), true))
return refinedTypedReference;
// third case
// it can happen that we have inherited a method twice from a single refined declaration
// via different supertype instantiations, without having ever refined them in supertypes
// so we try each super type to see if we already have a matching typed reference
// first super type
ProducedType extendedType = declaringType.getExtendedType();
if(extendedType != null){
ProducedTypedReference refinedTypedReference = getRefinedTypedReference(extendedType, modelRefinedDecl);
ProducedType refinedType = refinedTypedReference.getType();
&& !willEraseToObject(refinedType))
return refinedTypedReference;
// then satisfied interfaces
for(ProducedType satisfiedType : declaringType.getSatisfiedTypes()){
ProducedTypedReference refinedTypedReference = getRefinedTypedReference(satisfiedType, modelRefinedDecl);
ProducedType refinedType = refinedTypedReference.getType();
&& !willEraseToObject(refinedType))
return refinedTypedReference;