Package com.persistit.exception

Examples of com.persistit.exception.InUseException


    void truncate() throws PersistitException {
        if (!claim(true, 0)) {
            throw new InUseException("Unable to acquire claim on " + this);
        try {
        } finally {
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    void readPage(final Buffer buffer) throws PersistitIOException, InvalidPageAddressException, VolumeClosedException,
            InUseException, PersistitInterruptedException {
        // non-exclusive claim here intended to conflict with exclusive claim in
        // close and truncate
        if (!claim(false, 0)) {
            throw new InUseException("Unable to acquire claim on " + this);
        try {
            final long page = buffer.getPageAddress();
            if (page < 1 || page >= _nextAvailablePage) {
                throw new InvalidPageAddressException("Page " + page + " out of bounds [0-" + _nextAvailablePage + "]");
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            ReadOnlyVolumeException, VolumeClosedException, InUseException, PersistitInterruptedException {
        // non-exclusive claim here intended to conflict with exclusive claim in
        // close and truncate
        final int pageSize = _volume.getStructure().getPageSize();
        if (!claim(false, 0)) {
            throw new InUseException("Unable to acquire claim on " + this);
        try {
            if (page < 0 || page >= _nextAvailablePage) {
                throw new InvalidPageAddressException("Page " + page + " out of bounds [0-" + _nextAvailablePage + "]");
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            messageStart = "  Tree " + resourceName(tree);
        final Counters treeCounters = new Counters(_counters);
        int faults = _faults.size();
        if (!tree.claim(true)) {
            throw new InUseException("Unable to acquire claim on " + this);
        try {
            try {
                checkTree(new Key(_persistit), 0, tree.getRootPageAddr(), _treeDepth - 1, tree);
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                        assert !buffer.isOwnedAsWriterByOther();
                        return buffer;
                    } else {
                        throw new InUseException("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " failed to acquire "
                                + (writer ? "writer" : "reader") + " claim on " + buffer);
                } else if (claimed) {
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        int currentLevel;
        int foundAt = -1;

        if (!_treeHolder.claim(false)) {
            throw new InUseException("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " failed to get reader claim on "
                    + _tree);

        long pageAddress = _tree.getRootPageAddr();
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                if (treeClaimRequired && !treeClaimAcquired) {
                    if (!_treeHolder.claim(treeWriterClaimRequired)) {
                        throw new InUseException("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " failed to get "
                                + (treeWriterClaimRequired ? "writer" : "reader") + " claim on " + _tree);
                    treeClaimAcquired = true;

                final List<PrunedVersion> prunedVersions = new ArrayList<PrunedVersion>();

                try {
                    if (level >= _cacheDepth) {
                        Debug.$assert0.t(level == _cacheDepth);
                        // Need to lock the tree because we may need to change
                        // its root.
                        if (!treeClaimAcquired || !_treeHolder.upgradeClaim()) {
                            treeClaimRequired = true;
                            treeWriterClaimRequired = true;
                            throw RetryException.SINGLE;

                        Debug.$assert0.t(valueToStore.getPointerValue() > 0);
                        insertIndexLevel(key, valueToStore);
                        break mainRetryLoop;

                    Debug.$assert0.t(buffer == null);
                    int foundAt = -1;
                    final LevelCache lc = _levelCache[level];
                    buffer = quicklyReclaimBuffer(lc, true);

                    if (buffer != null) {
                        // Start by assuming cached value is okay
                        foundAt = findKey(buffer, key, lc);

                        if (buffer.isBeforeLeftEdge(foundAt) || buffer.isAfterRightEdge(foundAt)) {
                            buffer = null;

                    if (buffer == null) {
                        foundAt = searchTree(key, level, true);
                        buffer = lc._buffer;

                    Debug.$assert0.t(buffer != null && (buffer.getStatus() & SharedResource.WRITER_MASK) != 0
                            && (buffer.getStatus() & SharedResource.CLAIMED_MASK) != 0);

                    boolean didPrune = false;
                    boolean splitRequired = false;

                    if (buffer.isDataPage()) {
                        keyExisted = (foundAt & EXACT_MASK) != 0;
                        if (keyExisted) {
                            oldLongRecordPointer = buffer.fetchLongRecordPointer(foundAt);

                        if (doFetch || doMVCC) {
                            buffer.fetch(foundAt, spareValue);
                            if (oldLongRecordPointer != 0) {
                                if (isLongMVV(spareValue)) {
                                    oldLongRecordPointerMVV = oldLongRecordPointer;
                                    fetchFixupForLongRecords(spareValue, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                             * If it was a long MVV we saved it into the
                             * variable above. Otherwise it is a primordial
                             * value that we can't get rid of.
                            oldLongRecordPointer = 0;

                            if (doFetch) {
                                fetchFromValueInternal(_spareValue, Integer.MAX_VALUE, buffer);

                        if (doMVCC) {
                            valueToStore = spareValue;
                            final int valueSize = value.getEncodedSize();
                            int retries = VERSIONS_OUT_OF_ORDER_RETRY_COUNT;

                            for (;;) {
                                try {
                                     * If key didn't exist the value is truly
                                     * non-existent and not just undefined/zero
                                     * length
                                    byte[] spareBytes = spareValue.getEncodedBytes();
                                    int spareSize;
                                    if (keyExisted) {
                                        spareSize = MVV.prune(spareBytes, 0, spareValue.getEncodedSize(),
                                                _persistit.getTransactionIndex(), false, prunedVersions);
                                    } else {
                                        spareSize = -1;

                                    final TransactionStatus tStatus = _transaction.getTransactionStatus();
                                    final int tStep = _transaction.getStep();

                                    if ((options & StoreOptions.ONLY_IF_VISIBLE) != 0) {
                                         * Could be single visit of all versions
                                         * but current TI would still require
                                         * calls to both commitStatus() and
                                         * wwDependency()
                                        _mvvVisitor.initInternal(tStatus, tStep, MvvVisitor.Usage.FETCH);
                                        MVV.visitAllVersions(_mvvVisitor, spareBytes, 0, spareSize);
                                        final int offset = _mvvVisitor.getOffset();
                                        if (!_mvvVisitor.foundVersion()
                                                || (_mvvVisitor.getLength() > 0 && spareBytes[offset] == MVV.TYPE_ANTIVALUE)) {
                                            // Completely done, nothing to store
                                            keyExisted = false;
                                            break mainRetryLoop;

                                    // Visit all versions for ww detection
                                    _mvvVisitor.initInternal(tStatus, tStep, MvvVisitor.Usage.STORE);
                                    MVV.visitAllVersions(_mvvVisitor, spareBytes, 0, spareSize);

                                    final int mvvSize = MVV.estimateRequiredLength(spareBytes, spareSize, valueSize);
                                    spareBytes = spareValue.getEncodedBytes();

                                    final long versionHandle = TransactionIndex.tss2vh(
                                            _transaction.getStartTimestamp(), tStep);
                                    int storedLength = MVV.storeVersion(spareBytes, 0, spareSize, spareBytes.length,
                                            versionHandle, value.getEncodedBytes(), 0, valueSize);

                                    incrementMVVCount = (storedLength & MVV.STORE_EXISTED_MASK) == 0;
                                    storedLength &= MVV.STORE_LENGTH_MASK;

                                    Debug.$assert0.t(MVV.verify(_persistit.getTransactionIndex(), spareBytes, 0,

                                    if (spareValue.getEncodedSize() > maxSimpleValueSize) {
                                        newLongRecordPointerMVV = getLongRecordHelper().storeLongRecord(spareValue,
                                } catch (final VersionsOutOfOrderException e) {
                                    if (--retries <= 0) {
                                        throw e;

                    Debug.$assert0.t(valueToStore.getEncodedSize() <= maxSimpleValueSize);

                    splitRequired = putLevel(lc, key, _rawValueWriter, buffer, foundAt, treeClaimAcquired);

                    Debug.$assert0.t((buffer.getStatus() & SharedResource.WRITER_MASK) != 0
                            && (buffer.getStatus() & SharedResource.CLAIMED_MASK) != 0);
                    // If a split is required but treeClaimAcquired is false
                    // then putLevel did not change anything. It just backed out
                    // so we can repeat after acquiring the claim. We need to
                    // repeat this after acquiring a tree claim.
                    if (splitRequired && !treeClaimAcquired) {
                        if (!didPrune && buffer.isDataPage()) {
                            didPrune = true;
                            if (buffer.pruneMvvValues(_tree, false)) {
                        // TODO - is it worth it to try an instantaneous claim
                        // and retry?
                        treeClaimRequired = true;
                        buffer = null;
                    // The value has been written to the buffer and the
                    // buffer is reserved and dirty. No backing out now.
                    // If we made it to here, any LONG_RECORD value is
                    // committed.
                    if (buffer.isDataPage()) {
                        if (!keyExisted) {
                        assert buffer.isDirty() : "Buffer must be dirty";
                        committed = true;
                        if (incrementMVVCount) {
                        Buffer.deallocatePrunedVersions(_persistit, _volume, prunedVersions);

                    buffer = null;

                    if (!splitRequired) {
                        // No split means we're totally done.
                    } else {
                        // Otherwise we need to index the new right
                        // sibling at the next higher index level.
                        Debug.$assert0.t(valueToStore.getPointerValue() > 0);
                        // This maneuver sets key to the key value of
                        // the first record in the newly inserted page.
                        key = _spareKey1;
                        _spareKey1 = _spareKey2;
                        _spareKey2 = key;
                        // Bump key generation because it no longer matches
                        // what's in the LevelCache
                        // And now cycle back to insert the key/pointer pair
                        // into the next higher index level.

                } catch (final WWRetryException re) {
                    if (buffer != null) {
                        buffer = null;
                    if (treeClaimAcquired) {
                        treeClaimAcquired = false;
                    try {
                        final long depends = _persistit.getTransactionIndex().wwDependency(re.getVersionHandle(),
                        // TODO - timeout?
                                _transaction.getTransactionStatus(), SharedResource.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_TIME);
                        if (depends != 0 && depends != TransactionStatus.ABORTED) {
                            // version is from concurrent txn that already
                            // committed
                            // or timed out waiting to see. Either
                            // way, must abort.
                            throw new RollbackException();
                    } catch (final InterruptedException ie) {
                        throw new PersistitInterruptedException(ie);
                } catch (final RetryException re) {
                    if (buffer != null) {
                        buffer = null;

                    if (treeClaimAcquired) {
                        treeClaimAcquired = false;
                    final boolean doWait = (options & StoreOptions.WAIT) != 0;
                    treeClaimAcquired = _treeHolder.claim(true, doWait ? SharedResource.DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_TIME : 0);
                    if (!treeClaimAcquired) {
                        if (!doWait) {
                            throw re;
                        } else {
                            throw new InUseException("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                                    + " failed to get reader claim on " + _tree);
                } finally {
                    if (buffer != null) {
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                     * search. The tree must be latched.
                    if (!treeClaimAcquired) {
                        if (!_treeHolder.claim(treeWriterClaimRequired)) {
                            throw new InUseException("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                                    + " failed to get writer claim on " + _tree);
                        treeClaimAcquired = true;
                    // Need to redo this check now that we have a
                    // claim on the Tree.

                    long pageAddr1 = _tree.getRootPageAddr();
                    long pageAddr2 = pageAddr1;

                    for (int level = _cacheDepth; --level >= 0;) {
                        final LevelCache lc = _levelCache[level];
                        depth = level;

                        final int foundAt1 = searchLevel(key1, true, pageAddr1, level, true);
                        int foundAt2 = -1;

                        // Note: this buffer now has a writer claim on it.
                        Buffer buffer = lc._buffer;
                        lc._flags |= LEFT_CLAIMED;

                        lc._leftBuffer = buffer;
                        lc._leftFoundAt = foundAt1;
                        boolean samePage = pageAddr2 == pageAddr1;

                        if (samePage) {
                            foundAt2 = buffer.findKey(key2);

                            if (!buffer.isAfterRightEdge(foundAt2)) {
                                lc._rightBuffer = buffer;
                                lc._rightFoundAt = foundAt2;
                            } else {
                                pageAddr2 = buffer.getRightSibling();
                                samePage = false;
                        if (!samePage) {
                            // Since we are spanning pages we need an
                            // exclusive claim on the tree to prevent
                            // an insertion from propagating upward through
                            // the deletion range.
                            if (!treeWriterClaimRequired) {
                                treeWriterClaimRequired = true;
                                if (!_treeHolder.upgradeClaim()) {
                                    throw RetryException.SINGLE;

                            foundAt2 = searchLevel(key2, false, pageAddr2, level, true);

                            buffer = lc._buffer;
                            lc._flags |= RIGHT_CLAIMED;
                            lc._rightBuffer = buffer;
                            lc._rightFoundAt = foundAt2;
                            pageAddr2 = buffer.getPageAddress();

                        if (lc._leftBuffer.isIndexPage()) {
                            Debug.$assert0.t(lc._rightBuffer.isIndexPage() && depth > 0);
                            // Come down to the left of the key.
                            final int p1 = lc._leftBuffer.previousKeyBlock(foundAt1);
                            final int p2 = lc._rightBuffer.previousKeyBlock(foundAt2);

                            Debug.$assert0.t(p1 != -1 && p2 != -1);
                            pageAddr1 = lc._leftBuffer.getPointer(p1);
                            pageAddr2 = lc._rightBuffer.getPointer(p2);

                        } else {
                            Debug.$assert0.t(depth == 0);

                    LevelCache lc = _levelCache[0];
                    if (removeOnlyAntiValue
                            & !isKeyRangeAntiValue(lc._leftBuffer, lc._leftFoundAt, lc._rightBuffer, lc._rightFoundAt)) {
                        result = false;

                    if (fetchFirst) {
                        removeFetchFirst(lc._leftBuffer, lc._leftFoundAt, lc._rightBuffer, lc._rightFoundAt);
                    // We have fully delineated the subtree that
                    // needs to be removed. Now walk down the tree,
                    // stitching together the pages where necessary.

                    final long timestamp = timestamp();
                    for (int level = _cacheDepth; --level >= 0;) {
                        lc = _levelCache[level];
                        final Buffer buffer1 = lc._leftBuffer;
                        final Buffer buffer2 = lc._rightBuffer;
                        int foundAt1 = lc._leftFoundAt;
                        int foundAt2 = lc._rightFoundAt;
                        foundAt1 &= P_MASK;
                        foundAt2 &= P_MASK;

                        boolean needsReindex = false;
                        if (buffer1 != buffer2) {
                            // Deletion spans multiple pages at this level.
                            // We will need to join or rebalance the pages.
                            final long leftGarbagePage = buffer1.getRightSibling();

                            // Before we remove the records in this range, we
                            // need to recover any LONG_RECORD pointers that
                            // are associated with keys in this range.
                            _volume.getStructure().harvestLongRecords(buffer1, foundAt1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                            _volume.getStructure().harvestLongRecords(buffer2, 0, foundAt2);

                            Debug.$assert0.t(_tree.isOwnedAsWriterByMe() && buffer1.isOwnedAsWriterByMe()
                                    && buffer2.isOwnedAsWriterByMe());
                            boolean rebalanced = false;
                            try {
                                rebalanced = buffer1.join(buffer2, foundAt1, foundAt2, _spareKey1, _spareKey2,
                            } catch (final RebalanceException rbe) {
                            if (buffer1.isDataPage()) {


                            final long rightGarbagePage = buffer1.getRightSibling();

                            if (rightGarbagePage != leftGarbagePage) {
                                // here we just remember the page boundaries
                                // that will need to be deallocated.
                                lc._deallocLeftPage = leftGarbagePage;
                                lc._deallocRightPage = rightGarbagePage;
                                deallocationRequired = true;

                            if (rebalanced) {
                                // If the join operation was not able to
                                // coalesce the two pages into one, then we need
                                // to re-index the new first key of the second
                                // page.
                                // We have either a quick way to do this or a
                                // more complex way. If there is a single parent
                                // page in the index for the two re-balanced
                                // pages, and if the key to be reinserted fits
                                // in that parent page, then all we need to do
                                // is insert it. Otherwise, we will need to
                                // split the page above us, and that will
                                // potentially result in additional buffer
                                // reservations. Because that could force a
                                // retry at a bad time, in that case we defer
                                // the re-insertion of the index key until
                                // after all the current claims are released.
                                needsReindex = true;
                                if (level < _cacheDepth - 1) {
                                    final LevelCache parentLc = _levelCache[level + 1];
                                    final Buffer buffer = parentLc._leftBuffer;

                                    Debug.$assert0.t(buffer != null);
                                    if (parentLc._rightBuffer == buffer) {
                                        final int foundAt = buffer.findKey(_spareKey1);
                                        Debug.$assert0.t((foundAt & EXACT_MASK) == 0);
                                        // Try it the simple way
                                        final int fit = buffer.putValue(_spareKey1, _rawValueWriter, foundAt, false);

                                        // If it worked then we're done.
                                        if (fit != -1) {
                                            needsReindex = false;
                                if (needsReindex) {

                                    storeInternal(_spareKey2, _value, level + 1, StoreOptions.NONE);
                                    needsReindex = false;

                            result = true;
                        } else if (foundAt1 != foundAt2) {
                            Debug.$assert0.t(foundAt2 > foundAt1);
                            // Before we remove these records, we need to
                            // recover any LONG_RECORD pointers that may be
                            // associated with keys in this range.
                            _volume.getStructure().harvestLongRecords(buffer1, foundAt1, foundAt2);
                            result |= buffer1.removeKeys(foundAt1, foundAt2, _spareKey1);
                            if (buffer1.isDataPage() && result) {

                        if (level < _cacheDepth - 1) {
                            removeKeyRangeReleaseLevel(level + 1);
                } catch (final RetryException re) {
                    // handled below by releasing claims and retrying
                } finally {
                    // Release all buffers.
                    for (int level = _cacheDepth; --level >= depth;) {

                    if (treeClaimAcquired) {
                        treeClaimAcquired = false;
                 * Having released all prior claims, now acquire an exclusive
                 * claim on the Tree.
                if (treeWriterClaimRequired) {
                    if (!_treeHolder.claim(true)) {
                        throw new InUseException("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                                + " failed to get reader claim on " + _tree);
                    treeClaimAcquired = true;
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            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't delete the Directory tree");

        if (!tree.claim(true)) {
            throw new InUseException("Unable to acquire writer claim on " + tree);

        final int treeDepth = tree.getDepth();
        final long treeRootPage = tree.getRootPageAddr();
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            messageStart = "  Tree " + resourceName(tree);
        final Counters treeCounters = new Counters(_counters);
        int faults = _faults.size();
        if (!tree.claim(true)) {
            throw new InUseException("Unable to acquire claim on " + this);
        try {
            try {
                checkTree(new Key(_persistit), 0, tree.getRootPageAddr(), _treeDepth - 1, tree);
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Related Classes of com.persistit.exception.InUseException

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