Package com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.types

Examples of com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.types.Range$IntervalRangeIterator

        Locator locator = Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents("12345", "test", "full", "read", "put");
        IMetric metric = new PreaggregatedMetric(ts, locator, ttl, simple);

        writer.insertMetrics(Lists.newArrayList(metric), CassandraModel.CF_METRICS_PREAGGREGATED_FULL);
        Points<TimerRollup> points = PreaggregatedMetricsIntegrationTest.getTimerDataToRoll(reader, locator, new Range(ts, ts+1), Granularity.FULL);

        Assert.assertEquals(1, points.getPoints().size());
        Assert.assertEquals(metric.getMetricValue(), points.getPoints().get(ts).getData());
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        IMetric metric = new PreaggregatedMetric(ts, locator, ttl, simple);
        writer.insertMetrics(Lists.newArrayList(metric), CassandraModel.CF_METRICS_PREAGGREGATED_FULL);
        // read the raw data.
        Points<TimerRollup> points = PreaggregatedMetricsIntegrationTest.getTimerDataToRoll(reader, locator, new Range(ts, ts+1), Granularity.FULL);
        Assert.assertEquals(1, points.getPoints().size());
        // create the rollup
        final TimerRollup rollup = TimerRollup.buildRollupFromTimerRollups(points);
        // should be the same as simple
        Assert.assertEquals(simple, rollup);
        // assemble it into points, but give it a new timestamp.
        points = new Points<TimerRollup>() {{
            add(new Point<TimerRollup>(rollupTs, rollup));
        List<IMetric> toWrite = toIMetricsList(locator, points);
        writer.insertMetrics(toWrite, CassandraModel.CF_METRICS_PREAGGREGATED_5M);
        // we should be able to read that now.
        Points<TimerRollup> rollups5m = reader.getDataToRoll(TimerRollup.class, locator, new Range(rollupTs, rollupTs+1), CassandraModel.CF_METRICS_PREAGGREGATED_5M);
        Assert.assertEquals(1, rollups5m.getPoints().size());
        TimerRollup rollup5m = rollups5m.getPoints().values().iterator().next().getData();
        // rollups should be identical since one is just a coarse rollup of the other.
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        // put it
        writer.insertMetrics(Lists.newArrayList(metric), CassandraModel.CF_METRICS_PREAGGREGATED_FULL);
        // read it quickly.
        Points<TimerRollup> points = PreaggregatedMetricsIntegrationTest.getTimerDataToRoll(reader, locator, new Range(ts, ts+1), Granularity.FULL);
        Assert.assertEquals(1, points.getPoints().size());
        // let it time out.
        // ensure it is gone.
        points = PreaggregatedMetricsIntegrationTest.getTimerDataToRoll(reader, locator, new Range(ts, ts+1), Granularity.FULL);
        Assert.assertEquals(0, points.getPoints().size());
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        System.out.println("Locator: " + locator + ", from: " + from + ", to: "
                + to + ", resolution: " + gran.shortName());

        MetricData data = reader.getDatapointsForRange(locator, new Range(from, to), gran);
        Map<Long, Points.Point> points = data.getData().getPoints();
        for (Map.Entry<Long, Points.Point> item : points.entrySet()) {
            String output = String.format("Timestamp: %d, Data: %s, Unit: %s", item.getKey(), item.getValue().getData().toString(), data.getUnit());
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    public void run() {
        final Timer.Context timerCtx = rollupLocatorExecuteTimer.time();
        final Granularity gran = Granularity.granularityFromKey(parentSlotKey);
        final int parentSlot = Granularity.slotFromKey(parentSlotKey);
        final int shard = Granularity.shardFromKey(parentSlotKey);
        final Range parentRange = gran.deriveRange(parentSlot, serverTime);

        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error("No finer granularity available than " + gran);

        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("Getting locators for {} {} @ {}", new Object[]{parentSlotKey, parentRange.toString(), scheduleCtx.getCurrentTimeMillis()});
        // todo: I can see this set becoming a memory hog.  There might be a better way of doing this.
        long waitStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int rollCount = 0;

        final RollupExecutionContext executionContext = new RollupExecutionContext(Thread.currentThread());
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        Granularity gran = Granularity.MIN_20;
        Range range = new Range(gran.snapMillis(baseMillis), baseMillis + 86400000);

        final List<Locator> tooManyLocators = new ArrayList<Locator>();
        // generate arbitrarily large number of locators so we slow down the query so we can test a timeout
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
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Related Classes of com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.types.Range$IntervalRangeIterator

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